Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

866 Clearing Up The Locust People

"The locust army is very difficult to deal with. Once they invade here, they will not give up until they achieve their desired goal. But I feel very strange. Their planet is far away from us. Why do they have to Come to Earth?"

Qin Xiao didn't have a hesitation, so he separated two duplications and kept them to restrain the locust army. He went to investigate their planet himself. If there is no result, it means that the planet is very serious. It may have fallen apart, and they came here for refuge or aggression.

Alex asked Li Yi to go to the headquarters quickly, and he and Qian Xiaoduplication fought against the locust army together.

"Mr. Li, your Ability won't work for the time being, so I'd better go back and inform the headquarters about this. 7"

As soon as Li saw that Alex seemed to dislike his Ability on the 890, he showed him off.

"Look carefully!"

Li once pointed his right hand to the sky, and then the flying locusts stopped and fell to the ground.

"I usually don't want to make a move. If I make a move, the range is quite large, and it will affect innocent people. Now I don't have anything to worry about.

Li Yi stopped casting the Ability, and then let Qin Xiao's duplication go back to the headquarters.

"Your area is really quite large, but there are quite a few Huang Zhong people in the army, and they have more relatives. Now we are likely to fall into a hard battle. If Qin Xiao had divided up a few more duplications just now, the situation is not the same now. As for becoming like this.

Li shook his head at Erics.

"One duplication is enough, you don't need much."

Li Yi was riding on the back of Qin Xiao duplication at this time, and then the two reached the highest altitude, the two of them used a combination skill, relying on Qin Xiao's range expansion, Li Yi can now control all the locust army .

"It's estimated (ahbb) that they can't last long like this. I'd better go and eliminate them bit by bit."

Alex used the atomization ability to transform into many weapons, and then transformed into a large sword under his feet, so that he could fly and clean up the locust army as quickly as possible.

"Alex has mastered the use of this Ability."

Qin Xiao's duplication sighed.

"I can't be distracted by this guy on my back. Seeing his cute look really makes me feel a little funny. Two fingers are just poking his head like this, and he seems to be very tired.

Li Yi can completely hear what Qin Xiao's duplication is saying, but he has to be serious at this time, because he is more than enough to control a person's dreams, but if there are too many, he will struggle, and the locust army There are not a few of them, so now he is equivalent to running a race of hundreds of kilometers.

With the help of Alex, Li Yi's pressure is also reduced bit by bit, but because there are too many invaders, Alex's actions are just a drop in the bucket

Under such a very urgent situation, the people who could be dispatched from the headquarters also came here to provide support. After carrying out a wave of suppression, Li Shi felt much more relaxed.

On the other side, Qin Xiao took a few minutes to reach the planet of the locusts. After landing there, he found that the planet was on the verge of extinction. .

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