During the process of Bana being knocked down, many images emerged in his mind, that is, all the things he did for this stone.

"There is a power in this stone, not very strong. As for why you want to get it so much, it really makes me a little hard to understand."

Qin Xiao threw the black stone into the air, trying to destroy it, but Bana grabbed Qin Xiao's hand.

"If you destroy him, my future will be over, because this stone has a contract with me.

Qin Xiao didn't understand why Bana had a contract with this stone 07, and now he has an idea to let Bana take this stone.

"Even if you give it to me, I can't escape now. You must think so. If you think so, it's really great."

Bana and the stone merged into one, and then the whole body changed, turning into a cloud of mist and dissipating in front of them.

"This way I can do better!"

Qin Xiao could already control the mist, and Bana's transformation into this form meant that Qin Xiao could already play with him in applause.

Qin Xiao originally wanted to control him directly, but he directly confronted Bana with another materialized object, but he didn't expect Bana to take the opportunity to escape.

"This is the end of being playful, what are you still doing?"

Now only Qin Xiao can catch him, so he will guard here with Natasha Romanoff and the others.

"This stone left Larry's room, and there should be some changes. As for why Bana has such a connection with this stone, you can investigate here."

Natasha Romanoff and Liu Ji nodded, and went to Larry's bedroom.

They searched the bottom up and found nothing, Liu Ji suggested to use his Ability to open up the floor and the ceiling, these hidden places.

"That's good, but don't just stand there, smash these things quickly, and don't need to put them aside. 11

Liu Ji felt that he should not be able to do it, so he raised his hands to express that he could not.

"Look carefully, there seems to be something buried under here."

Natasha Romanoff brushed the dust away, then pulled out a wooden box.

Liu Ji took the box, opened it with Ability, and took out a green stone from inside.

"Why does this guy always like to keep stones at home, and they are still some unusual stones. Could it be that these are meteorites? They must be expensive.

Natasha Romanoff plays with the green stone in her hand.

Liu Ji felt that the stone was definitely not simple, so he told Natasha Romanoff not to take it lightly, and used Ability to float the green stone in the air.

"Didn't you notice that your hands have changed?" 410

Natasha Romanoff felt a tingling sensation in her right hand that was turning green and quickly applied first aid and bandaged it to prevent it from spreading.

"Does this thing still have a virus? Can I cut off my right hand now?"

Liu Ji observed it for a while, and felt that there was no major problem. It should be that Natasha Romanoff absorbed a little power of the stone.

After a minute, Natasha Romanoff's hand returned to normal, and Liu Ji let her feel the power brought by the stone.

Natasha Romanoff slammed a fist at the wall, causing the wall to shatter.

"This feels ok...".

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