Man In One Piece Begins With Hammering White Beard

Chapter 86 - Xia Qi's Rip-up Bar

"Yes, yes,," these pirates had already been frightened and turned them in.

Even a few hundred Bailey's gold coins have to be turned in. Speed's face is disgusting~

"Just two hundred Baileys, you'd better keep it and go home!" Speed ​​stomped and said angrily.

"Yes,,, yes, thank you very much~" The pirate hurriedly took the two hundred Bailey back. After all, it felt uncomfortable to be penniless.

After five minutes, all searches are completed.

A wooden box was found beside Brother Leopard, and when he opened it, there was a devil fruit. The body was black and shiny.

"Captain Bai Qi! There is a devil fruit here~" Speed ​​happily walked towards Bai Qi, holding a fruit similar to a hammer in his hand~

"Oh?" Bai Qi came with interest.

"System, open the Devil Fruit Illustrated Book, search and appraise~

"Yes, host."

"Ding Dong! After the search is complete, you can pound the fruit for Superman, and you can turn the fruiter's body into a hammer~" The system's prompt sound came over.

After hearing the introduction of the system, Bai Qi was a little disappointed. As expected, the big bargains like fish fruits are not easy to pick up~

But there is better than nothing.

System, open the panel.

Ding Dong!

"Ding Dong!

Host: Bai Qi

Age: 8 years old

Occupation: Team Leader of the White Beard Pirate

Fruit: Shaking fruit (ignoring the sea)

Domineering: armed color domineering (intermediate), see and hear color domineering (intermediate) domineering color (intermediate)

Skills: Cut the enemy at the speed of light five times (one time consumption) and instantly slash the enemy, reaching the speed of light!

Flashing skills five times (teleports any space within 100 meters)

Item: Incomplete Devil Fruit Illustrated Book {3/10}

Fish and fish fruits, heavenly gold (50 billion Baileys), 10 billion Baileys, rain and rain fruits, famous swords, blows snow, beats fruits

Basic attributes:

Strength: Capped

Defense: Capped(Read more @

Agility: capped

Billions of Baileys have been added, and there is also a pounding fruit, which is also a gain~

Overall, there are still some gains, no matter how small the fly is, it is meat~

"Next stop, Xia Qi's rip-off bar!" Bai Qi shouted in a loud voice.

I saw a strange scene in the Chambord Islands. The pirates of the Leopard Brother Pirate Group were pulling a large carriage at the moment.

There were twelve people in the car, and one of them was a teenager with a mask~

The names of the twelve people rang. After all, they basically gave Brother Leopard a full end!

Everyone is talking about who these people are, and the one who said the most is the young man with a mask, which must be a supernova~

While on the road, the pirates stopped one after another.

One by one stood there blankly, silent for a long time.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Bai Qi said with a ugly expression. Does this group of guys want to be lazy? It seems that the fear they have caused in their hearts is not enough~

"Don't get me wrong, uncle, you see who is in front of you, let's not go there." a pirate who was pulling a car defended.

Bai Qi looked in the direction of the pirate's fingers and saw a tall slave with explosive muscles. He was crawling on the ground at the moment, and his whole body was tied with iron chains.

"Asshole, if there is no such shackles!" After speaking, the slave smashed the shackles with his hands frantically.

Obviously, this slave has been tortured close to nerves.

"I said, this slave hasn't been well trained yet, it's really disappointing!" A guy covered in white clothes and an air-shielded head made an uncomfortable voice.

"Eh~" Bai Qi was deeply surprised, "Isn't the guy in the white clothes and the glass cover the same as Tianlong?" Bai Qi's mouth raised.

Before the pirates had time to answer, they only heard a bang, and the slave was blown to powder~

Seeing that the slave didn't resist the Tianlongren, but complained about his shackles.

"Don't he dare to resist the Tianlongren riding on him?" Bai Qi said.

"Rebelling against the Tianlongren?" The pirates of the Leopard Brother Pirate Group didn't expect this masked kid to say such things.

Where can anyone dare to resist the Tianlong people, the price of resisting the Tianlong people will be punishable and killed by the family!

And even if you resist, the navy will directly send generals to suppress you! Who will let people be the aloof Tianlong people? Who makes the family the descendants of the true ruler of this country?

"No one here dared to resist the Tianlong people." The Leopard Brother Pirate Group said in surprise.

"Really ridiculous." Bai Qi curled his lips.

A Heavenly Dragon with no combat power can actually suppress a muscular slave like this~ What a mockery~

Speed's face next to him changed slightly. "Captain Bai Qi, are you doing this here?" asked nervously.

Killing the Tianlongren, but it will cause the general to airborne ~ Speed ​​is a little nervous at this time, he does not know how Bai Qi faces the general ~

"Well, sooner or later, they are not the time to die yet." Bai Qi said lightly. "Go on, those maggots have gone far." Bai Qi looked at the Tianlongren who had gone far, and said disdainfully.

Only relying on the yin virtue left by his ancestors to dominate in front of innocent people, but he has no strength in his own right. What is it if it is not a maggot?

"Maggots?" The members of the Leopard Brother Pirates group once again looked at Bai Qi with shocked eyes. It was the first time that his group saw someone daring to be so rude to the Tianlong people.

I don't know, if they knew that Bai Qi came to the Chambordian Islands this time, a very important thing is to kill the Tianlongren, how should he feel?

I'm afraid that by that time, the whole chin will be shocked~

"Let's go, keep going." The passing of the Tianlong people is just a small episode for Bai Qi. In Bai Qi's eyes, no matter what race you are, if you don't have the strength, Bai Qi will not respect him. .

After walking for another half an hour, I finally came to Xia Qi's ripped-off bar.

"Xia Qi's rip-off bar?" The corner of Bai Qi's mouth rose slightly.

Does it look ordinary? The bar is also very small, but the decoration style is quite good, you can see the proprietress’s care.

"Your little lives are saved." Bai Qi dragged them away, said the pirates who were panting at the moment.

The pirates, who were still panting just now, showed joy on their tired faces.

"But well~" Bai Qi's conversation turned. "Capital crimes are forgiven, living crimes are inevitable. Let's break one arm~" Bai Qi said lightly.

"What?..." Everyone dared to stare, each with a shocked and puzzled expression, and broke their arms. .

All were dumbfounded.

"Why, don't you want to leave?" Bai Qi continued to ask.

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