

When the ice crystal volcano exploded, countless snow crystals scattered in the sky, floating all over the sky, very brilliant.

Leo, who had already consumed a lot of mana, was half-crouched on the ground.

He wiped the sweat from his face and gasped for breath:

“What, did it hurt him?”

A cold response came:

“Of course not.”

Everyone brushed together to look at the sound source.

Only to see Levi appear out of thin air between Kana and Reby.

There wasn’t a speck of dust on his body at all!

With his hands around his chest, Li Wei looked at the ice crystal rain in the sky, and commented without saltiness

“This firework is pretty pretty.”

Crowd: “…”

Leo couldn’t help but be stunned:

“You used the devouring magic again?”

As soon as you are injured, you are invincible, which is also too skinny, right!?

However, Li Wei was calm and dismissive:

“At your freezing speed, I can dodge it with my eyes closed!”

What Leo had frozen just now was just a remnant of himself!

He wouldn’t really think he had hit, would he?

Leo: “…”

Big brother, are you so heartbroken?

Here, Makao shouted:

“Kana, Rebe, get out of the way!”

His right hand was stretched out, and his five fingers opened a half-human-tall purple-black brilliant magic array and aimed at it.

However, it wasn’t waiting for Maka’o to launch his magic.

Levi raised his fists and struck them on the foreheads of Kana and Rebby.

In an instant, the two girls were knocked unconscious, their eyes rolled white, and they fainted to the ground.

Only then did Li Wei turn around and say lazily:

“Well, they dodged and you can launch!”

Makao: “…”

Suddenly, Leqi, wearing rimless glasses, pressed her palms to the ground and shouted:

“Wooden Shape, Shy Love!”

Bang bang bang bang!

In an instant, countless large wooden weapons and figure sculptures.

From under Li Wei’s feet, it sprung up like a mushroom, devouring his entire body!

She looked up, and her pretty face drew a proud smile:

“How can I keep you in the limelight?” How can I say that I am also a finalist! ”

At this time, Li Wei’s lazy voice suddenly came from behind him:

“Yeah, you didn’t say I forgot about you, who did you learn from?”

As soon as her pupils shrank, Leqi reacted instantaneously, suddenly spreading her hands to both sides, pinching her orchid fingers, and drinking quickly:

“Wooden Shape, Love That Won’t Be Seen!”

Bang bang bang bang!

Once again, countless giant wooden fists and feet surged out from the ground.

Li Wei took advantage of the situation to jump into the air, and his face was a little stunned.

Rub, this woman is actually a white scholar?

Then you’re gone!

In an instant, Li Wei’s right hand clenched his fist and punched out!


A sharp tornado directly smashed Leqi out a thousand meters away!

Here, Mickey, who is partnered with Luckie, sneered in her heart:

‘Hmm, what a useless woman!’ ’

Lucky certainly won’t be able to qualify.

Next, you just need to touch the fish twice and deal with the past.

Suddenly, just then, she was tapped on the shoulder.

Mickey frowned and twisted her head back.

What caught his eye was Li Wei’s demonic smile.

And a fist that rapidly enlarges in the pupils!


She was also beaten a thousand meters away!

Suddenly, behind Levi, a huge dark magic array opened.

“Dark Currents!”

Mirage scolded.

In the magic array, countless dark shadows crawled out and grabbed Li Wei!

Immediately afterward, a series of emerald lasers came!

“him baby! Avenge Aiba! ”

Biguslo held his hands high, controlling the five puppets, shooting lasers wildly, strafing at high speed!

At the same time, the purple flames of Maka’ou also surged like a torrential rain!

High in the air, Elusa changed into the armor of giants.

She held a huge spear, gritted her teeth, and threw it hard!



Like a cannonball washing the ground, countless gun smoke exploded.

When the dust cleared, revealing Levi, whose trench coat was somewhat tattered.

He grabbed Elusa’s evil spear in his right hand and commented leisurely:

“This wave of output, OK.”

Makao skimmed his lips angrily:

“Well, doesn’t that hurt him much?”

Although everyone gathered the fire together, Li Wei’s body did not have many wounds at all!

There is no doubt that he can still easily avoid most of the damage under the condition of being restricted!

Immediately, Levi broke free of Mirage’s shackles and then reflexively kicked her away.

He was about to give the Gun of Evil back to Alyssa.

But the spear turned into starlight and disappeared!

In desperation, Li Wei had to pick up the timer alarm clock casually.

Throw it, then smash it hard!


In an instant, Alyssa, who was hit in the face by the alarm clock, fell like a bird with broken wings.

Just as Levi got up and went to pack up Bigusro and Maka’o.

His shoulders were suddenly pressed by two hands!

It’s Leo and Gray!

Click, click, click, click, click

From Li Wei’s shoulders, countless ice crystals quickly grew and began to freeze!

Gray said with a sinister face:

“Let’s do it everyone!”

Leo shouted with a look of desperation:

“There is only one chance!”

He and Gray managed to grasp the gap and get close to Levi’s!

And Leo’s courageous dedication also made Li Wei stunned.

Doesn’t he want to get to the end and get an S-Class Sorcerer?

Oh, thanks to the fact that I still put water, don’t him for the time being!

Also because of this stunned.

Li Wei was cold from being caught by the ice crystals of the two Grays.

Freeze into a giant ice cube!

At the same moment, other candidates with scaly injuries also got up from the ground one after another…


PS: Ask for flowers and tickets….

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