Man In Pirates: The Most Evil Admiral

The 222nd chapter does not give money, just film (4)

(The original text of the previous chapter has been modified.)

Hearing that it was the revolutionary army, Saint Rothchar did not dare to speak.

Although he is usually a little sturdy, he is not a fool. He knows very well that the revolutionary army is overthrowing the world government, and naturally he will not take their Celestial Dragons in his eyes.

Maybe the Revolutionary Army can't wait to kill these Celestial Dragons immediately.

"I'm not Celestial Dragons, I'm just a normal person."

Luo Cheng's mouth twitched slightly.

Whoever said Celestial Dragons are idiots, Rothshal Saint is smart enough to deny himself.

But Rothchar Saint's intelligence is based on the fact that he is an idiot.

Do you really think he's an idiot?


Luo Cheng was punching and kicking again.

"Do you think I'm an idiot? I'm a great revolutionary army, don't you~ recognize your identity?"

Rothchar Saint cried again.

The revolutionary army in front of him was too cruel.

"Stop fighting, I admit, I'm Celestial Dragons, please let me go." Saint Roschar could only admit it.

Luo Cheng didn't continue to fight. If he accidentally killed Roschar Saint, that would be a bit bad.

"Very good, actually, when I arrest you, I don't want to bully you, let alone kill you.

Roschar Saint suddenly looked forward to life.

Not wanting to kill him would be great.

As long as you can live, you can enjoy a better life, and maybe you can take revenge in the future.

Saint Roschar is full of hatred for Luo Cheng.


Suddenly a crisp slap sounded.

Luo Cheng slapped hard.

"Are you thinking about how to teach me a lesson? Still don't want to leave alive.

Saint Rothchar was in tears.

Although he really thought so, but he didn't reveal it at all, obviously Luo Cheng thought so.

"Sir, you can say whatever you want, as long as I can take it out, I will never hesitate." Saint Rothchar said with a bitter face.

"It's very simple, I came to you that time because the great cause of our revolutionary army was at a low ebb and we didn't have enough funds.

"So I hope you can provide me with some funds to continue the great revolutionary cause and overthrow the World Government.

Roschar Sacred Heart was madly complaining.

He is a world aristocrat, how could he agree with the revolutionary army to overthrow the world government?

This is not the same as destroying oneself.

Luckily, St. Rothshal did not refuse the qualification.

"Hurry up and call the Five Elders and ask him to prepare enough money."

"If you don't give money, I'll kill you now, no, it's not worth it to kill you, I'll send you to film."1

Facing Luo Cheng's intimidation, Rose Charles was a little scared.

At the same time, he was very curious about what Luo Cheng meant by filming.

Luo Cheng heard Saint Roschar's heart, approached Saint Roschar, and said in a low voice.

"Actually, the so-called filming is very simple. It is to find ten or eight strong big pirates, and then..."

Roschar Saint's face turned pale with fright.

He likes beautiful women very much, but it is absolutely impossible to like thick pirates.

It's so scary, it's scary to think about it.

"Wait, I'll call now."

Rothchar Saint immediately called the Five Elders.

On the other side, the Five Elders are also discussing who kidnapped the Celestial Dragons, could it be Luo Cheng.

Yes, they suspect Luo Cheng did it.

After all, Luo Cheng was just rejected during the day, and Celestial Dragons was kidnapped at night.

It's hard not to doubt.

This, coupled with the lack of contact with Luo Cheng, made the Five Elders even more suspicious.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

Five Elders looked at the phone in front of him, frowned slightly, and then answered the phone immediately.

As soon as the phone was connected, the cry of Saint Rothchar came.

"Enough, let's make it clear, who did it to you?

The Five Elders were a little impatient, and the sobbing Roschar Saint was really annoying.

Only then did Saint Rothchar stop crying.

"Lord Five Elders, the Revolutionary Army." 1

Revolutionary Army.

The Five Elders doubted whether it was the Revolutionary Army or not, and always felt that Saint Roschar was fooled.

When did the Revolutionary Army pull so hard?

Luo Cheng also took the call.

"Mr. Five Elders, our revolutionary army is short of money recently, I hope you can support our revolutionary army.

Not Luo Cheng.

The Five Elders could hear that the voice was not Luo Cheng, but how did they know that Luo Cheng could change his voice.

ask for flowers...

"Long, it should be you, you actually asked us to support your revolutionary army."

One of the Five Elders thought he had heard it wrong.

They are the world government, how could they support those who rebelled against the world government.

"All in all, if you don't give me the money, I'll make Celestial Dragons.

Luo Cheng explained the meaning of filming again.

The Five Elders' faces turned green.

If Rothshal Saint were really allowed to make this film, the World Government would lose face, and they would definitely be blamed by Lord Im.

No, the idiot Rothchar Saint must be rescued.

"I see, how much money do you want."

The Five Elders' tone was a little gloomy.

Luo Cheng's mouth was slightly raised, it seemed that the Five Elders had compromised.

That's fine, he can extort a sum of money.

"Actually, I don't need too much money, just give me three or five billion Baileys, I'm still a good person.

The Five Elders' faces turned green.

Want so much, and say that he is a good person.

Although it was nothing to them, it was still very distressing for the revolutionary army.

And they always feel that the person who speaks is very similar to Luo Cheng, the tone is very similar, and the personality is also very similar.

If it wasn't for sure that it wasn't Luo Cheng's voice, and that Rose Charles could recognize it, they would have suspected Luo Cheng for a long time.

"I see, 3 billion baileys, we'll send it over."

The Five Elders hung up.

It can be seen that the Five Elders are really angry.

Luo Cheng didn't pay much attention to it either, sitting cross-legged in front of Saint Roschar and taking a careful look.

Luo Cheng was a little scared when Luo Cheng looked at him, and took a step back with panic in his eyes.

"No, no..."

He thought Luo Cheng was going to do something to him.

Like what he did to those girls.

Luo Cheng noticed Saint Roschar's eyes and slapped Saint Roschar fiercely.

"What do you think, you idiot, will I do that kind of thing to you? Don't be stupid, even if you do something to your sister, it can't be you.

Rose Charles was knocked unconscious by Luo Cheng's slap.

Luo Cheng didn't care too much, he tied up Rose Charles directly, and then put on the hood again.

This guy is so ugly, he looks a bit nauseous.

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