Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

1071 Captain And Bucky Are Under Control

Alex's method is to drag Steve and Bucky's most precious equipment to HYDRA's base, and then bluff.

Alex's guess is that they should have been drugged by HYDRA, and then made a deal with them.

"Certainly wouldn't do it in a sane situation, so they should be drugged, and then they don't listen to their own consciousness."

Alex's conjecture was reasonable to some extent, but it wasn't completely right. They had indeed lost their consciousness now, but it was only because their judgment was wrong.

"When they make mistakes in their judgment, they will not be able to tell whether they are right or wrong. I have heard that HYDRA does everything in other places before, so they must be in the business of making drugs. of.

Then they remembered that Bucky had also been controlled by HYDRA before this, and killed Stark's mother.

That's something he's been doing unconsciously, too, and Stark sure doesn't want to recall something that hurts.

He had told Alex before they set off.

"After finding the two of them, we must first confirm the authenticity of this matter (ahcf). If they are really controlled, we must knock them down without any hesitation, otherwise our safety will be threatened."

"Understood, boss, we will handle our own affairs well."

Stark nodded, and then Qin Xiao brought Alex into the interior of HYDRA, following the old routine.

Now HYDRA and the others already knew that it was Qin Xiao who had sneaked in again, but they were just too embarrassed to expose him.

When they wanted to let him go inside, they also drugged the two of them to faint.

When Qin Xiao and the others were walking inside, they suddenly found a purple smoke filling the air.

Alex and Qin Xiao hurriedly covered their mouths and noses, because they knew that after inhaling this gas, they would definitely be controlled.

Now even if they cover their mouths and noses, they will inevitably inhale a little, because this gas will always remain here.

The other members of HYDRA had already fled, and they were watching the actions of these two people.

"See, the two of them really broke into here."

A man with a bald head and a blindfold said with a smile.

He looks a lot like Nick Fury, but he's not.

He lost his eyes during the war, and now Steve and Bucky are in this Mixia, ready to hunt Qin Xiao and the others.

At this time, Bucky fell into the same move from more than ten years ago. If he wakes up, he will definitely become angry and want to take HYDRA by himself.

Qin Xiao was quick to think, since he couldn't let the mist disperse, he should inhale it all.

"Alex, after inhaling the gas, I will transform it into something else."

Alex listened to Qin Xiao's words, and then breathed in the gas with his mouth open.

Qin Xiao used his Ability to break a big hole in the wall and let all the gas out.

Now the residual gas in their bodies has become solid and spit out from their mouths.

"To be honest, Mr. Qin, this is really disgusting."

Steve and Bucky heard the loud noise and rushed over with their rifles in hand. .

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