Man In Pirates: The Most Evil Admiral

Chapter 78 Super Tornado, Safe Retreat (1)

clang clang

Luo Cheng and Kaido collided fiercely, and the battle between the two sides was very fierce, affecting half of the small port towns.

At the center of the battle between the two, all the houses were shattered and collapsed.

The other pirates have retreated far away, for fear of being accidentally affected.

Luo Cheng has a smile on his face, and his heart is very excited. This is the world's top-level strength, and he has finally reached this stage-.

He never again - needs to develop slowly.

"Death to me."

Kaido suddenly let out a roar, raised the mace in his hand, and slammed down Luo Cheng fiercely.

Luo Cheng could clearly hear the sound of breaking the sky.

A black mace appeared over his head.

"This guy is really amazing."

Luo Cheng murmured and suddenly thought of something, with a smile on his face.

"Jack, what do you want to do?

Jack was stunned when he heard this.

What does he want to do?

Why did Luo Cheng talk to him like this.

Kaido also glanced at the side subconsciously.

With such a turn around, Luo Cheng seized a rare opportunity.

"Idiot, you've been fooled. How can you be distracted by a fight?"

Luo Cheng sneered, jumped into the air, and slapped Kaido in the face.

Although Luo Cheng's body is relatively small and even not as big as Kaido's head, the power of this slap is not small at all.

The powerful force made Kaido take two steps back.

"Damn, this guy is so mean.

Huo Jin and Jack gritted their teeth, very unhappy.

Even if he is already a top expert, he still does such a small trick.

"Please, I did a good thing, reminding you not to be too stupid, and don't be distracted when fighting.

Luo Cheng doesn't care at all, he also knows that small tricks can't help Kaido, anyway fighting is just to pass the time, try Kaido's strength.

Although Kaido took a few steps back and left a few footprints, he quickly stabilized his body and raised his mace.

"Thunder Eight Trigrams."

Along with the thunder, Kaido's body appeared in front of Luo Cheng's eyes in an instant, and slammed it down with a stick.

Between swings, lightning flashes on the surface of the body.

Luo Cheng immediately raised the Tiancong Cloud Sword and slashed out a sword with ease, slashing hard on the mace.

The power of Kaido's anger knocked Luo Cheng into the air.

But Luo Cheng was very indifferent, not affected by Kaido's attack, and still kept his body steady.

And when it flew into the air, Luo Cheng suddenly cut out a sword and swung a sharp sword light.

The green sword light instantly cut through the space and appeared in front of Kaido in an instant.

Kaido hit the sword with a stick.

The sword qi trembled for a while, then quickly returned to the original path, and flew in front of Luo Cheng at a faster speed.

Luo Cheng picked it up casually, and the sword qi leaped out and flew directly into the sky.

The sky originally shrouded in dark clouds was cut open by the green sword energy, forming a huge ravine, which was constantly scattered.

Many pirates opened their mouths in surprise, shocked by Luo Cheng's strength.

With a wave of his hand, he can cut through the sky, showing how powerful Luo Cheng is.

rumbling rumbling....

The two sides fought fiercely again for a long time.

Suddenly, Kaido stopped attacking, and his body continued to expand, and soon turned into a dragon form.

That huge dragon form spreads all over the sky and is hundreds of meters long. It looks like a behemoth.

"Death to me.

Kaido opened his mouth, and it was a huge pillar of fire.

A pillar of fire exuding scorching high temperature, with lightning speed, quickly appeared in front of Luo Cheng's eyes.

The hot flame kept burning the air, and the fiery heat wave blew on Luo Cheng's face first.

Luo Cheng quickly took two steps back, took the Revolving Heaven Cong Yun Sword, and then stretched out a hand, a tornado appeared from the palm of his hand.

The tornado continued to expand and spiraled toward the pillar of fire.

The pillar of fire and the spiraling storm collided.


A huge ray of light soared into the sky, accompanied by a roar that resounded through the sky.

The storm continuously impacted the flame in a spiral shape, and soon penetrated the fire column, but the rapid flame also surrounded the storm.

The two are intertwined and constantly colliding.

A large number of flames jumped in all directions, igniting the nearby ruins, and a large number of flames appeared on the sea.

ask for flowers...

Kaido's pupils shrank, he didn't resolve his breath so much, it was obvious that he was very powerful.

Marine has another master, which is really a headache, but it doesn't matter, the most headaches are other people.

As the immortal Kaido of the Beasts, he is not afraid of Luo Cheng.

"It's really amazing, but today's battle, so far, I'm not in the mood to continue fighting with you."

Luo Cheng is no longer in the mood to continue fighting.

If he fights again, although he can defeat Kaido, this is Kaido's territory after all.

Once the stamina is too much, he will not be the opponent of Huo Jin and the others.

He didn't want the feng shui to turn around.

Luo Cheng opened his hand and threw a huge tornado forcefully.

The tornado whistled, rolled up a large number of slates, and a large amount of sea water, and flew to Kaido in the sky.

As for myself, I jumped on the pirate ship on the side, and a strong hurricane blew on the pirate ship, causing the pirate ship to continuously chop the waves.

In mid-air, Kaido flew to the side quickly, dodging such a huge tornado, and then prepared to chase Luo Cheng.

But Luo Cheng just waved his finger, and the tornado quickly blocked in front of Kaido.

Kaido's pupils dilated, and without thinking much, he immediately rushed into the huge tornado.

"Get away from me." 1

That huge body struggled constantly, trying to get rid of the tornado completely.

Unfortunately, the tornado's wind was too strong. Although Kaido's body was huge, he was blown aside by the tornado and fell to the ground.

Kaido was not injured, though.

Luo Cheng also took this opportunity to blow up the pirate ship and flew away from the sky.

Huo Jin and Jack were shocked when they looked at them like this.

Actually blowing away such a big pirate ship, it can be seen that Luo Cheng's ability is strong, and it is not so easy to catch Luo Cheng.

Kaido didn't continue chasing, but just watched Luo Cheng leave with a murderous look on his face.

He wanted to chase or chase after him, but he just didn't have the mood, so he gave up.

(The flower evaluation ticket can be added and updated, please support everyone.)

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