Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

1066 Midlow Shows Strength

The captain has already developed trust in this guy, and they have to follow the captain and walk forward with him.

Walking to the place where the biochemical weapon was buried, that guy used his palm to lift the seal and brought the biochemical weapon out.

"It turns out that this thing can be touched with hands."

Now he turned on the switch of the biochemical weapon inside, and began to gather energy.

Midlow took out the shield he had snatched from the captain before, and put it on his back.

"Start shooting at me now."

That guy has no hesitation at all.

Midlow disappeared before their eyes, but shield fell to the ground and disappeared bit by bit.

This guy thought the lab had failed, so he didn't want to continue playing with him.

But the captain took out the real shield,550 and put it on his back.

"Shoot me this time."

After he finished speaking, Midlow appeared behind Qin Xiao again, and was scratching his itch.

"What are you doing? I'm not afraid of this move."

Now the guy is freaking out when he sees Midlow appearing and disappearing.

Midlow explained to him, "Actually, I just used my fruit Ability, so there's no need to be surprised."

This guy didn't know what fruit ability was at all, and nodded silently in front of Delo.

"Then go ahead and shoot at the captain!"

The biochemical weapon increased its horsepower at this time, and the captain felt that his shield was getting hotter.

After a few minutes, the shield had no problem at all, and Qin Xiao announced that it could stop.

They told the guy to put the bioweapon back in, but he didn't look like he was getting enough of it.

They also understood what he wanted to do.

"I've swallowed my anger here for so many years, can't I be so chic if I want to?"

He packed up the biochemical energy and released it, and immediately he fell in front of several people.

After Qin Xiao transferred Steve and Midlo, the company was immediately surrounded.

After surrounding them with a barrier, there was nothing he could do. The people here should be dead now.

"That guy is really crazy, he not only hates his own (ahed) people, but also hates the enemy, I haven't seen such a sacrificial subordinate for a long time.

Qin Xiao said a cold joke, and the two people next to him were unmoved.

Now they have to go back to headquarters to report the incident.

Stark and the others immediately made a decision after knowing it.

They are now going to the recycling company, which is full of biochemical gas, so it will be very difficult to recycle.

But they have Midlow here, so they don't have to worry about that much money.

After Qin Xiao taught Midlow, he asked him to go to the battlefield to show his strength.

"Don't worry, Mr. Qin, I already know how this thing works."

Midlow gathered the energy in his whole body, and then transformed into the form of atoms.

The surrounding gas was transformed, and those biochemical weapons disappeared.

No one else knew what was going on here.

Qin Xiao snapped his fingers, and his barrier was broken.

Now the company looks like an abandoned factory.

When they entered the factory, they found that the inside had been destroyed and dilapidated.

Qin Xiao also doesn't want to use the ability to reverse time now, because he pins his hopes on Midlow. .

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