Man In Pirates: The Most Evil Admiral

The 354th chapter encounters Belmod (1)

A few days later, Luo Cheng left Osaka.

He has already dealt with Yuan Shan and Ye. Although Yuan Shan and Ye did not agree to be with him, they are living well.

Even Yuan Shan and Ye's parents accepted him.

On this day, after Luo Cheng returned to Tokyo, he was driving on the streets, preparing to go to the Maori Detective Agency.

He hasn't come back for a while, and it's time to meet Maorilan and get to know each other.

Although nothing can be done.

But just as he was about to arrive at the Maori Detective Agency, Luo Cheng suddenly noticed a car passing by on the side of the road.

Mainly the people in this car are very familiar.

Luo Cheng always felt that this person was a little familiar, and upon closer inspection, he looked more and more like Belmod of the Black Organization.

No, it should be Belmod.

Luo Cheng no longer hesitated, turned around in front, and followed Belmod in secret.

But for fear of being discovered by Belmod, Luo Cheng didn't follow too closely, and occasionally went in another direction.

Anyway, I finally caught up with Belmod.

After a while, Luo Cheng felt that it was almost the same, and caught up with Belmode again.

In the end, the two stopped at a luxury liquor store 027.

Luo Cheng looked at Belmode who got out of the car, the corner of his mouth rose slightly, then got out of the car as well, turned around and left together.

He was going to follow behind Belmod, determine where Belmod was, and then stay with Belmod.

The main reason is that Belmod is very beautiful and the woman he likes, so naturally he can't give up like this.

The two came to the 18th floor of the hotel together.

Luo Cheng opened a hotel next to Belmode, which is quite lucky.

It was the poor Belmod, who was a little unlucky, and was targeted by Luo Cheng.

Belmod also noticed Luo Cheng, but didn't think much about it at all, and after returning to the hotel, he took a shower.

On the other side, Luo Cheng sat on the sofa, gently shaking the wine glass in his hand, focusing on the wall.

To be precise, Luo Cheng was looking at the other side of the wall, which was Belmod.

Although he couldn't see Belmod, he could feel it.

After a while, Luo Cheng felt that he was almost done, so he left the room.

He was not in a hurry to act immediately, after all, he had just been noticed by Belmod, and now he would act on Belmod, and it would be easy for Belmod to know.

He wants to enter the village quietly, and do not shoot.

Three days later, Luo Cheng felt that it was almost the end, and it was time to take Belmode, and then he quietly came to the hotel.

In the hotel, Belmode was also in the hotel at the moment, but he didn't know that Luo Cheng was coming.

Belmod was still happily showering and talking on the phone with someone.

Luo Cheng quietly walked into the hotel room, then sat on the sofa and poured himself a glass of wine.

After drinking for a while, Luo Cheng felt that he was almost done and found a place to hide.

As a world-class scumbag and bad guy, Luo Cheng certainly couldn't have been discovered by Belmod.

He decided to take Belmode quietly and quietly.

As long as Belmod can be won, everything will be fine.

After Belmod took a bath, he walked out of the room and sat on the sofa, ready to rest.

But the next second, Belmod's expression changed.

He noticed the marks on the sofa and the wine glass on the table, and actually poured a glass of wine.

This is definitely not what she did, which means that someone has already come.

And also a mysterious person.

Belmod immediately took out his weapon, but before he could do it, Luo Cheng appeared beside Belmod and grabbed Belmod's hand.

"I'm so sorry, please don't mess around, if you dare to mess around, don't blame me for being rude.

Luo Cheng let out a breath of heat.

Belmod wanted (cjci) to resist, but no matter how hard he struggled, his arm couldn't shake Luo Cheng.

Can only lift one foot.

But as soon as he lifted his foot, Luo Cheng held down Belmod's foot, and then threw Belmod to the side.

Luo Cheng appeared next to Belmod in an instant and pressed Belmod's shoulder tightly.

"She's really a great beauty."

Indeed, now Belmod is a peerless beauty.

Not only that, because Luo Cheng just came out of the bathroom, Luo Cheng can see a lot of beautiful scenery.

Luo Cheng didn't know what to say anymore.

Belmod also knew how powerful Luo Cheng was, and looked at the gun held in Luo Cheng's hand again, and suddenly he didn't dare to resist.

Resisting at this time, the end is absolutely miserable.

Most importantly, she couldn't resist Luo Cheng at all.

In just an instant, Belmod made up his mind, raised a slender thigh, and gave Luo Cheng a wink.

"Sir, what is your purpose for coming here?"

Luo Cheng got a little closer.

"Beauty, I have a code name called the Wolf of Rice Flowers, and another code name called Flower Picking Thief.

"What is the number, you should have guessed my purpose?"

Belmod is not stupid, he immediately understood what Luo Cheng meant.

The man in front of him saw her beauty and wanted to do something to her.

But soon, Belmod realized that Luo Cheng is so good and his fighting ability is so powerful, he is definitely not just a wolf of corn.

Maybe Luo Cheng is the enemy of the organization.

Belmod became more vigilant in his heart, but unfortunately, no matter how vigilant he was, he couldn't fight Luo Cheng at all.

On the contrary, Luo Cheng had a particularly bright smile.

"What? Don't believe it? I'm sorry, I do have feelings for you, but I may be a little better."

Belmod's heart was even more uncertain.

She always felt that Luo Cheng was not a good person.

"Impossible, if you are really the wolf of rice flowers, why haven't I heard it recently?"

Luo Cheng stood next to Belmod in an instant, and slapped off another of Belmod's pistols.

"It's also very simple, I think at the beginning, I wasn't a good person, but I couldn't help it, I was very handsome.

"Those women who took advantage of me thought I was handsome, and were completely bewildered by me, so they didn't plan to call the police at all, but were willing to spend time with me.

Belmod's face darkened instantly, she didn't believe Luo Cheng at all, and she didn't think there would be such a person.

It is definitely Luo Cheng fooling her.


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