"It was Carol who told me before, and then I went there again with her. Seeing that Peter was safe and sound, I put him there. I will notify him when he goes to school, and I also put I gave him the nano battle suit, so there should be no problem."

Qin Xiao's appearance is completely an irresponsible elder, but Stark thinks there is nothing wrong with him like this, and arranging a cruel environment for Peter is good for his growth.

"It's very true, but Peter can only do it if he has this awareness. We can only give him hope now. If he can't consider the hurdle in his heart, it means he can't do it. Time can only give May bad news."

What Qin Xiao said was very heartless, but it also made sense. Stark wanted to quietly go and fetch Peter back without them finding out. Friday noticed that he had such thoughts and wanted to persuade him not to do this Do it, because it's Peter's own choice.

Qin Xiao felt that the atmosphere was not very good, so he said, "Peter is just here to play, not to die, and it's not good to make it so depressing. Now let's help Larry study those stones."

Banner At this time, you return to the company to help them, so now they have another capable person.

"I've been eavesdropping on your speech just now. I think it's a very good thing for Peter to take risks on that planet by himself. After all, he is young and frivolous. It is necessary for him to suffer a little beating from society."

Although Banner's words were a bit embarrassing, he came back to help after all, so Qin Xiao didn't want to know him as much, so he brought him into the laboratory and let him get to know Larry before he could start working.

"I heard about you, a rich man, and a talent, but why do you like to do these boring things? Well now, come here to study these stones, but this is also more interesting than the things you did before Too much, right?"

Banner's complaints became more and more intense, which made Larry a little absent-minded. He can't swear or talk nonsense now, otherwise it will become a real thing.

"Shut up now!"

0...seeking flowers...

Following Larry's order, Banner blocked his mouth unconsciously. He didn't know what happened, and looked at Qin Xiao and the others with a horrified look.

"I told you just now, don't talk nonsense."

After Qin Xiao touched his head, he went to the edge of those stones to observe. He found that these stones are similar to the Infinity Stones, they all come from other planets, and their abilities are different. .


"By the way, I want to take one of these stones randomly, and then go to the Ancient One magician to compare it with the original time stone. Maybe I can find out something."

Stark let him make his own decision, and Steve felt that it was necessary for him to go with him, because there were still some things he didn't make clear about the Ancient One magician.

"What is the connection between the captain and the Ancient One magician? You probably haven't met a few times, but if you want to go, I will take you with me."

Steve didn't go into too much detail, he just put the shield on his back and pulled Qin Xiao to his side, wanting him to leave Sichuan quickly. .

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