Man In Pirates: The Most Evil Admiral

Chapter 84 Is there a Pharaoh next door to your house? (1)

Luo Cheng and Reiju hug each other and look at each other silently.

Reiju was very nervous and his heart was beating fast.

At this moment, Reiju was a little moved.

After all, someone as good and handsome as Luo Cheng is rare in the world, how could he not be moved.

Judge gritted his teeth, slapped the ground suddenly, broke free from Luo Cheng's feet, and quickly dodged aside.

Being disturbed like this, Luo Cheng was a little unhappy, and he threw it away, it was a huge storm.

The massive tornado quickly approached Judge.

Judge just got rid of Luo Cheng, and he didn't have time to retreat. He was directly swept away by the tornado and kept spinning in the storm.

Just for a moment, Judge was turned dizzy.

The storm was getting bigger and bigger, and many people nearby were swept away by the storm before they had time to escape. In the storm, dozens of people kept spinning and screaming.

Reiju also woke up, looking at the huge tornado in front of him, his eyes were full of shock.

This is the first time I have seen such a powerful person.

You can easily summon a huge tornado.

Looking at the tornado in front of me, it is more than ten meters wide and hundreds of meters high, which is completely comparable to a real sea tornado.

Not only Reiju was shocked, but everyone else was also shocked.

"Too powerful, is this the strength of Lord Vice Admiral? I didn't expect Lord Vice Admiral to be so powerful.

"Yeah, no wonder North Blue can be inspected."

No one else spoke, but they were also shocked.

Many people want to save Judge, but the speed is still a little slow, and few people dare to approach.

Occasionally, a few who approached were unable to resist at all, and were swept away by the tornado, and then there were several more screams.

Reiju woke up and quickly looked up at Luo Cheng.

"My lord, can you let my father go?" 1

Luo Cheng was a little moved when he saw Reiju's pitiful expression. He was a little unhappy for letting Judge go like this for the time being.

"If you can say a good word, it's not that I can't let your father go.

Reiju's expression looked even weaker, her mouth deflated, a little aggrieved, but also heart-warming.

"Sir, please let my father go, my father will not rebel against you.

While speaking, Reiju glanced at the tornado again.

The tornado in front of me is getting bigger and bigger, and if it continues like this, it may spread to the entire kingdom of Germa 66.

"No problem, you begged me like that, so I can only let your father go."

Luo Cheng waved his hand gently, and the tornado disappeared.


A person fell from the sky and fell heavily to the ground, and Judge also fell to the ground.

Judge was panting, cold sweat on his forehead, and panic in his eyes.

Is this the strength of Marine?

Obviously just an ordinary Marine Vice Admiral, not even Admiral, yet so powerful.

This strength is really pervert.

After Judge got up, he didn't do anything to Luo Cheng, but looked at Luo Cheng with fearful eyes.

"Sir, do you have anything to do with me?

Luo Cheng could clearly see it, Judge's eyes were full of fear, obviously he had already confessed.

But that's okay, he doesn't need to continue playing, and if he continues to fight, he is really afraid that he will accidentally beat Judge into an idiot.

"Come with me, and we'll have a good talk.

Luo Cheng turned and walked into the distance.

The next thing, it is best not to let people know.

Judge didn't think much of it, immediately followed behind, and soon came to a no-man's land.

"I heard that you have been suppressed by Doflamingo very badly during this time,

Luo Cheng suddenly said something.

Judge clenched his hands, angry inside, but he managed to restrain himself in the end.

He couldn't beat Luo Cheng.

"What do you mean, sir?"

"It's very simple, let's cooperate, I will be your backstage, you sell arms everywhere, and I will take 60% of all the profits.

Luo Cheng finally showed his greedy eyes.

Now that he has been exiled to North Blue, he should make good money and make a lot of money.

When he earns enough money, he can become stronger.

Judge was stunned for a moment, completely unresponsive, Luo Cheng actually planned to cooperate with him.

"You want to work with me? Sell arms together.

"Yes, I will provide you with protection. You can find a way to sell arms, but I will take 60%."

Luo Cheng said with certainty.

Judge heard it clearly this time, Luo Cheng really intends to cooperate with him, but it seems pretty good..

After all, Luo Cheng's strength is so pervert that he can cooperate with Luo Cheng, so he doesn't need to be afraid of Doflamingo.

"I agree, I am willing to cooperate with you, but this share..."

Judge was about to say something, Luo Cheng stretched out a hand, put it on Judge's shoulder, and pressed down lightly with one hand.

"Do you want to refuse?"

Luo Cheng's expression was a little indifferent.

Judge was about to speak, but gave up.

"I understand, it's divided like that.

"That's good, don't worry, I will definitely protect you well."

Luo Cheng patted Judge's shoulder and glanced at Reiju not far away.

Reiju noticed Luo Cheng's gaze and immediately lowered his head, slightly embarrassed.

"By the way, Judge, is there a Pharaoh next door to you?"

Judge is a little confused, what does the old king next door mean?

"Oh, you may not know, don't you think your daughter looks very different from you? She is so beautiful. Does your family have a pharaoh next door?"

Luo Cheng's meaning is obvious, that is, he is mocking.

Judge's face darkened instantly.

If it wasn't that he couldn't beat Luo Cheng, he would definitely teach Luo Cheng a lesson.

But thinking that Luo Cheng is very powerful, Judge can only give up the unrealistic idea in the end.

Can't beat it.

"I am the 2.7 king of the country, and there is no old king at home, and when I was young, I was actually quite handsome, but I have gotten older over the years."1

Judge shook his hair deliberately.

He was really handsome when he was young, Reiju is so beautiful, and he inherited the advantages of her mother.

and many more.

Could it be that Reiju's beauty really has nothing to do with him.

"Hahaha... I'm joking with you, by the way, I still have things to do, so I'll go first, and when your daughter grows up, she must come to my house as a guest."1

Luo Cheng smiled suddenly, turned around and left.

Judge understood what Luo Cheng meant.

"I understand. When my daughter grows up, she will definitely take him to see you."

"Then I'll go first.

Luo Cheng left with Marine.

Judge watched silently, feeling a little unhappy in his heart.

was actually threatened.

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