Man In Pirates: The Most Evil Admiral

Chapter 121 Night Attack Celestial Dragons Girl (1)

"Marshal Marine, this position is really bad, hard work, and being reprimanded by the old guys from the Five Elders, I don't want to be Marshal Marine."

Luo Cheng rejected Bellyard without hesitation.

Because Marshal Marine was really bad, he wasn't interested in Marshal Marine either.

"Instead of letting me be Marshal Marine, give me some money, not much, and give me tens of billions of baileys, and I can marry you as my concubine.

Everyone nearby was speechless.

How arrogant he must be to blatantly say that Marshal Marine is bad, and even to call the Five Elders old.

He even made Celestial Dragons his concubine.

I don't know where Luo Cheng got this courage.

In fact, Luo Cheng didn't take it to heart at all.

In this world, after all, the strong are respected.

His strength can already make him arrogant, as long as he is not arrogant to a certain extent, such as killing Celestial Dragons, everything is acceptable.

Bellyard is also increasingly interested in Luo Cheng.

"You're very nice, those Marines, like dogs, grovelling and flattering me all these years."1

"There are other men as well, there is no manliness at all, you are much better than those boys.

The Marines were all speechless.

If it wasn't for the fact that Bellyard had the status of Celestial Dragons, how could they be grovelling and have no points of their own?

Luo Cheng was also amused, put one arm around Belle Yade, then put Bell Yadra in his arms, moving his hand down, and then held it tightly.

"Beauty, you have a very good eye. In terms of handsomeness, none of those Celestial Dragons can compare to me. In terms of beauty, none of the Celestial Dragons can compare to you."

"The two of us should be considered talented and talented, otherwise we'll be together reluctantly and something will happen.

The Marines' faces changed.

Such unscrupulous ridicule of Celestial Dragons, you have to look at the occasion, aren't you afraid of Celestial Dragons to blame?

Bellyard was indifferent, and even smiled.

"You're right, since that's the case, then from today onwards, we'll be together, and tonight, I'll be waiting for you at home...".

After speaking, Bellyard gently pushed Luo Cheng away, and left slowly, the figure was so perfect that Luo Cheng couldn't help but glance at it.

Luo Cheng felt that his heart was moved, and he began to have ideas. It was time to find another one.

Their old Luo family's genes are very good, one or two people can't bear it at all, and they have to find Bellyard to share the pain.

Bellyard also looks very good, and should be able to withstand his explosive offensive.

Both Marine and the black guard were stunned.

This development is too fast, I didn't expect it to be done so quickly, and even agreed with each other.

Are they not keeping up with the trend of the times?

After Bellyard left, Luo Cheng silently glanced at it, turned around and left.

"Help me to find out, where is the beautiful Celestial Dragons just now, where is her home."

Adjutant Marine's face changed instantly.

"Sir, don't you really want to do something to Celestial Dragons? Celestial Dragons are very noble and only allow internal marriages, not even Marines.


Luo Cheng slapped Adjutant Marine on the forehead.

"Am I the kind of person who can't walk when I see beautiful women? I'm just going to get to know each other at night, and then take care of each other's heart."

"And I'd leave quickly after playing and not marry her, so it shouldn't be against Celestial Dragons' code.

What Luo Cheng said was righteous and awe-inspiring.

The Marines were all speechless and wanted to slap Luo Cheng hard.

Listen, is this human?

What is meant by getting to know each other and taking care of each other's heart.

It was clearly the body of Bellyard.

Also, just go away for fun, don't get married.

Listen, is this what a normal man would say?

This is clearly a scumbag behavior, Luo Cheng is also thick-skinned enough to actually want to be a scumbag.

But they couldn't help Luo Cheng at all.

"Sir, then you are the residence of the Celestial Dragons, we are just ordinary Marines, and we have no way of understanding.

Luo Cheng nodded, that's true.

"Then wait a minute, I'll ask her for a map and take care of her at night.

Lieutenant Marine rolled his eyes.

He also wanted to ask for a map. In his opinion, Celestial Dragons was clearly joking, and it was absolutely impossible to be with Luo Cheng.

Not to mention doing something about it.

But after more than ten minutes, all the Marines were collectively stunned, with an incredible look on their faces.

Because Luo Cheng actually wants to get to the map.

Luo Cheng also noticed the expressions of these Marines and showed off proudly.

"...|| See no, this is the charisma that shines, that Celestial Dragons must like me very much, and tonight, I will be a dragon knight.

"Dragon Knight.

The Marines were collectively stunned and couldn't figure it out at all.

"You play with space, imagine, riding position, and then you can't ride a knight."

Luo Cheng's tone was playful.

Marine understood in an instant, with a weird smile on his face, he didn't expect Luo Cheng to be such a person.

"Okay, let's go back. I'm very happy now. I thought I was exiled, but I didn't expect that there would be such an affair. I will definitely grasp it well."1

Luo Cheng left happily.

He can already imagine his life tonight, absolutely very happy.

Adjutant Marine had a strange expression on his face.

"You said, should we notify Naval Headquarters, and remind Marshal Sengoku, I always feel that the sir might get into trouble.

The nearby (money) Marine looked at each other, wondering if Naval Headquarters should be notified.

But in the end, they still did not dare to report to Naval Headquarters, because they were afraid that Luo Cheng would be angry, and even more afraid that Luo Cheng was just joking.

In the office at night.

Luo Cheng glanced at the sky outside, with a gloomy smile on his face, then disappeared in a flash, and rushed out in an instant.

Tonight, he is going to take Bellyard.

Such a beautiful big beauty is waiting for his comfort, how can she not pass.

In just a moment, Luo Cheng came to the Holy Land Mariejois, took out the map, and walked in quietly.

Soon, Luo Cheng found Bellyard's house.

A very luxurious room soft.

And Belle Jarde's status in Celestial Dragons is very high, otherwise it would not be possible in the depths of the Holy Land Mariejois.

(There are still more than 100 flowers to add more.).

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