Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

075 Thor's Shock! How Could You Take Mjolnir Away! Nick Fury's Brain Teaser!

"I even bought Karma!"

"Whether Thor is real or not we don't know for sure, but this demon may be real."

"What is this? A gate to hell?"

"No, this place is the place where the satellite fell, but it has been transformed into this now!"

"Isn't that a satellite? What is that Mjolnir?"

"No wonder we can't pick it up. It turns out that it's something from God."

In the restaurant, a group of people whispered in astonishment.

And Thor At the moment looked solemn.

This kind of method is no longer the method that Midgard should have in his impression.

Demon Messenger!

It seems that the identity of the other party has been determined.

"Thor, go and see your hammer, and see if you can have him again."

After Qin Xiao finished speaking, he took the lead through the portal.

Thor saw Mjolnir over there, and he walked over without hesitation.

Jane Foster At the moment is about to follow.

"The next thing is not for you to participate in."

Qin Xiao stopped Jane Foster directly.

Immediately afterwards, he closed the portal.

This time, everyone in the restaurant went completely crazy.

Demon Messenger!

There really are demon messengers coming to this town!

This means that the demon's gaze may have already focused on this place.

Next, I don't know what kind of horrible things will happen.

Invisible panic spread in the town, and many people chose to leave here directly.

This inadvertently reduced the losses of the town residents in the ensuing war.

When Qin Xiao opened the portal, the S.H.I.E.L.D on the opposite side had already discovered the anomaly.

A group of agents moves quickly towards the portal.

When Qin Xiao closed the portal, Qin Xiao, Logan, and Thor Thor were completely surrounded.

"Should I kill them?"

Logan looked at the agents in front of him, he didn't care.

Based on these people, they are not his opponents.

"No need for now, someone from S.H.I.E.L.D will naturally come to see us.

As soon as he finished speaking, the figures of Nick Fury and Phil Coulson appeared in front of his eyes.

"Director Nick Fury, I didn't expect you to come here in person."

Qin Xiao said it familiarly.

"This place is now taken over by our S.H.I.E.L.D. I hope you can take people away."

Director Nick Fury was not at all happy to see Qin Xiao.

The appearance of Qin Xiao means that the things here are being targeted by demons again.

"Although I don't want to complain, I still want to say that this is a contest between gods and demons. Are you sure you want to participate?"

"The increase of gods and demons?"

"The one next to me is Thor Thor who was demoted to the God Realm by Odin, and the hammer on the ground is his weapon Mjolnir.

You guessed it right, Thor and Mjolnir from your bedtime stories.

Now, the demoted Thor doesn't believe that Odin abandoned him, so I made it a point to bring him in for a look.

If you stop my actions, don't blame me for being rude. "

After Qin Xiao finished speaking, he gestured towards Logan.

"Sure enough, we still have to fight."

Logan shook his neck violently.



A three-foot-long sharp blade suddenly protruded from both hands.

There are countless sharp knives piercing his clothes all over his body.

Logan, at the moment, is like a fighting machine.

He is ready to fight.

Seeing Logan's appearance, there was a little commotion at the scene.

Nick Fury glanced at Wolverine, who was ready to kill.

His eyes suddenly became peaceful.

My Elementary level trial has yielded results.

"Well, since this is a matter between you demons and gods, we can leave it alone`

He waved his hand directly, and all the agents got out of the encirclement.

In fact, everything he did just now was just acting.

Knowing that Qin Xiao was waiting here, he knew that the other party was bound to win.

It's just that their S.H.I.E.L.D forces are relatively large, so there is this temporary fortification.

Moreover, their temporary construction was precisely to attract Qin Xiao over.

Nick Fury wanted to know, what was it about this thing that deserved so much attention from the Demon Emissary.

Now, he said.

This is a war between gods and demons!

However, it seems that the battlefield is chosen on Earth!

This time, Nick Fury seems to feel that the future is more dangerous.

If gods and demons really appeared on the earth, the earth would definitely not be able to bear such a war.

It appears that the Avengers need to build up at a faster pace.

Might have to call Carol back!

Qin Xiao had no idea that within a few minutes, Nick Furui had already completed a brainstorming game in his mind.

Seeing everyone else get out of the way, Thor excitedly rushed to where Mjolnir fell.

He reached out and grabbed the handle of the hammer.

Use a little force.




From slightly exerting force to gradually exhausting all strength.

No matter how hard he tried, Mjolnir on the ground remained motionless.

"No! Why? Father Odin, why?"

Thor sat down on the ground dejectedly.

Although he was demoted to the earth originally, he still believed that he was a god.

Now, his self-confidence has been completely destroyed.

I was really abandoned by Odin.

An unprecedented despair enveloped him, which made him extremely helpless.

"Thor, do you still want to be Thor?"

At this moment, Qin Xiao's voice sounded again.

"I was abandoned by Odin, how can I be Thor?"

Thor doesn't believe it at all.

Qin Xiao walked up to Thor with a serious look on his face.

"Well, now I will formally introduce myself again.

Demon Messenger, you can exchange Devil Fruits from devils.

This devil fruit can give a person great power.

For example, Logan, what he reads is the fruit of the quick cut.

And you, as Thor, I can exchange for you the thunder fruit that best matches you.

As long as you eat it, you can regain the power of Thunder. "

After Qin Xiao finished speaking, a brightly colored devil fruit appeared in his hand.

Thunder Fruit!

One of the most powerful fruits in the nature system.

Thor glanced at Qin Xiao with blank eyes.

"Haha, Messenger of Demons, you too underestimate the glory of Asgard Thor.

Do you think I'll fall into a deal with the devil for power?"

He gave Qin Xiao a mocking look.

Qin Xiao didn't take it seriously at all, and in the blink of an eye, the Thunderbolt fruit disappeared immediately.

"Then, when Asgard falls, the Frost Titans invade Asgard, and your mother is threatened, I hope you will not regret it."

"You're talking nonsense, with Heimdall here, how could the Frost titan hit Asgard."

"Hehe, is that right? Then why did you attack the Frost titan last time? Isn't it because the Frost titan entered your Asgard treasury?"

"You know even this?"

"I know a lot of things, I even know that the current Odin has entered the Eye of Odin.

Since you can't become Thor again, the throne naturally falls to Loki.

And Loki is the son of Frost titan Lauf. "

"What? Impossible! How could Loki be the son of a frost titan!"

"Impossible? It's just that you don't know it. I know you don't believe it, but when the Four Horsemen of Asgard come to see you, you will understand.

After Qin Xiao finished speaking, he got up directly.

Immediately afterwards, he walked over to Mjolnir's side.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, one of Qin Xiao's arms completely turned into a swamp.

Immediately afterwards, the swamp swallowed Mjolnir completely.

And his arm has always maintained the ability of the swamp fruit.

This Mjolnir, which no one can move, just disappeared before everyone's eyes.

Qin Xiao felt relieved.

Fortunately, I came here to try it in advance, otherwise, this coquettish would not be mellow.

"No, it's impossible, how could you take Mjolnir?"

Thor looks at the empty ground, his eyes full of horror.

If Mjolnir is still there, he has one more thought.

But now Mjolnir is directly taken away by the demon apostle!

His only thought is gone!

Go to hell to get Mjolnir back?

"`~Why not? Mjolnir is only a weapon.

What it can do is to make your power easier to control.

Since it's just a weapon, why can't I take it away?"

"That has the blessing of Odin on it! Not everyone can have it!

Thor Thor growled loudly.

"I know, but as I said, Odin has entered Odin's sleep.

He himself can't feel it personally, and I have naturally passed away. "

"Odin's Sleep! What you say is true! Father God, how did you suddenly enter Odin's Sleep?"

Qin Xiao really frightened Thor.

At least it proves that Odin's eyes are definitely not on Midgard now.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for him to tolerate a demon defiled by God!

Qin Xiao turned and walked towards Nick Fury.

Everyone in At the moment's S.H.I.E.L.D was shocked.

Logan's steel claws had already made them feel close.

Now, this demon messenger directly demonstrated the ability to devour everything.

Does his body lead to the hell where demons live?

Was that Mjolnir that they couldn't take away anyway, was it taken by hell?

And Nick Fury's At the moment was more shocking than others.

This devil actually plotted against Shendu!

He could even know what happened in the residence of God!

It can also take away the weapon of God in a grand manner!

Devil, is it so scary now?

If the battle between demons and gods finally turned into a victory for demons, what would the world be like?

The demons in the east have already begun to plot against God, but why are there no traces of the demons in the west?

Could it be that the demons of the west also know that they are not (Li Dehao) the opponents of the demons of the east?

Now it is equivalent to handing over the territory?

Thinking of this, Nick Fury's heart skipped a beat.

Qin Xiao said, S.H.I.E.L.D will collapse!

Is it because the demons are so terrifying that they S.H.I.E.L.D are powerless to resist?

If even the power of S.H.I.E.L.D cannot resist, who can resist the erosion of demons in this world?

Thinking of this, one after another flashes of inspiration flashed in his mind.

Perhaps, I should send someone into the enemy's interior.

At least, they need to know how powerful the fruit ability created by the devil fruit is.

Do they have some flaws?

If there are flaws, are they able to take advantage of them!

Now, S.H.I.E.L.D can still control the world, so do you want to take the initiative to send a few people to become Fruit Ability users?

In this way, they have research material.

He originally firmly didn't want to have fruit abilities in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Now, it directly becomes the weakness of those who need to study the fruit ability in advance.

All this, just because he saw the demon messenger "conquer" God!

A brainstorming game was completed by him directly.

Qin Xiao never expected that S.H.I.E.L.D accepted the Devil Fruit so cooperatively afterwards.

Just because of Nick Fury's brains now.

"Director Nick Fury, there may be a big battle in the future, so I don't suggest you send too many agents here, so as not to cause excessive casualties."

Qin Xiao looked at Nick Furui, who was not looking very well, and kindly reminded him.

"Ah? I see."

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