Banner realized that Qin Xiao must have done something, but the game was about to start, and he couldn't be distracted, so he didn't ask any questions.

During the competition, Qin Xiao used his Ability many times to severely damage his opponent. After the first round, Banner gave him a warning, but in the following rounds, Qin Xiao still did not obey Bottom line, there were even foul situations.

Banner's mood has obviously changed now, from nervousness at the beginning to excitement, and now he looks at Qin Xiao with a hint of anger in Shendu's eyes, Qin Xiao understands that he can't mess around like this again, so he is still preparing to be serious.

Fortunately, in the last round of the competition, Qin Xiao won the final victory with his own strength. Banner excitedly and other team members threw Qin Xiao into the air, and Qin Xiao was overwhelmed with joy.

When preparing to go back to the headquarters, Banner seemed to want to say something, Qin Xiao asked him to say it, but Banner seemed to be holding his breath, and the other team members felt that Banner must be unwell, so they wanted to call the doctor At this time, Qin Xiao noticed that Banner's skin was turning green, and realized that something was wrong, and wanted to send the other team members away, but it was too late.

Banner successfully turned into a Hulk, which shocked everyone else, and everyone dispersed. Now Qin Xiao will definitely not be criticized even if he fails in his mission.

Qin Xiao moved Hulk to an open place, and then tried to suppress his anger, but now Hulk's anger is several times that of the normal state, it is not easy to suppress it, even for Qin Xiao.

When it's over, hurry up and wake me up. Hulk is like a loach at this moment, and he can't catch it no matter how hard he tries. "

All Banner's negative emotions have been transferred to Hulk, and let him vent his tendencies. Qin Xiao had no choice but to use brute force to control Hulk.

"It seems that we still have to do a few duplications to suppress you, and then I will use the ability of the dream devil fruit to lure you into a dream and persuade you in the dream.

When Qin Xiao separated the duplication, Hulk had already run away. At this moment, the size decreased, and Hulk's whereabouts could no longer be found.

"This is Spain. If the public sees this thing doing damage, Headquarters will definitely not let us off easily."


Now Qin Xiao can only use Dell's space teleportation ability to directly go to Hulk's side. Now Qin Xiao is a little angry, and he knocked Hulk out with a little forceful punch, and the people standing aside looked dumbfounded.

"Don't pay attention to these things, you just need to remember that you didn't see anything."


The man ran away quickly after hearing Qin Xiao's words.

"I wanted to be gentle at first, but who knew that you would be like a big black mouse after your anger multiplied.

If the people in the headquarters know, we will have to deduct salary again. "

After Hulk fell asleep, he gradually changed back to Banner's appearance, his anger should have been vented.

Qin Xiao brought Banner back to the headquarters, Steve looked at the unconscious Banner, and understood it in an instant.

"If I want to report the real situation, guess what will happen?"

Steve felt that he had caught Qin Xiao's handle. .

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