Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

827 Barna's Experience

"You don't have to pretend, I can see that there is a big difference between someone who fell asleep and someone who didn't.

Banner slowly opened his eyes, and yawned pretentiously, then asked them in a lazy tone why they were making noise for him to sleep.

"What was your idea of ​​coming here based on? It shouldn't be money."

Bana didn't say a word, and then wanted to continue to doze off. Qin Xiao thought of a good way to get him to tell the truth, and it took a short time.

"When this guy really falls asleep, I'll use Li Yi's Ability to sneak into his dream space."

Natasha Romanoff and the others don't know what the Ability is useful for, so out of caution, they want to ask whether the Ability is reliable or not.

"Don't worry, you'll be done after watching me operate in a while."

Natasha Romanoff and Liu Ji leaned against the corner. Liu Ji kept staring at Larry in order to prevent him from making any tricks. When he made a move, he would activate his Ability to restrain him.

"Don't stare at me like that. I'm embarrassed. Otherwise, I'll doze off too. You seem to be waiting for him to fall asleep."

Larry fell asleep on the table after speaking.

"Okay, everything is ready, I close my eyes, concentrate a little, and then I will be able to enter his dream space.

After Qin Xiao finished speaking, he went to Bana's dream and found Bana standing in a glacier.

Bana was walking slowly, his eyes were blank, like a zombie.

"Why is this guy's inner world so dark? No wonder Ability is like this, but where does his Ability come from?"

Qin Xiao walked over to take a closer look, but found that Bana had disappeared, and then heard a strange voice in his ear.

"Why do you want to enter here, don't you mean you are not afraid of the abyss deep in my heart?"

Qin Xiao turned his head and found that Bana's appearance had become extremely terrifying, but he was not frightened, because all this was just Bana's imagination.

"Now you should be honest, because I still have to ask something. If I continue to play tricks, I will directly destroy your dream space and force you to wake up. It will be torture and interrogation at that time."

Bana felt that his spirit was under control, and had been controlled by Qin Xiao.

0......seeking flowers.

"Now you have to answer truthfully every word I ask.

After Qin Xiao gave the order, Bana had to do the same. After grasping all the situations, Qin Xiao shook his head at Bana.

"It seems that you possessed this kind of ability when you were young, and you were arrested by HYDRA and these guys for experimentation, but in desperation, you became what you are now.


Now it's something related to HYDRA again, Qin Xiao now exited his dream space, and told Natasha Romanoff and the others about everything, and Larry was also eavesdropping.

"It turns out that this kid was forced to become an Ability. He originally only had this ability, but he forcibly modified his genes, so he became so powerful. "I almost took my benefits just now."

Natasha Romanoff hit Bana on the head with an electric baton. Although Bana looked reluctant, he was a little relieved to let others know about him.

"I think Bana's psychological shadow is HYDRA, so if he joins us, it's over? As long as he recognizes the gap between us, he can also dispel his fear of HYDRA."

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