Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

079 Demon Messenger! Lies Come! Get Loki In Advance!

"Thor! I fixed it for you, you can always kill it?"

Qin Xiao's helpless voice sounded.

I cheated Thor, did I get retribution in the blink of an eye?

Fooled Thor to eat the devil fruit, and now he has to be a fixed target for Thor.

Although he can ignore it, but he thinks about it.

Looking back, I have to fool Thor to develop the fruit ability.

Having the status of "a comrade in the trenches" is easy to talk about.

Just now, Qin Xiao used his Self-healing Ability to directly counter the Destroyer's attack.

And this attack turned into the power of karmic fruit.

So his body directly becomes more terrifying than the Destroyer!

After that, with a body of 4.5 meters, he directly transformed into the body of Adamantium.

Such a body possesses terrifying weight and strength.

Even the Destroyer, At the moment can't be more terrifying than Qin Xiao's power!

Fixed Destroyer being shapeshifting.

Its visor was about to turn towards Qin Xiao.

But Thor Thor directly summoned a huge thunder to attack the Destroyer directly.

The Destroyer's pillar of energy turned again to attack Thor.


huge amounts of Lightning Pillar collided with Destroyer's Energy Beam Pillar.

Mjolnir smashed directly into the Destroyer's visor with super force.



The mighty Destroyer erupted directly from within this time.

The bodyguard was emitting sparks, and it stopped moving slowly.

Qin Xiao felt that the Destroyer in his hand had no power, so he let go of it.

I don't feel it when fighting.

Now that there was no more fighting, Qin Xiao suddenly felt a chill down his crotch.

The biggest problem with karma fruit is the comparison of waste clothes.

Qin Xiao stood up slowly, then lifted the Destroyer casually, covering his lower body.

04 This image made everyone blush.

It's like what Thor said in Thor3.

"Too bad, I will never forget this look in my life."

Now, everyone here can't forget Qin Xiao's appearance.

Several women blushed.

But he couldn't help turning his head to look a few more times.

tsk tsk~

Although it was the first time for Qin Xiao to become like this in such a public.

But it didn't embarrass him.

As the saying goes, as long as you don't feel embarrassed, the one who is embarrassed is someone else!

"Thor, next, we need to talk."

After Qin Xiao finished speaking, he walked towards a house.

In a bedroom on the second floor, he took two quilts as scarves and wrapped them around his lower body.

At this time, a crowd of talents slowly gathered beside Qin Xiao.

The foursome of Asgard who were battered by the Destroyer.

Nick Fury and Phil Coulson who have been watching the show outside.

There's also the Jane Foster trio who's been worried about Thor.

They all came to Qin Xiao's side.

After all, with Qin Xiao's current physical condition, he would definitely not be able to go to a normal room.

At the moment's Thor looked serious.

"Demonbringer, why can you use Mjolnir? Why can you also use the power of Thunder?"

Thor speaks first!

"I'm also curious, you failed the test of your father Odin, why can you control Mjolnir again after eating the devil fruit?"

Qin Xiao threw back a question directly.

"This is our family business and has nothing to do with you. Now, you need to answer my question."

Thor held up Mjolnir and pointed at Qin Xiao.

There was a flash of lightning in Qin Xiao's hand.

"If you point at me again, I'll steal your Mjolnir."

Qin Xiao was right and threatened Thor instead.

Thor's expression froze when he heard Qin Xiao's words.


Is this really the case?

It's no use threatening him himself, but he was able to snatch his own Mjolnir.

At that time, the embarrassing one is still myself.

Thor let go of Mjolnir's hand resentfully.

The first confrontation between the two ended with Qin Xiao winning.

"Okay, can I answer now?"

"You have to remember, a deal, to the devil, everything is a deal.

As for why I was able to use Mjolnir and Thunder Force.

You have to understand that we in the East also have our own gods.

It is Lei Gong and Dian Mu who control Thunder, so, do you still think this is strange?"

Qin Xiao lied as soon as he opened his mouth.

But these words stunned everyone.


Thor still doesn't believe it.

"Do you have a better explanation?"

Qin Xiao asked directly.


Thor was speechless.

If I knew, wouldn't I ask you?

The second confrontation ended with Qin Xiao winning.

"Thor, don't you feel now that the power of thunder you possess is more terrifying than before?"

Qin Xiao began to ask back.

He needs to make Thor pay more attention to the power of thunder in his body.

Only in this way can more power be fed back.

If only Thor still only knows how to play with a hammer.

Then the power of feedback is absolutely limited.

This is not what Qin Xiao wants.

"That's right, I do feel that the power of thunder I can control is becoming more and more terrifying.

And, even without Mjolnir, I have a powerful thunder in my body.

This is a different feeling.

I can even feel that my body seems to be able to transform into thunder.

How could the devil fruit you gave me be so powerful?"

Thor began to think that the devil fruit was a contract with the devil, and then counteracted Odin's seal in another way.

It turned out not at all!

This is another way to directly "create" countless thunderbolts in his body.

These thunder powers can also integrate with the originally possessed thunder powers in his body, thus possessing even stronger power.

The power of the eastern demons is also amazing.

Even Thor, a god who has survived for fifteen hundred years, feels incredible.

"It's called elementalization, your body can transform into a thunderbolt, thus immune to many attacks.

As for why we have such powerful power, it involves the origin of our power, so I can't tell you.

Qin Xiao lied again.

Involved in the source of power!

Everyone knows that it is impossible to ask this question again.

"Can you also be elementalized? But you chose to resist the attack of the Destroyer?"

Thor's voice changes slightly.

"Yeah, I was able to take Mjolnir because of elementalization.

If you could kill the Destroyer alone, I wouldn't have to choose that. "

Qin Xiao said with some "blame".

In fact, Thor was able to take down Doom by himself without his help.

Thor's power now is even more amazing than before.

It's just that Qin Xiao forcibly intervened, and the one-on-one match that had been agreed turned into a doubles match.

Facing the "blame", Thor was a little speechless.

In the third confrontation, Qin Xiao won again.

"Demon messenger, why would you help Thor Thor fight this metal monster?"

Just then, Nick Fury spoke.

He could see that Thor Thor was no match for this demon messenger.

Nick Fury watched a battle between demons and gods, and he was relieved a lot.

Although demonic and Shendu are powerful, it doesn't seem to exceed Carol's power!

At the moment, he instead had the confidence to form an Avengers to deal with the threat from these gods and demons.

A certain big green guy in the observation list can definitely fight a battle with gods and demons!

However, this time the demon messenger's attitude was a bit strange.

He actually helps Thor fight the machine monster.

This is something Nick Fury doesn't understand.

What is the attitude of the devil messenger?

Could it be that because Thor ate the devil fruit, he didn't want the pact to fail?

Taking advantage of the large number of people, Nick Fury directly raised this question.

This question made everyone stunned.

Why would the devil messenger help Thor?

He is obviously trying to lure Thor to eat the devil fruit.

However, he was seriously fighting the Destroyer.

why is that?

"The protoss of Asgard signed a treaty with the demons, don't you find this very interesting?

What do you think people of other races will think if we tell this news to them?

The people of Asgard are more famous throughout the universe than you can imagine.

I can't afford to waste such an investment.

Also, I don't like the guy who's sitting as Lord of Asgard much more than Thor, the muscular guy.

That guy has too many thoughts and is too gloomy.

Even if he goes to hell, he can live a good life.

If he really occupies the position of the Lord of Asgard, the whole earth will not be safe.

The Nine Realms have been at peace for so long, and when the time comes, there will be chaos again. "

Qin Xiao explained casually.

Loki, god of deceit, master of lies.

But he's just awful to deal with.

Not as good as Thor.

In fact, for all smart people, Qin Xiao has some headaches.

It's too difficult to fool around.

Fool Tony, prepare months in advance.

Huyou Jinbin also prepared several months in advance.

Look at 863 to see Nick Furui, Black widow, the first fooling all ended in failure.

Look at Wolverine, Sabretooth, and Thor, guys who use their muscles more than their brains, and they limp as soon as they flick.

"You demons from hell, are you worried about chaos?"

Thor looked at Qin Xiao warily.

"We naturally like chaos caused by ourselves, but we hate chaos caused by others more than you.

Moreover, since I am still walking in this land, it means that our goal has not been achieved yet.

At this moment, do you think I want chaos?"

Qin Xiao's lies came out of his mouth.

The point is that others have no way to refute what they said.

"Why are you so concerned and familiar with our protoss?"

Thor At the moment is like a curious baby.

He didn't know anything about the demon behind Qin Xiao.

But this guy seems to know everything about Asgard!

It's a bad feeling.

"Hehe, I think, you should go back and see what Loki is doing now.

If you ask Loki why he knows so many channels and information that others don't, you will understand why?

Loki, is more like a human being than a demon. "

Qin Xiao directly wants to send Thor away.

Not only that, but also crazily discredited Loki.

That guy, there's no way to trick him into eating a devil fruit until he's desperate.

Although I don't know what devil fruit Loki will match.

But if he cheated Loki ahead of time, it's not his own loss.

Why not do it?

Thor's heart skipped a beat when he heard that.

Defeat the Destroyer, things are not settled yet!

He saw the four knights of Asgard who were still injured in At the moment, and made a decision in his heart.

"You're right, we're really going back to Asgard."

Thor got up, and was about to take the four knights of Asgard away.

At the moment, Qin Xiao's body gradually shrank under his control.

"Thor, in exchange, I want you to provide me with a couple of suits that suit me.


Thor looked at Qin Xiao, and that scene came back to his mind.


He shook his head and quickly threw the picture out.

"This requires you to go back to Asgard with me, and our craftsmen will tailor it for you. Do you dare to go to Asgard?".

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