Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

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"Why are you so afraid of me? I won't eat you, I just want to tell you one thing, since it is still not sure whether their eggs exist, and it is very troublesome to find them, then it is time to use Time for your ingenuity."

Now Banner figured it out, it turned out that Steve was thinking about this matter just now, he stood up helplessly and patted the dust on his clothes, then walked to the laboratory with a embarrassed face, calling Peter beside him.

"Why do you look sullen? When you mention the invention of 07, you seem to be very unhappy. If I had your rich knowledge, I would like to study hundreds of inventions every day.

. "come out

Banner just told Peter that he didn't understand, he was still young, and there were many things he couldn't think of and couldn't grasp.

"That's right, I'm indeed quite young, but if I want to master all your knowledge in the future, I will definitely be better than you are now."

Banner saw that Peter was so energetic, and he also made a bold statement to surpass himself. He was very happy, and he felt that someone would inherit his knowledge in the future.

"Since you want to do these things, start with the most basic ones and help me, you can bring me whatever I want.

Stark watched the two of them seem to be having fun, and didn't want to disturb, but Qin Xiao was behind him urging him.

"What can Banner do by himself? If you don't help, things will go very slowly."

As the boss, Stark couldn't help feeling a little relieved to see that Qin Xiao was more anxious than himself, but on second thought, Qin Xiao was only thinking about his salary or the safety of the world.

"Before we researched the detector, you used duplication to search for those suspicious things. You should know what I'm talking about. That's it."

Qin Xiao listened to the cloud and felt that Stark didn't express his meaning clearly. Just when he was about to ask again, Peter suddenly appeared beside him, and he had already changed into a battle suit, as if he was ready to fight .

"Mr. Stark means that he wants us to find all those eggs."

Qin Xiao thinks this is impossible, because it is not yet sure what those guys' eggs look like, so it is not advisable to act rashly like this.

"What are you afraid of? Headquarters has already obtained the information of those guys before this, so it is easy to deduce what their eggs look like. I will hold the information in your hand in a while and read it carefully. You will naturally understand what to do.”

After Peter operated on the monitor on his wrist, he displayed the information in front of Qin Xiao.

"So that's the case, but speaking of 093, their eggs look really disgusting. Although the color is very rich, it feels nauseous no matter how you look at it."

Seeing that Qin Xiao was about to spit out again, Peter quickly blocked his mouth.

"If you want to throw up, find a trash can, don't be so unhygienic."

At this time, Peter gagged Qin Xiao's mouth with a cobweb, and then took him away from the headquarters. After walking to the roof of a building, the two of them began to discuss plans.

"Anyway, just follow the above to find it!"

After Qin Xiao and Peter finished talking, they started to act.

Peter didn't want to act separately, because he found that Qin Xiao hated this thing very much, so he took him with him. .

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