The sky was dark and the clouds were thick.

A towering mechanical obelisk.

Standing on a majestic sea.

Inside the Tower of Paradise, a torture room.

Alyssa and Miraj, released alone.

Both were bound by magic and bound to death.

Hands held high, hanging like sausages on the wall.

Both girls were very tired and hung their heads down.

On the pretty face, there are faint insomnia eye bags.

“Yo! I haven’t eaten in a day, am I particularly hungry? ”

A soft/flirty youth greeting.

Elusa and the two struggled to look up.

Then I saw Hugh, dressed in pure white trousers and a red trench coat, strolling in.

Next to him, there was a worker of the Tower of Paradise.

She wore a cloth of bread and a basket of bread and fruit in her arms.

The woman first walked up to Miraj, handed her a piece of bread, and asked:

“Want to eat bread?” Or apples or cows/milk? ”

Mirage bit her lower lip and glanced at the woman slightly:

“This is poisonous bread, right?”

“If you want to do anything to you, there are plenty of opportunities ahead.”

The clothed woman shook her head and sighed:

“But you two are special, a sacrifice to Lord Jelf.

No one likes a defiled/tainted sacrifice, and neither do the gods, right? ”

With a touch of machinery, she tilted her head coldly and asked.

Mirage asked:

“What happened to my younger brothers and sisters, as well as everyone in the Demon Tail?”

Hugh, who was in his pocket with both hands, walked up:

“Rest assured, all the staff are still alive.”

Now it’s all in Jalal’s hands.

They will become the driving magic when the R system is activated! ”

He put his hands together and grinned:

“It should be an honor for the whole guild to be the instrument of the resurrection of that great man!”

Nearby, Alyssa said:

“You were also victims of the Tower of Paradise, weren’t you?”

Why would you get involved in this forbidden magic that is detached from humanitarianism! ”

Hugh sneered:

“Well, this is all thanks to Levi!”

A guy like you who was rescued by him and enjoyed nine years of happy life.

We can’t understand our pain! ”

Alyssa furrowed her eyebrows:

“Levi? What’s the matter with him? ”

Didn’t Levi destroy all the towers of paradise back then?

He’s obviously a savior for everyone, isn’t he?

“Well, that’s what comes next.”

Hugh snorted coldly and explained.

Indeed, Levi destroyed all the towers of paradise.

And freed all slaves!

However, after he left.

The people who had fled by boat and planned their new lives in the cabin.

Get bombarded with a barrage of guns/fire and destroy all ships!

It was a cloudy night, no moonlight, no starlight.

Only the sound of the rolling waves in the darkness.

It thundered in my ears.

I don’t know how many people are drowning.

There are also many unlucky ghosts injured by the explosion.

They should have drowned, but before they died, they pulled one good swimmer after another!

Howls, screams, insults… Hear it all.

Every moment, there are people who are completely submerged in the vast sea… That’s hell!

At the critical moment, there is a big ship riding the wind and waves.

Like the dawn of dawn, it rushed into the world of hell.

And on that ship, it is the remnants of the Dark Magician…

Whether to drown on the sea or to take a life-saving ark.

Back to the Dark Magician’s control.

Exhausted in the Tower of Paradise?

There are a lot of tough, directly choose to drown on the spot!

But more than that, it is to beg the Dark Sorcerer to save himself…

Death is not terrible, just a blink of an eye.

The terrible thing is the wait before death.

The knife that belongs to fate hangs high above the head.

But it just refuses to land.

Maybe it’s the next moment, maybe it’s the next moment.

When Death is in the mood, cut the rope with an axe and let the sharp knife cut off your neck!

That torture was deadly, enough to drink away countless self-righteous cowards.

In the end, many people returned to the Tower of Paradise.

Back to the darkness of labor!

This kind of day lasted for about half a year.

A blue-haired teenager couldn’t bear it anymore and raised the battle flag of resistance.

He awakens the magic, but is quickly suppressed/crushed and captured!

In the midst of the severe torture, the teenager seemed to awaken to a more powerful magic.

He killed the entire Dark Mage of the Tower of Paradise in one fell swoop!

And hold aloft the rags.

A long sword full of fresh/blood and internal organs.

To the exploited slaves, make a declaration of freedom.

Levi only saved himself once.

But within a few hours, it was back in the hands of the demons.

They could have endured the darkness.

If you have not seen the light.

The fleeting light will only make people fall into deeper despair!

Relying on others is unreliable!

“There is no savior in the world, and there is no Immortal Emperor who can only rely on himself!”

This sentence was engraved in the hearts of every slave.

From that day on, all the slaves willingly followed the blue-haired boy with a dead heart.

They still have to build the Tower of Paradise.

But this time not for others, but for yourself!

“The boy’s name is Jalal, and he’s going to guide us to Paradise!”

When He resurrects that Lord, the world will be born again! ”

The more Hugh spoke, the more excited he became, and his ten fingers became claws, as if he had grasped something called ‘Power and Force’:

“We will be the dominant ones and all will surrender to our feet!”

Whether it’s the remnants of those who deprive us of our freedom.

Or a fool who lives in the outside world and is at ease.

Or the pedantic and incompetent people of the Jurass…

We will give all people fear, take away their freedom, and become the rulers of the world! Ahahahahaha…”

He laughed wickedly, and wild laughter echoed wildly/wildly in the torture room.

Like a demon’s egg, it was torn open by a delicate claw.

This is just the beginning, when it breaks out of the cocoon and thrives.

It will turn into a monster even more terrifying than the Alien Queen!

Suddenly, a telegram flashed through my mind.

Hugh pressed two fingers to his temples and asked respectfully:

“What’s wrong? Jalal. ”

In my head, a haughty voice sounded:

“The time has come, bring people up.”

Hugh nodded seriously:

“Yes! Which sacrifice is it? ”

His covetous gaze swept toward the two girls.

Endless greed / greed and thirst / longing…

The top floor of the Tower of Paradise.

Jalal in a black cloak.

In his hand is a pair of Demon Tail playing cards.

He grabbed a bunch of cards and put them down.

After thinking about it, Jalal instructed:

“Just choose Elusa.”

Hugh smiled with more respect than the waiter:

“Okay, please wait!”

Putting away the communication, he backhanded a card and sealed Alyssa inside.

“Look after this white-haired woman, maybe it will be useful later!”

Dropping the sentence, Hugh turned and strode away.

The cloth-faced woman bowed respectfully to his back:

“Yes, Lord Hugh, please go slowly.”

Turning around, the clothed woman picked up a piece of bread again and repeated it mechanically:

“Want to eat bread?” Or apples or milk? ”

Mirage looked at the puppet-like soulless woman in front of her and asked:

“Why would you be willing to help that pervert?”

The way Hugh laughed just now was really obscene/trivial and disgusting!

The clothed woman tilted her head and responded indifferently and mechanically:

“As long as Lord Jelf is resurrected, my husband and son can be resurrected, as Lord Jalal said to me.”

“Is this so…”

Miraj’s canine teeth bit the corner of his lip, and a sadness rose in his heart.

Having lost Lisana at one point, it is not that she cannot understand this pain.

But, that kind of crazy/crazy experiment.

Take the entire Demon Tail, as well as his own younger siblings, to resurrect the demon’s experiment.

Mirage would never agree!

“I want it all!”

She gave a command.

Under the feeding of the woman, it was a great pleasure.

Only when you are full can you have the strength to save Alyssa and the Demon Tail!


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