Then Misty sent Master back to the hotel. During the identification, they drank a few more drinks, and then they parted ways.

This is also the last time Qin Xiao will cooperate with Misty and the others, because Master will go back to be his waiter, and Misty will continue his journey.

They all have different paths, so they started their own lives.

"By the way, it's really hot today, Peter, why don't you use your equipment to refresh me, anyway, your cobweb has been modified, it's good to use that kind of thing to cool me down."

Peter glanced at Qin Xiao, then took off the device on his wrist, and launched a cobweb that could cool down, forming a small room, enveloping Qin Xiao and himself.

The people outside look like a small cage, but they don't know that it will be very refreshing to walk inside.

Both Peter and Qin Xiao fell asleep comfortably, and Banner noticed something was wrong, so he came to their small room.

"It's really comfortable. When you come to the beach, you have such innovative ideas. You really deserve to be my two good apprentices."

Qin Xiao walked over and patted~ Banner's head.

"Who do you say is your apprentice? In terms of scientific research, we have made no less contributions than you, and you don't understand many things. Am I right?"

Banner only wanted to enjoy the present moment, and didn't want to say anything to Qin Xiao, and Peter was the same.

There were other people playing on the beach, and Steve was surfing on the beach at this time, carrying a skateboard, and performing acrobatics on the waves, and the people watching cast envious eyes.

"If only I could be as chic as he is, there are a lot of things I can't do sometimes, and he has a perfect body."

Artens stood on the seashore, admiring Steve helplessly.

Steve was wearing sunglasses and shorts, and his whole body exuded an aura of male hormones, which in the eyes of any woman was simply a proper fat.

Steve wasn't very interested in the women on the beach, he was going to have fun now because that was what he wanted.

As he was getting ready for his second wave, Attens challenged Steve.

"Captain, let's have a match, this is just an entertainment match, there is no other purpose."

0………seeking flowers…………

Steve readily agreed, and then Attens stood on the sea and used Ability to create a skateboard made of light energy.

"Captain, don't worry. Although I made this with Ability, it's no different from ordinary ones. Just trust me."

Steve easily believed what Atens said. In fact, Atens was fooling Steve, and when he couldn't catch up, the skateboard would increase its speed to cheat.


Although this was a little unkind, he knew that he definitely didn't have the explosive power of Steve, and it was normal to use some small tricks.

"Steve can't fail to see such an obvious skill. Seeing his serious face, it should be like this."

Banner acted as a referee for them. After several rounds of competition, Artens and the captain were tied.

The captain's speed is really fast. After all, he is also a man who has been injected with serum, and it is strange that he would lose to others in addition to his usual exercise, and he even scored a tie.

This shows that Artens must have cheated. .

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