Then the giant beast turned into a human figure and appeared in front of them.

Qin Xiao could tell what his real body was at a glance, but he was not in a hurry to do it, he still had to try it out now.

"What the hell is this guy up to?"

"You guys have invaded this land, right? But I don't feel any murderous intent from you. What's going on?"

Qin Xiao understood now that the demon just now was the object of his hatred, and now he has mistaken the object.

This guy thought they were the ones who came here to destroy, so this guy regarded Qin Xiao and the others as enemies.

Qin Xiao was about to explain to this guy what happened before, but the giant beast didn't want to talk nonsense with them at all, because he couldn't turn his head around.

"Since you have done such a thing, then I will pay the corresponding price."

After the giant beast finished speaking, it clenched its fist, concentrated its strength on the fist, and then hit it with one blow.

Attons held the shield transformed from light and blocked the blow. He didn't expect his shield to be cracked.

"Be careful, this guy is terrifyingly powerful."

Qin Xiao shouted at them.

Peter felt that he had a chance, so he released the simulated octopus in the device, and the simulated octopus was immediately trapped. This giant beast, but the monster shattered as soon as it tried to simulate the octopus.

"You guy actually ruined what I worked so hard to make!"

Peter wrapped the cobweb around those big trees, and then wound it a few times to form a huge amounts of net.

"Qin Xiao, right now, his back is facing you.

When the monster turned its head back, Qin Xiao punched him in the face and sent him flying to the cobweb made by Peter.

After wrapping it up, Peter thought the guy must be immobile.

"No matter who goes in, it is absolutely impossible to use brute force to break free. This guy should only have brute force, so let's leave it here. Since it is useless to reason with him, we can only use some rough methods. "

The behemoth was entangled, paused for a few seconds, and then spewed fire from its mouth and consumed Peter's cobweb.

Peter was shocked, because no one has ever been able to do this to this extent, and he is the second person who can burn his cobweb clean.

"Besides Qin Xiao, there is actually another person who can burn this thing for me. You are quite capable, so I can have some fun."

Peter activated the nano-device, and then Flight launched the cobweb in time and space, trying to entangle the hands and feet of the giant beast again.

But the monster leaped through the air and kicked Peter in the chest, and Peter grabbed his foot and spun around.

While the two were spinning at high speed, Qin Xiao and the others were watching the battle. 697

Qin Xiao felt that his new trick was very useful, so he could make that guy faint, and then take advantage of the opportunity to create an opportunity, but he would also faint himself in this way [Peter, you are acting like this is wrong.

"After transferring him, let us do it."

After Peter and the behemoth fell to the ground, the behemoth stood up slowly, with murderous looks in his eyes, but Peter already felt that the sky was dark and he was uncomfortable.

Qin Xiao knew that Peter's rotation plan had failed, so now he had to dispatch it by himself.

At the moment At the moment, Atens transforms several flying darts at the fingertips. After these flying darts are launched, they can be manipulated to change the orbit of the flying darts. .

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