Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

081 The Powerless Loki! Ancient One Meets Odin! (8 More)

At the end of the Bifrost, Heimdall collapsed to the ground.


Thor they are back!

Though brought two strange and powerful Midgardians.

But he is back after all!

A group of figures walked directly through the passage of Bifrost.

Thor sees Heimdall lying on the ground as soon as he arrives.

"Hurry up, send him to treatment!"

The Asgard group of four At the moment, although they were all injured, looked at the collapsed Heimdall, and several people stepped forward one after another.

"I'm going to find Loki! You whatever you want..."

Thor originally wanted to arrange Qin Xiao and Ancient One magician.

But when I think about it, arranging two people is too time-consuming, it's better to let them do whatever they want.

Anyway, as long as Heimdall is okay and Father Odin can wake up, they can't make any trouble in Asgard.

This is Thor's confidence.

For the idolatry of Odin.


Mjolnir spins wildly.

Thor flew straight for Asgard.

The Asgard foursome took turns helping Heimdall away.

At the end of Bifrost, only Ancient One magician and Qin Xiao were left.

"It's the first time I've been here, and Asgard is really magnificent."

Ancient One looked at the resplendent and resplendent palace in the distance with emotion.

Comparing Kamar-Taj with here, there is simply a gap between heaven and earth.

"Are we just waiting here?"

Qin Xiao was a little uncertain.

If he was here alone, At the moment would have been wandering around Asgard with the Asgard quartet.

Although he keeps pretending to be a demon messenger, this does not change, he is actually an "indigenous" identity of the earth.

This kind of thing that is obviously from an alien planet is enough for him to explode.

But with Ancient One together, he had to restrain himself.

Although Ancient One is anemic, it can't stand up to others.

Moreover, even if you hurt her, if she doesn't want to die, maybe she will recover immediately after returning to time.

At the moment's Eye of Akmoto is still hanging on her chest.

"No rush, anyway, they will come here later."

Ancient One At the moment is in no rush.

Qin Xiao knew 883 that she had indeed seen the future.

I saw a future myself, who knows how many Ancient One saw.

"Well, Ancient One magician, can I ask a question?"

Qin Xiao was really idle and bored, so he decided to die.

"what is the problem?"

"Why did you choose this age?"

"This is the age when I officially entered the magician journey.

"Okay, I get it now.

When you were your age, what made you learn magic?

At that time, didn’t the craftsman get married and have children?”

Ancient One gave Qin Xiao a strange look.

What Qin Xiao meant was obvious. Back when magic was not very popular, you didn't get married and have children, so you went to learn Mao's magic.

It has to be said that he has the ability to kill.


Ancient One didn't answer Qin Xiao's question, but smiled lightly.

This laugh made Qin Xiao's hair stand on end.

Well, stop asking.




At this moment, a figure on Bifrost approached rapidly.

A man rushed forward on a white horse.

"It's you again, get out of the way!"

Loki saw Qin Xiao at a glance.

This is the guy who, along with Thor, killed the Destroyer!

Let his plan fall short!

How dare this guy come to Asgard!

What audacity!

As for the young girl next to him, Loki didn't give a damn.

He was on the horse, and the spear of eternity he took from Odina was shining with magical light.


A beam of energy light came directly towards Qin Xiao.

Qin Xiao's figure is directly elementalized.

Moved to the side like lightning.

This time, Lu Ji's eyes changed.

This guy, it seems, is not so easy to deal with.

Loki didn't give up at all, the pegasus under his crotch continued to gallop, (aebg) kept waving the energy ball with the eternal gun in his hand.



Many energy clusters even headed directly towards Ancient One.

He thought, Qin Xiao should take action to save this woman.

But the truth is, he almost dropped his jaw in shock.

Ancient One didn't even move, she waved her hand directly, and a fragmented space wall blocked all Loki's attacks.

Mirror Dimension!

Used as a shield by Ancient One!

And Loki, who didn't check for a while, rode directly into the dimension space!

Ancient One closed the mirror dimension casually.

Loki wanted to come out, but it was not so easy.

In the mirror dimension, the horse "penetrated" a body and rushed directly into the Bifrost control area.

But, he can't touch anything!

Loki at the moment grows more horrified.

Mirror Dimension!

Loki knew this stuff, but he didn't learn it himself.

Because although his mother is a witch, she doesn't know how to do this.

Who is that young woman?

Why is it so powerful?

If I was careless, I was imprisoned by the other party.

What kind of awesome people are the people from Midgard?

As soon as Loki was imprisoned in the mirror dimension, Thor flew directly over there.


He fell heavily to the ground.

"Where's Loki, have you seen Loki?"

He was extremely anxious at the moment.

My cheap little brother got into big trouble!

You must stop him!

As a result, he rushed over in a hurry, except for two people from Midgard, there was no Loki in sight!

Can't even see his pegasus!

"He was temporarily imprisoned by me."

Ancient One had a calm tone and a serious face.

"Prisoned? Imprisoned?"

Thor feels a little awkward to speak.

How long is this?

I followed Loki after he left, and Loki was imprisoned?

Sorcerer Supreme so scary?

Take Loki in the blink of an eye?

"That's right, temporarily imprisoned, next, please take me to meet Odin, he should be waking up soon."

Ancient One ignored Thor's shock, and she directly asked Thor to take her to Odin!

"Father Odin is waking up? Great!"

Thor is so pleasantly surprised that he doesn't even care about Loki being imprisoned!

This is the best news Thor has heard today.

Odin's entry into Odin's Sleep this time was completely unexpected.

Even Frigga doesn't know if Odin will wake up.

But this Sorcerer Supreme from Midgard said that Father God is about to wake up.

This really excited him.

As for whether the other party was telling lies, he never thought about it.

Someone with such great strength should disdain to tell lies... right?

Thor turned straight and flew towards Asgard.

It wasn't until he really took the flight that he wondered if the two behind him could keep up.

When he looked back, he found that Qin Xiao had transformed into a silver-white lightning and was flying in the air.

Even this silver thunder has surpassed him!

And that Sorcerer Supreme has disappeared before his eyes.

"What the hell, can't Flight compare?"

Thor muttered to himself.

"Asgard brings you a powerful body, so you're not used to being elemental.

If you get used to elementalization, you'll be able to fly even without Mjolnir.

Just like I am now!"

From the thunder next to him, Qin Xiao's voice came.

Thor still needs to be earnest about the development of the thunderous fruit.

In a blink of an eye, the two entered Asgard.

And Ancient One is already waiting here.

Thor's next vote, Sorcerer Supreme, is indeed mysterious and unpredictable.

Fortunately, Ancient One didn't go directly to the place where Odin slept, otherwise it might cause unnecessary misunderstanding.

"Sorcerer Supreme, please follow me."

Thor takes the two to the place where Odin sleeps.

Frigga looked at the two brought by Thor with a serious expression.

"Thor, who are these two?"

She blamed Thor a little, how could Odin bring a stranger here while Odin was asleep!

Things have gone bad today.

The Lauf from the Frost titan brought people to kill him himself.

He was knocked down by the opponent, and Odin was almost killed.

Loki just arrived at this time and saved himself and Odin.


This is Loki's own plot!

Thor came back to stop Loki, and the two wrestled and disappeared in the fairy palace.

She doesn't want to care about these, she just wants to guard Odin quietly.

But Thor hadn't left long before he came in with two strangers.

Does this mean that Odin is too comfortable lying here?

"Queen, I am the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth, and I am here to meet God King Odin."

Ancient One saluted Frigga first.

"Midgard? Sorcerer Supreme?"


Sorcerer Supreme, how could it be so young?

And, Odin once said, the Sorcerer Supreme is a man who has lived hundreds of years.

However, this face looks like someone in his twenties?

Could it be that Sorcerer Supreme is also some kind of longevity species?

"Yes, I am the Sorcerer Supreme of Midgard, God-King Odin will wake up soon, so I came to meet him.

Ancient One has told Frigga good news.

Odin is waking up!

Not long after Ancient One's voice fell, the lying Odin suddenly opened his eyes.

He sat up slowly.

I saw everyone in front of me.

When his eyes swept over Ancient One, his expression changed obviously.

This face seems to have been seen hundreds of years ago.

But isn't this face getting old?

How do you look younger now?

When he swept over Thor again, he was even more shocked.

Thor's body surged with a strong power of thunder.


These thunder powers are not just Asgard's Thor powers.

There is also an inexplicable other force.

But as expected of a god king, even after seeing these incredible things, he still quickly adjusted his mentality and expression.

"This time, I didn't expect to see Midgard's Sorcerer Supreme.

It appears that I am giving you trouble by sending my son to Midgard. "

Odin At the moment thought that the Ancient One was looking for trouble.

After all, he and the Ancient One have lived in peace for hundreds of years.

Today, the other party came to find him, with the intention of inspiring the teacher to ask the crime.

"No, God King Odin is polite, although your child will bring trouble to the earth.

But it also brought a different vision to the earth.

This helps the human beings on the earth to focus their eyes on the big universe.

From this aspect, it is a positive influence. "

Ancient One said politely.

But Qin Xiao heard a different meaning.

Apart from this benefit, everything else is a disadvantage.

Looking back, Thor's arrival aroused Lu Ji's rebellious heart.

After that, Loki led the Zeta Swiss soldiers to directly invade the earth!

Put all the fighting on Earth.

These are all the troubles of this time!

Even Hela's breakout from captivity in Switzerland is a follow-up to all of this.

As an Asgardian of Earth, the Ancient One could indeed have her displeasure.

"Well, I made a mistake in this matter. I don't know why Sorcerer Supreme is here this time?".

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