Man In Pirates: The Most Evil Admiral

Chapter 58 Luo Cheng: Vigor, Give It To Me (7)

A few days later, Luo Cheng left the Marine G5 base aboard a warship.

In addition to Luo Cheng, Vigor was also taken away.

He was going to rob Doflamingo, so of course he had to bring a few more people.

Although Vigor is Doflamingo's man.

Along the way, Vigor didn't know Luo Cheng's purpose, Luo Cheng didn't say anything, just let the navigator drive.

After a few days, we gradually reached our destination.

Vigor looked at the familiar sea area in front of him and couldn't help it, because Dressrosa, Doflamingo's territory was in front of him.

"Sir, where are we going now?"

Luo Cheng sat on a chair, drinking a drink leisurely, holding a magazine in his hand.

A very special photobook.

The above are all beauties, Luo Cheng was dazzled, and his heart was a little excited.

Hearing Vigor's words, Luo Cheng raised his head and gave Vigor a look.

"Going to Doflamingo, of course."

Vigor was heartbroken.

Luo Cheng was looking for Doflamingo, and he didn't know what happened, but it was definitely not a good thing.

Could it be that he discovered his identity?

It's not right. If he really knew his identity, he would definitely take him down first, and then go to Doflamingo.

"Is there any purpose?"

Vigor couldn't help asking.

"It's nothing, this is the New World, it's dangerous, Doflamingo is the Seven Warlords of the Sea after all, I'll go ask him to do me a favor."

Luo Cheng didn't even look at Vigor.

He did ask Doflamingo for help, hoping Doflamingo could support him with some money.

If it doesn't sound good, it's just to rob.

Vigor didn't think much, thought Luo Cheng was going to do something, but he just asked Doflamingo for help.

Yes, Doflamingo is the Seven Warlords of the Sea after all, their young master has an infinitely bright future, and even Marine has come to ask for help.

The warship gradually approached Dressrosa.

When the warship arrived at Dressrosa, it was discovered by the Don Quixote Pirates in an instant.

It was soon known by Doflamingo.

"Marine's people are here? Is there something wrong?"

Doflamingo stroked his chin, thinking inwardly.

After struggling for a while, Doflamingo couldn't think of a reason, so he didn't think about it any further.

Anyway, you'll know right away.

"Let's go out and have a look. I'd like to know what these Marines are looking for."

Doflamingo was curious about Marine's purpose, but didn't take the initiative to greet Marine.

It's just a Marine, there's no need for him to greet him.

Not a Marine of Garp's level.

After the warship docked, Luo Cheng walked directly towards the deepest part of Dressrosa with a group of his men.

Soon came to the palace hall.

"Wait, this is our young master's territory. No one is allowed to enter without our young master's order."

Several pirates blocked Luo Cheng's way.


Luo Cheng raised his hand and slapped it down. A red slap print was made on the pirate's face.

The pirates even flew out and rolled on the ground, looking very embarrassed.

"Look out who Laozi is? Laozi is Marine, dare to be so arrogant, believe it or not, I will teach you a lesson in minutes."

Luo Cheng's attitude is extremely arrogant and extremely bad.

Anyway, he came here to make trouble today, so naturally there is no need to be so amiable.

The rest of the pirates were stunned, but Luo Cheng dared to attack them.

They are members of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Shouldn't Marine be begging them to do something?

"Damn, we are the Seven Warlords of the Sea, you dare to attack us."

One of the pirates got angry.

The remaining pirates were also unhappy, holding weapons in their hands, ready to attack Luo Cheng at any time.

Luo Cheng put his right hand on Tiancong Yunjian and was about to start, but suddenly thought of something.

Why should he do it himself?

He is also a Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral, the highest commander of a base.

These pirates are not qualified to let him do it.

"Vigor, give it to me."

Luo Cheng waved his hand like he was letting go of a dog.

Vigor is his dog.

And Vigor is also an undercover agent installed by Doflamingo.

Let the undercover agent do it to the master.

Vigor was also stunned.

It seems a little inappropriate for him to do something about the Don Quixote Pirates.

He is a member of the Don Quixote Pirates after all.

But Luo Cheng ordered it, and he couldn't refuse.

Vigor suddenly felt a little tangled in his heart.

"Sir, it's the Seven Warlords of the Sea anyway, so it's not good to do something with them?"

"Shh, keep your voice down. I'll tell you secretly that we Marine has an undercover agent. You'll pay attention later. Whoever shows mercy will be an undercover agent."

Luo Cheng said cautiously.

Of course this was deliberately told to Vigor.

Vigor was heartbroken.

Marine actually suspected that there was an undercover agent. Could it be that Luo Cheng came to investigate the undercover agent?

Well, very likely.

Otherwise, such a talented teenager should follow behind Admiral or Garp, how could it be arranged at this base.

"By the way, let me tell you another secret. Sengoku's godson was betrayed by undercover agents. I came here to investigate."

"In addition, I trust you very much. You must protect your secrets and never say them out."

Luo Cheng deliberately told Vigor to listen to it, just to arouse Vigor's vigilance and to satisfy his own fun.


Vigor's heart beat faster.

Could it be that when he killed Sengoku's godson?

That's Sengoku, Marshal Marine.

No, the identity must not be revealed.

Once his identity is revealed, he is finished. It seems that he has to show it to dispel Luo Cheng's suspicion.

Can only start with their own companions.

Vigor had a murderous look in his eyes.

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