Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

1030 Back To The Hotel To Play

They report back to Steve when they're done.

"You two have done a good job, now only the finishing touches are left, but if Stark finds out by himself, it's none of my business, so you still have to be careful

Qin Xiao and Natasha Romanoff quickly admitted their mistakes and said they would hand over all the treasures. These things did not belong to them in the first place, but were plundered by the doctor before his death.

"Since you have made such an awareness, then ask Stark to come here to confirm, and I don't know how he will evaluate it."

Stark obviously doesn't care much about these things.

"You picked up these things yourself, right? Then they belong to you, why hand them in, hand in a hammer.

Qin Xiao and Natasha Romanoff nodded slowly, their expressions gradually becoming excited.

"It seems that Stark understands us best, Natasha Romanoff, and he can earn another income."

Natasha Romanoff shook her head excitedly, and hugged Qin Xiao tightly.

"Really, it still makes me nervous, I really shouldn't think so`..

Then the two sold these things, and half of the proceeds were donated to charity organizations, while the other half was put into their own accounts as backup energy.

"Our choice is simply God's will. This is something left to me by Doctor Octopus. I can deal with it as I want. I don't know why he treats me so well."

In fact, when Doctor Octopus lost consciousness, he was awakened by Qin Xiao for a period of time. Because of Qin Xiao's Ability, part of it was too powerful, which made Doctor Octopus wake up.

The doctor was attracted by his Ability, so he wanted to convey his ideas to him, not only the treasure, but also his device, and pass it on to this man.

Qin Xiao still doesn't know what evil intention Doctor Octopus is playing, but he gradually forgot that there is such a thing.

I decided to hand over all the money to Alex and the others for safekeeping. If I put it on myself, I'm afraid I can't help but spend it all.

Afterwards, Qin Xiao transferred the balance in his account to Alex's account, and Alex was a little surprised to see that there was so much money in his account.

"Dell, come here and see what happened. We haven't bought lottery tickets recently. Why did we suddenly have so much money? Could it be that Mr. Qin has gained some ill-gotten wealth?"

Qin Xiao sneezed suddenly, and he didn't know what happened.

Qin Xiao decided to clarify with the two of them, and then used space transfer to come to Alex and Qin Xiao's side.

The two of them stared at Qin Xiao in disbelief, as if they were looking at an unknown object.

"You two, don't look at me with such eyes, I'm sorry, did you suddenly have a sum of money just now, yes, that's what I sent to you, but you have to keep it safe, I'm here It was transferred to you because of trust. (Wang Zhaozhao) Alex and Dale nodded slowly, they said they would never use a penny of it.

Qin Xiao left them happily, wanting to have a good time during his vacation, so he went to the bar where Master was located without saying a word, wanting to soak for a whole day.

Qin Xiao came to the bar again, and he found that Master's eyes were no different from those of ordinary people, so he asked him how long he had maintained this state. .

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