Man In Pirates: The Most Evil Admiral

Chapter 96 The Power of Thunder Breathing (Flowers Plus)

Behind Marine Base, is a forest.

Besides, there are a lot of Uzumaki at the back of Marine Base, usually few pirate ships can pass through here.

So the defensive power here is not very high.

However, in order to prevent pirates from entering by mistake, or someone passing through here, there is also a certain defense here.

After Luo Cheng came, he sent all the Marines guarding the place away, leaving no Marine behind.

Because the next thing can not be found.

He does not intend to let other people know about the lightning strike in a short period of time, how long he can hide it.

Standing on the coast, Luo Cheng looked out at the sea in the distance, stretched out a hand, and a thunderbolt appeared in the palm of his hand.


The thunder and lightning quickly formed a huge thunder dragon, whistled, rushed towards the sea in the distance, and crashed into the sea.

The moment the Thunder Dragon slammed into the sea, it exploded, directly causing a huge airflow and setting off huge waves.

A dazzling light erupted on the sea, setting off a huge mushroom cloud, constantly boiling and beating the waves.

The sea water fell on Luo Cheng's body and completely wet Luo Cheng's clothes.

The dazzling blue light gradually dissipated, and a huge deep pit appeared on the sea surface, which was dozens of meters wide.

There are many fish floating in the deep pit, and there is also a trace of meat fragrance.

This is the power of Thunder Breathing.

Between the gestures, there is the destructive power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

Luo Cheng's eyes were filled with joy.

He didn't show all his strength just now, but the shock wave generated by the explosion was no worse than the power of Sakazuki's magma.

Even burst out in full force, definitely surpassing Sakazuki.

He is saying that there is another Devil Fruit, and it can even be said that it is much better than Devil Fruit.

Luo Cheng opened his hand, and a hurricane appeared in his palm. The hurricane was surrounded by thunder and lightning, and it made a crackling sound.

The hurricane is getting bigger and the thunder and lightning are getting louder.

Even the wind is full of lightning.

"Sure enough" "."

Luo Cheng probably guessed that Thunderbolt could be used with Storm Fruit, so he gave it a try.

Unexpectedly, the power is not bad, and the effect is also obvious.

This hurricane is not only powerful, but also the power of lightning.

Storms and thunder and lightning are intertwined, more pervert.

Luo Cheng focused his attention on the system again, frowned slightly, and was a little curious.

At present, except for swordsmanship, all Luo Cheng's abilities have been strengthened to full level, and he cannot continue to strengthen them.

If the system cannot be changed, it cannot continue.

Luo Cheng just struggled for a while, and didn't think much about it. Although he couldn't continue to strengthen it, don't worry.

Anyway, there will be time later.

He is strong enough now that even Sakazuki is no match for him.

Even the Four Emperors of the New World should not be able to do anything to him, and there will be nothing in a short period of time.

Luo Cheng took the Revolving Heaven Cong Yun Sword, placed it on his back, and swooped into the woods.

Not long after, Luo Cheng returned to the office.

Many Marines noticed that Luo Cheng was refreshed, looked very happy, and seemed to be doing something good.

Back at the office, Luo Cheng put away all the money and did not plan to use it for the time being. He will use the money when he has a chance in the future.

"Lord Vice Admiral, it's time for lunch."

The adjutant stood outside the door, particularly flattering.

Luo Cheng touched his stomach, he was really hungry, it was time to eat.

"Okay, let's go to dinner together."

At the restaurant, Luo Cheng sat alone at one table, while Marines sat at other tables.

"Lord Vice Admiral, we toast you and thank you for taking care of us, you are definitely the best Marine in the world.

A certain Marine general stood up and raised his glass with admiration in his eyes.

The other Marines stood up at the same time and toasted Luo Cheng.

Luo Cheng also raised his glass.

"Then thank you, you can rest assured that as long as I have a bite to eat, you will definitely have a bite to eat, let us work together for Marine in the future.

Marine was speechless.

What is called working for the Marine.

They don't think Luo Cheng is the kind of Marine who sacrifices himself for others, purely for himself.

A very selfish person.

However, this selfish person is also quite nice.

They just like an excellent Marine like Luo Cheng.

Because money is really sweet.

Justice or something is of no use at all.

On the other side, the nobles all went back.

Maybe money, they began to squeeze those ordinary civilians again, and people were panicked for a while.

Civilians in some countries are planning revolutions.

When it comes to revolution, the revolutionary army is naturally indispensable.

The leader of the revolutionary army, Monkeyd Dragon, is in this sea area, not only planning the revolution, but also wanting to let the revolutionary army spread throughout the four seas.

In this way, more people who want the revolution can be drawn.

In a certain kingdom, the new king has just looted a large sum of money, so that ordinary commoners do not have enough money to eat.

Many even plan to sell their sons and daughters.

In a certain corner of this royal capital, the Monkeyd dragon stood on a tall building, looking at the kingdom in front of him, and his heart was very peaceful.

There were many people standing beside him.

They are all cadres of the Revolutionary Army.

"...||Dragon, look at this country, and you are looting ordinary civilians, these nobles should be damned."1

Shemale King Ivankov's eyes were full of anger.

Other revolutionary army cadres were also very angry.

The Monkeyd dragon's expression is also a little gloomy.

"Indeed, nobility is the cancer of this world, so we should eliminate (Qian Zhao) nobility and build a world cabinet without nobility."

The eyes of the nearby revolutionary army were also full of expectations.

They gathered together to overthrow the rule of the nobility and establish a world without oppression.

This world is not very far away.

"By the way, Ivankov, you go to investigate and see what happened recently, why the kingdoms of North Blue are exploiting civilians.

asked the Monkeyd dragon suddenly.

"I understand, I will investigate, and there should be results tonight."

Ivankov nodded and disappeared without a sound.

Several other people from the revolutionary army also followed behind and went to investigate together, but the Monkeyd dragon was still standing by the window, looking into the distance.

That night, Ivankov made an investigation and returned to the place agreed by the revolutionary army, telling Monkeyd dragon all the recent events.

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