Hear Makarov’s words.

On the rooftop, the crowd of onlookers was not calm.

“Lie, so that the little devil really has the strength of the Holy Ten?”

“And you can fight with the god Selene!”

One person hesitated:

“Is it too late for me to press Li Wei to win now?”

Another person refuted :

“It’s late, it’s late, it’s already closed!”

“Then Selene won’t be killed by him, will he?”

“Oh, no, how can I say that it is also the head of the Holy Ten!”

One laughed with some trepidation.

“Hey, look at that!”

Suddenly, a frogman pointed to the giant crystal ball.

The crowd looked on.

In that stormy forbidden place where the typhoon was raging.

In the heart of the city, countless winds rushed away.


In the very center, Selenetti closes his chest and abdomen.

His hands went from his waist up to his chest and sucked on the wind around him.

In a short time, typhoons spread for tens of kilometers in all directions.

He had already eaten most of it, not on a scale!

“The strength to eat it will come up!”

Brushing his mouth, Selene rejuvenated, grinned at the corner of his mouth, revealing a mouthful of large white teeth.

He looked up at Li Wei in the sky, smiled and said defiantly:

“Boy, you’re miscalculating!” Tornadoes don’t work for me! ”

The sword eyebrows were slightly raised, and Li Wei’s face was cold, and he asked dismissively:

“Really? Then you eat and see! ”

Before the words could be heard, he raised his fists like a double-held Gatlin, and at the same time pulled them full to the rear.

Then, in the next instant, countless fist remnants were smashed!

Serious punch Wind God’s Fury, infinite continuous bullets!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! ……

The sky exploded with countless earth-shaking sounds.

One after another condensed air shells fell like a torrential rain!

Soon, the wind and clouds changed color, and a huge number of giant tornado tops roared and descended!

This time it wasn’t ten tornadoes.

Nor are there dozens.

Instead, hundreds of tornadoes fall at the same time!

Selene’s smile froze directly.

Reflecting the pupils smashed by countless tornadoes, they were covered with horror.

Nima, Lao Tzu has just eaten enough!

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! ……

It’s like a cannonball washing the floor.

One tornado after another smashed into the earth.

A loud noise resounded through the heavens and the earth!

The huge impact caused by its landing.

Gradually, a huge earthquake was formed.

Radiate hundreds of thousands of miles to the surrounding area.

Countless villages wavered, and one villager after another fled their houses.

From all directions, he looked in amazement in the direction of the epicenter.

At the same time, the epicenter area.

A larger area of typhoons began to spread.

Smash all the trees, beasts, migratory birds, and clouds that are included in the surroundings!

Here, on the roof of the House of Representatives.

Crawford hurriedly waved his staff and ordered:

“Quick! Activate the Defense Magic Barrier! ”

The typhoon spread so fast that it would affect the House of Representatives in a matter of minutes!

“Yes! Speakers! ”

Soon, the female assistant began to mobilize manpower.

A large number of frogs were busy with their hands, looking forward and backward, and began to activate the defensive devices.

Not long after, from the basement deep in the earth, huge crystals bloomed.

Around, a variety of magic arrays of different sizes began to bloom!

In the blink of an eye, the Magic Review House, which covers an area of hundreds of millions of square meters.

It was surrounded by several huge and brilliant spinning magic arrays on Sunday.

At the same time, there are seven layers of magic barriers, each up to a meter thick.

Wrap the entire House of Judges!

But Rao is this magic defensive array, built to withstand dragon attacks.

When typhoons with seismic waves in time.

The Magic Council couldn’t help but shake as well!

Terrible waves have risen in the hearts of the people.

Together, they looked into the crystal ball, and the teenager floating in the air had eyes full of awe.

There is no doubt that this nine-year-old child has the strength to control the title of Saint Ten.

Even if it was announced on the spot that Li Wei was the head of the new Holy Ten, I am afraid that no one would refute it!

Now, the crowd is worried about only one thing:

Selene wouldn’t really be killed by him, would he!?

If someone had said this half an hour ago, they might have burst into laughter.

But now… It’s a high-probability event!

The perspective shifts to Levi’s.

After hitting a typhoon field that spans hundreds of miles.

He put away his fists and shook his somewhat sour hands.

Then Levi stared down.

Storms and massive debris mix to form a huge vortex of chaos.

His heart sneered:

Eat, aren’t you very good at eating? Eat not to kill you!

However, it turns out that Selene is really a foodie.

Ten minutes later, the typhoon was gradually swallowed.

The whirlpool dispersed, revealing a face of the god Selene!

Seeing that he was so uncomfortable, Li Wei was naturally ‘kind’ to help him exercise and consume food, crazy whipping!

This battle lasted for hours.

How to say that Selene is also the head of the Holy Ten.

The ability to pretend to be forced and beaten is leveraged!

Occasionally, there is a wave of counter-attacks.

Let Li Wei feel the blood and excitement of the opponent for a long time!

Then he pumped harder!

Eventually, Levi punched Selene in the face.

The latter’s eyes rolled white, and he fell backwards, carrying the sword blade roulette wheel, and Ling Ling shattered to the ground.

Finally, this real man 1V1 war, came to an end.

Dark clouds burst open.

Revealing the brilliant golden clouds of the evening, shining in all directions….

Levi was also a little exhausted and walked in the direction of the House of Representatives.

Not long after leaving, a new set of clothes suddenly flew in, drawing a beautiful parabola.

Catching the clothes with one hand, Levi looked at the man.

It wasn’t anyone else, it was Makarov!

He folded his hands behind his back and said with a straight face:

“This ragged look is really a mess!”

Skimming his lips, Levi explained:

“I’ve only come across a practical sandbag for a long time, so I’ll just play for a while.”

“Hmm, do you believe this yourself?”

Levi has two hands and one stall:

“Then either I will liberate all my magic and ensure that I can kill this grandson in a second!”

His magic is not weak at all than his physical strength.

Once liberated, Li Wei can get at least double the increase in strength!

In other words, he’s been fighting Selenegan with half his strength!

“You dare!”

Makarov roared.

For some special reason, Levi’s magic could not be liberated for the time being.

At least not in public, otherwise it will become the target of public criticism!

He has been helping the other party keep this secret.

“You see, this is not the end of it, if the people of the Council discover my magical qualities, you will hand me over eighty percent!”

With a bored face, Li Wei put a set of clothes on his head and went straight into it.

Makarov did not comment, but just left an unclear sentence:

“Protecting children is the responsibility of parents.”

With that, he turned and left.

This attitude actually surprised Levi a little:

“Really? Then you parents are really tired. ”

Imakarov means:

If exposed, he will try to save himself?

This will make the Demon Tail Guild a Dark Guild!

Oh, I didn’t expect this old man to be so arrogant!

At this time, Makarov stopped, turned back, and raised his hands in anger:

“Knowing that I am tired, please forgive me as an old man!”

You little bunny cubs have been causing trouble for me all day, and my life will be broken for several years! ”

Li Weilian nodded, with a serious face:

“Hmmm, I know I’m wrong, next time I dare!”

Without saying a word, he crossed the other side and strode away.

Makarov froze in place:

“You… Stand by me! Hold it!! ”

He strode up and chattered.

Levi plugged both ears with his index finger.

Roll your eyes and don’t look over your face, your face is deaf.

Under the afterglow of the setting sun.

The two figures of an old man and a small noisy figure are exceptionally ‘harmonious’…


PS: Staying up late finally put together this chapter, asking for flowers and tickets….

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