After Badri got the Ability of Crisp Fruit, he felt that he was much stronger than before, so he asked Qin Xiao to practice with him.

"You just got his power, and you want to fight me. You are quite courageous, but I still accept it."

Qin Xiao stretched out his hand and let Badri touch him.

Now both of them have the ability of crisp fruit, so when they touch each other, they feel that each other is a part of their "810" body.

Qin Xiao didn't intend to let Badri go, put Badri's hand on his palm, and then put his left hand on his temple.

The two of them were forcibly combined in this way, and now Qin Xiao is Badri, and after their two bodies were combined, they soared in the universe.

The state of the two of them cannot be described in words. Under Badri's strong resistance, the two of them separated again.

"Mr. Qin, don't do this. I'm very resistant, and I'm still very scared. Unless you are performing a mission, don't do this to me at other times."

Qin Xiao understood what he meant, and assured him that he would never be so reckless again.

Now headquarters has given them a new type of mission.

"This time, you need to find an old friend of Thanos. His name is Sand Qi. He was originally a kind god, but now he has degenerated into a demigod. Under the influence of Thanos, his character A lot has changed."

"It turned out to be like this. I understand. After finding this sand rider, we will conduct oral education. If verbal teaching is not enough, we will conduct fist education."

Alston on the side was stunned by his remarks.

"Mr. Qin, is this serious? We are doing business. We are not a gangster."

Qin Xiao looked up at the guy who posted the task.

"Why are you issuing tasks to us, Vision, you are not taking care of Wanda at home and you are running out to hang out, if she finds out, she will definitely teach you a lesson.

Vision said that this is not the first time. Anyway, he will definitely be criticized when he goes back, so it is better to play outside for a while.

"You are really a good man."

"Don't talk so much nonsense, are you going or not? If you don't go, I will leave it to others..."

Qin Xiao felt that this was an opportunity to raise his salary, so he reluctantly accepted the task.

"Since you are taking on this task, I will inform you of the details. The information has been posted on the fighter plane, and you will see it later." I will leave first


"Go back quickly, Wanda may have prepared a set of arguments that can scold you to death."

Qin Xiao and the others boarded that familiar fighter plane again.

"Flying off the plane, I really miss you. Since the last time it was almost destroyed, I have lingering fears, and then I asked Attens to repair you. I don't know how powerful this light energy generator is. Come and try it now."

A5.8 Duns looked at Qin Xiao with dead fish eyes.

"You say that as if you don't trust me."

"It's not that I don't trust your light engine, it's just that I don't trust myself, because your operation interface is too complicated, and it looks like I can't operate it, so I will lie behind for a while, You will operate the machine."

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