Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

086 Crisis! Black Widow Wants To Eat Devil Fruit! (4 More)

The talk time between Tony and Qin Xiao went back a little bit.

Stark Industrial Park Expo site.

Justin Hammer At the moment very excited!

Tony is digging his own grave.

He was unwilling to divulge the slightest bit of armor technology, even the military's official request.

Even at that evaluation meeting, the military and their Hammer Industries were ashamed together.

He only wants himself to save the world as Iron Man.


None of this can stop Justin Hammer's luck.

He had discovered a genius close to Tony.

A genius who was able to make the Ark reactor.

Immediately afterwards, he got an opportunity from the military.

A chance to outshine Stark Industries!

And today, at an expo in the Stark Industrial Park, he will present his results.

Standing on the stage of the press conference, Justin Hammo was in high spirits.

"For too long, our nation has let the sons and daughters of our heroes fight with their flesh and blood.

Countless people sacrificed for it.

Countless families were torn apart.

Until one day, Iron Man appeared.

His mighty steel mecha gives him great defensive and offensive abilities.

Can protect soldiers from harm.

We thought that the days of innocent deaths were coming to an end.


Tony Stark said that it was his personal secret technology.

That's right, you heard me right.

The technology that can save countless lives is kept secret by himself.

This kind of thing can be done, I think it is unfair and unreasonable.

Isn't life more important than technology?"

On the stage, Justin Hamm talked eloquently.

Under the stage, a group of melon eaters nodded one after another.

So black Tony at Tony Stark's expo, which was originally a hit.

Remember the news about coming to this press conference, it's completely crazy!

"Yes, that's it, just say a few more words, and I'll have the headlines on the front page tomorrow!"

This is what they really think.

They don't think about 153, what dangers such a technology leak will bring to the world.

Justin Hammer's presentation wasn't over yet.

"Although Tony Stark is unwilling to share technology, what he did did lead the technology trend.

Countless people have focused their attention on making Iron Man's armor.

Today, what I will show you is the result of this new technology!

Hammer Drone!"

Justin growled wildly.

As his voice fell, the ready-made music began to become passionate.

Something began to rise slowly on the special exhibition stand.

Army armor!

Navy Armor!

Air Force Armor!

Marine Corps Armor!

On the four exhibition stands, there are many kinds of armors.

Each armor is more than two meters.

The appearance of the humanoid is indeed somewhat similar to Iron Man's armor.

There are countless weapons and ammunition hanging on the outside of the battle armor.

There is no need for people inside the armor, which gives them more room for firepower placement.

"Starting today, our soldiers only need to look at the screen in the war room to be able to strike the enemy remotely.

Casualties, will not appear in the military's dictionary.

Hammer made his manifesto.

Live, crazy celebration.

It's as if these things have been tested in actual combat.

Because of the information about Mutant's revenge that Rhodes got from Tony last time, it put a lot of pressure on the military.

So their plan to force Tony to hand over his armor last time also failed.

Colonel Rhodes has no reason to grab the battle armor.

This caused War Machine to be delayed directly.

At the moment, what the military can show is these unmanned combat aircraft, without War Machine.

How happy Justin Hammer is now, how unlucky he will be in the future.

As the developer of the program, Ivan left countless loopholes in the background of the drone.

At the moment he, directly began to take over these unmanned armor.

At this moment, a trail of flames descended from the sky.




Iron Man!


"Oh~~ Iron Man~"

"Iron Man~~~"

The appearance of Iron Man directly detonated the scene.

At this moment, it seems that this press conference is released by Iron Man.

Justin Hammer At the moment is extremely depressed.

"Tony, this is my press conference."

Iron Man waved his arms and greeted everyone.

He also asked in a low voice, "Where is Ivan?"

Hearing this name, Hammer was startled.

But he quickly adjusted his mentality.

"Who are you talking about Ivan?"

"Well, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it, but he has already called me just now.

And said that he would kill here.

So, are you ready to take on this responsibility?"

Tony was right.

"What? How? How could he do such a thing?"

It's like trying to slap Hammer in the face.

As soon as he finished speaking, all the drones behind him started up!




Four kinds of armor, no command, start directly!

Looking at the activated armor, Tony was also surprised.

"Everyone, leave quickly, the mecha is out of control!"

Tony amplifies everyone through the armor and directs everyone to leave.

Hearing Tony's words, Xiancheng was taken aback.

This is fake, right?

Can wait for them, definitely not fake.


A set of armor aimed directly at Iron Man.

And the other three groups, At the moment move crazily!




The deafening mechanical sound is in everyone's ears.

They directly blocked all the exits of this press conference!

"Squat down!"

"Squat down!"

"Squat down!"

In the armor, the sound of machinery sounded.

All participants At the moment had to squat down obediently.

Someone tried to walk, and what greeted him was a shuttle of bullets!

The frantic screams at the scene made Hammer completely sat on wax.

He knows, he's done!

Tony At the moment was also pale.

Ivan, that's too presumptuous!

"Ivan, you villain who only hides behind your back!"

After Tony finished speaking, he shot straight into the sky.

He wanted to draw Ivan's gaze to his side.



"Da da da~"

"Da da da~

*da da da~"

The armor on the ground shot wildly towards the sky.

The ceiling of the press conference booth was smashed to pieces.

Glass (aeca) fell from the sky like raindrops.

The people squatting on the ground with their heads in their hands were greeted by the glass, and many people were slightly injured.

At the moment, the air force armor on the ground ignited the power system one after another.



The powerful thrust sent these armors straight to Tony in the sky.

"Tony, do you just run around like a mouse?"

A familiar voice rang from an unfamiliar call on the communicator.


Insane Ivan!

"Ivan, I finally know why my father drove your father away.

Based on your character of threatening ordinary people, I can infer that your father is not much better.

If we have the ability, we will come out and fight each other, why hide behind and be a coward?"

Tony started his challenge.

"Hehe, you thought I would be fooled by you, I'll let the air force armor play with you for a while.

Just to test the firepower of these armors.

However, if the firepower of these armors is insufficient, they will all be destroyed by you.

Then I will dispatch the armor on the ground to dispatch.

The captured hostages will all be buried with you.

So you think about it and see if you counterattack my air force armor. "

Ivan's voice was like that of a demon.

fight back?


You shoot down the armor and he starts killing people.

not fight back?

also can!

So how many attacks can your armor resist?

Ivan directly asked Tony a huge amounts of problem.


Tony hung up on Yi's call, and then went straight to "Nick Fury's call."

The situation here has actually caught the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D.

After all, Black Widow was Tony's liaison officer.

When she learned that Tony had received a call from Ivan, she contacted S.H.I.E.L.D.

But it was too late for S.H.I.E.L.D to act.

By the time they arrived, it was already like this.

Those hostages faced too much firepower.

All S.H.I.E.L.D can do now is prepare for the media wrath that will follow.

Tony had no choice but to come to Qin Xiao, the demon messenger first.

Just because others can't do it doesn't mean Qin Xiao can't do it either.

So, while avoiding the armor, he called Qin Xiao.

Back to the present time.

A yellow portal appears in Stark Industrial Park.

As soon as Qin Xiao and Logan entered this area, they felt the heat of the battle in the sky.

In other words, it was unilateral escape and beating.

People in other exhibition areas are being evacuated frantically.

According to the crowd, Qin Xiao could see exactly where the trouble was at a glance.

There, there is also Black Widow.

This time, Black Widow was Tony's liaison, not Pepper's assistant, so she wasn't there.

This is a good thing and a bad thing.

"What should we do this time? According to Tony's words, the hostages are being held in a centralized manner, and all armors have their firepower systems turned on.

Once it changes again, it will attract fire from the armor.

There is simply no way we can destroy all armor at once.

Once there is an armor one step slower.

Then his firepower can take away countless people.

It's hard to help me with this favor. "

Logan has fought his whole life.

It is easy to find the difficulty of the scene.

These armors do not have weaknesses like humans.

If they are all human, At the moment can arrange countless snipers.

Each sniper targets a different target.

Then as long as they fire at the same time, those people will all die.

But now, it is a machine.

Where is the sniper targeting?

A bunch of iron bumps, if they can't hit the key control point, they will only trigger their counterattack.

Black widow Natasha Romanoff heard Logan's words, and her expression was extremely serious.

"The only thing that can be done now is to behead him, and directly find the Iraqi side's position and take him seriously.

Only in that way, it may be possible to make these armors lose control. "

After Natasha Romanoff said these words, she shook her head again.

"Aren't you afraid that if you find the other party, the other party is dead and fighting, and one person's life will be buried with the lives of so many people?"

Qin Xiao saw at a glance why Natasha Romanoff shook her head.

"That's right, if that's the case, these people would all die innocently.

Among the fruits I matched, is there any one that can even improve my strength?

Especially if it can solve the current situation?

If there is, give it to me!"

Natasha Romanoff actually turned her attention to Qin Xiao.

Devil Fruit!

What if there was a way around these things?

Qin Xiao glanced at Natasha Romanoff.

"Matchable fruits: sweet fruit, soul soul fruit, imitation fruit, transparent fruit, door fruit, silent fruit..."

In this pile of fruits, it seems that some fruits may actually be useful. .

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