Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruits

1084 Comprehend The Fruit Of Color

At this time, she understood the true Ability of this fruit in her mind.

"It seems that the Ability this thing brings to me is the ability to change the color of objects."

Radley said.

"In fact, it's more than that. In addition to changing the color, you can also change the mood of the object. For example, after you identify an object, his mood will form a color and appear in front of you. As long as you choose a color, your mood will also change. Change."

Qin Xiao said.

After that, Ladley found Qin Xiao, and they were having an important meeting in the headquarters.

At this time, Radley broke in. Steve thought she was some suspicious person, picked up the shield and threw it over, knocking Radley unconscious.

Qin Xiao walked over to take a look and found that it was Radley, so she took her to the infirmary to rest.

"This kid has already opened his own restaurant at such a young age. Let me ask everyone here who has such an ability."

The audience was silent, and now they resumed their meeting.

The general content of this meeting is how to deal with some of the hazards left by the locust army.

"Those guys from the Locust Army have been cut off, but they have researched something we don't understand while engaging in aggression."

Steve analyzed.

"Like this."

As Stark spoke, he took out an unrule object.

The energy contained in this object is very rich.

He looks like a stone with no rules. This stone can control the consciousness of others, and it can also directly change the shape of the object. It is a rare weapon

Qin Xiao had an ominous premonition. He felt that Radley's color fruit should have something in common with this thing, because they had already resonated.

Radley originally wanted to tell Qin Xiao the good news that she controlled the fruit, but she didn't expect that she would resonate with the stone in Stark's hand.

After all, to a certain extent, they are all existences that can control consciousness, but Radley can only change people's emotions.

As for this kind of thing, the user can rely on it to directly manipulate the consciousness of others.

But there is a price to pay, and the price is that after using it once, the user himself will fall into a state of madness, just like drinking a lot of wine.

At this moment, Qin Xiao brought the object into Radley's room, and placed it next to her.

Ladley woke up at this time, saw Qin Xiao sitting beside him holding a stone, and asked him what he wanted to do.

Qin Xiao said that he wanted to bring this stone to her for appreciation, and Radley took the stone in his hand and looked at it.

"These 280 things look ugly."

Then Ladley dyed the thing, but then something magical happened. After it was dyed red, the thing became very hot.

Putting on other colors will have a different reaction.

"It seems that this thing will also change according to the color, just like a person, don't you have this feeling?"

Radley herself felt it too, she didn't want to say anything more to Qin Xiao now, she just felt that this thing had something in common with her.

Stark went to their room to check the situation, and then discussed with Radley. .

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