Man In Pirates: The Most Evil Admiral

Chapter 17 Abduct Zoro And Kuina (4)

"But... my father said that girls can't become great swordsmen."

Kuina was suddenly disappointed.

Although she has always wanted to be a great swordsman, women's physical strength is inherently weaker than men's.

And she also noticed that during this time, the gap between her and Zoro is getting smaller and smaller, and Zoro will surpass her one day.

"Your father, don't believe his words. He always said before that my talent is not good, and I haven't achieved anything in swordsmanship in my life."

Luo Cheng patted Kuina's head lightly.

Koshiro next to him turned black.

He admitted that mistaking Luo Cheng in his life was one of his biggest mistakes.

But one thing is certain, Kuina's talent is still a little short, and it is difficult to become a great swordsman, let alone an excellent great swordsman.

After hearing this, Kuina turned to look at Koshiro.

"Father, do you think Brother Luo Cheng's talent is really not good? But I remember that it is difficult for many people to become swordsmen."

Koshiro was a little speechless. Can he admit that he was wrong?

But don't say it, I don't know how Luo Cheng did it, and he was able to become an excellent swordsman.

"Kuina, not everyone can create miracles like Luo Cheng."

"Master, tell me honestly, how many people have been able to become swordsmen like me at the age of 18."

Luo Cheng suddenly interrupted Koshiro.

Koshiro was choked by Luo Cheng, which seems really hard to say.

"I became a swordsman before I was 22."

Luo Cheng patted Kuina's head again.

"See? I'm only 18 years old. When I learned swordsmanship here, I still had the cheek to stay. Your dad didn't agree."

Koshiro's face was ugly again.

Can you not always talk to him.

But let's not say, Luo Cheng is indeed quite astounding to be able to do this.

Kuina's face was a little happy after hearing this.

"I understand. I remember that Brother Luo Cheng can create miracles, so I can definitely do it, and I have to work hard."

This time, Kuina was completely confident.

Koshiro will not say more, remember that Kuina is full of self-confidence, then let Kuina continue to work hard.

Zoro, who was next to him, couldn't help it, and immediately ran to Luo Cheng's side.

"I will definitely become a swordsman too."

Luo Cheng looked at Zoro again.

This is also a good seedling, which can be cultivated well and will also be a good helper in the future.

"I believe in you, you can definitely do it, by the way, do you want to join Marine, join Marine, you can fight more enemies."

Luo Cheng started his own trick of cheating.

Koshiro next to him was a little anxious, Zoro was his favorite successor, how could Luo Cheng just be fooled away.

"Cough cough... Zoro, you should study hard now, don't think too much for now."

"Even if you don't want to do that much, you should prepare in advance. When you grow up, you can still join Marine."

Koshiro looked at Luo Cheng unhappily.

He is obviously a member of their gym, but now he is trying to fool his only successor.

Luo Cheng completely ignored Koshiro's expression.

"Zoro, think about it, I'm not very talented, but it's because of joining Marine that I have achieved this."

Zoro's eyes lit up, and so did Kuina's.

Luo Cheng's talent is so poor that he can become a swordsman. They are so good, if they join Marine, maybe they can really make a difference.

"Brother Luo Cheng, I have decided. When I grow up, I will join your Marine." Kuina was the first to make a decision.

Zoro next to him no longer hesitated.

"I want, I want to join Marine."

Koshiro's face darkened.

If he kidnapped his two most important people at once, Luo Cheng shouldn't be allowed to come back.

Luo Cheng got the consent of the two and turned to look at Koshiro with a big smile on his face.

"Master, in another two years, when they grow up, will they be able to go to my Marine Base?"

Both Kuina and Zoro see Koshiro.

Koshiro could see the anticipation in their eyes.

It seemed that he could not refuse.

"I see. Now that you both have decided, go to Marine when you're older."

Koshiro also figured it out.

Anyway, I will always go to sea in the future. In this case, let two people follow Luo Cheng.

After all, there is Luo Cheng's shelter.

Both Kuina and Zoro are happy.

Luo Cheng was also very happy.

"Kuina, the owner of the restaurant, it seems that we haven't finished eating yet. Let's continue eating."

Koshiro didn't say much and came back silently, but he didn't seem to be in a good mood.

Luo Cheng was very happy.

After dinner, Luo Cheng went under the attic, found the whetstone, and put it away.

He didn't forget that Kuina accidentally fell down and was killed by the whetstone. Of course, he wanted to prevent this from happening.

After doing all this, Luo Cheng went back to his room to rest.

Koshiro also came here at this time, looked at the whetstone next to him, and was still a little confused.

He couldn't understand what Luo Cheng's purpose was. He originally thought that Luo Cheng was coming back to steal weapons.

But if you think about it carefully, Luo Cheng's Tiancong Cloud Sword is no worse than his weapon, and even a little better.

Koshiro thought for a while, but didn't want to understand, so he didn't bother about this problem, turned around and left.

The night passed like that.

The next morning, Luo Cheng said hello and left alone.

But when Luo Cheng was leaving, Kuina came to the beach and specially sent Luo Cheng off.

Even Zoro came.

(Kneeling and begging for the support of the flower evaluation votes of the big guys.)

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