When they saw Li Wei’s moment, everyone could not help but be shocked.

In particular, Mistergang is even more incredible.

How could his own father not have been killed?

You know, Li Wei is not a good man and a good woman!

And when Levi strode in, passing by Lisana.

She asked in a low voice:

“Didn’t you kill him?”

I saw it myself.

The cataclysm that destroyed the world.

Even the Dragon Knight shattered into rotten iron!

How could Fast not be dead?

The ability to continue life is so strong.

Is it time to say that the king is worthy of the mage of the membrane?

Hearing this, Li Weijian raised an eyebrow and revealed a strange smile to her:

“When did you think I was such a good person?”

Lisana: “…”

Well, I shouldn’t expect anything from him…

Subsequently, Li Wei learned from the anxious crowd what had happened before.

Including Mister’s Gun’s suicide plan.

And the crisis of the world being destroyed after Anima reversed.

When he heard the truth, Li Wei couldn’t help but be stunned.

No wonder Mistergan, the boy, said he ran to assassinate.

As a result, he was the first to cut off his beard.

He planned to let himself kill his father from the beginning?

This trick is really a good calculation to kill people with a knife!

It is worthy of filial piety!

Moreover, he also intends to use Anima.

Destroy this old world of war.

And create a new world without magic.

At the same time, sacrificing oneself and transferring power to the general public…

Sigh, such a great righteousness, are you going to learn Lu Lu Xiu?

Sure enough, the princes who wandered away were the bane of rebellion.

And the crowd couldn’t wait to please.

“So can you help us destroy Anima?”

The sound of the cyan Pegasus pleaded.

“Levi, you should have this strength!”

Lucy also shouted anxiously.

“Please, big brother!”

The two sisters of Shirley, who had huge breasts, also pleaded pitifully.

“Time is urgent, do it as soon as possible!”

Pakas threw up his crutches and urged.

However, at this moment, the Mysterhorn, who had been silent, spoke:

“Levi, if you destroy Anima, it will take at least a few years for you to go back.

And even if it is destroyed, there is very little magic left in this world…”

Success or failure is at stake, so he doesn’t want Levi to enter the game again to stir up trouble.

And what Mistergang said is also true.

Once destroyed the space rift caused by Anima.

Levi had to wait years.

Only then can you create a second anima and open the space rift back!

“You shut me up!”

Karen glared at him, then stretched out her hands and begged Levy:

“Please, if there is no magic, then the meaning of our previous struggle is gone.”

And we’ll do our best to help you find a way to get back.

Even if you can’t go back, you can take over the empire directly! ”

If there is no magic, then the so-called Sorcerer’s Guild will be gone.

These magicians will all lose the meaning of being alive!

At this time, Ivan also helped to persuade him:

“Or don’t go back, just be the king of our world!”

Take control of one empire and command a million heroes.

Bring all the beautiful women you see into the harem and sing day and night.

Wake up to the power of the world, drunk on the knees of beauty.

That’s the life a man should live!

Ivan longed uncomparably.

At the same time, the two sisters of Shirley also clasped their fists on their chests and shouted with undulating waves:

“Yes, big brother, we all support you as king!”

The sound is loud and crisp, making people electrocuted.

Everyone looked at Levi with hope, as if they were looking at the savior.

Only Lucy and Lisana looked at each other, a look of embarrassment.

Let Levi be the new king?

Are you sure he’s not the next tyrant?

However, for the proposal of the crowd.

It only took Li Wei less than three seconds to veto it:

“Sorry, I refuse!”

Suddenly, the crowd was stunned.

Only Mistergang was relieved…

Finally, after a few seconds of silence.

Karen Fang wondered:


And this is also the common doubt of everyone.

In the face of the doubtful eyes of the crowd.

Levi just shrugged his shoulders and explained.

He was reluctant to help the crowd for three reasons for destroying Anima.

First, Levi didn’t want to spend a few years in Edelas.

Second, he did not want to ascend the throne and become an emperor in this broken place.

Manage a bunch of fools, and then campaign with a bunch of vulgar fans…

Small, the pattern is small!

Our goal is the sea of stars!

Third, these people simply forget that it is not magic at all that sustains the guild, but their own bonds.

Blindly pursuing power, feeling that only with magic can you have a sense of existence.

What’s the difference between that and a king?

It is because they are intoxicated with power that they forget what is more important and fight each other.

Human beings are such stupid creatures.

An energy source that is about to disappear at the sight of it, why linger on it…

After listening, these guild magicians were difficult to accept.

After all, they are used to the presence of magic.

Suddenly getting them out of their comfort zone is a bit tough.

And Li Wei didn’t bother to be their confidant sister.

The first time I grew up, it was always uncomfortable.

Let them fret out on their own!

Then Levi squeezed Fast’s wrist hard.

Honestly, the reason he really didn’t want to destroy Anima was because of the king!


A heart-rending cry.

A burning pain like a broken bone came from the wrist.

Let Fast’s eyes open suddenly:

“You, you are…”

He looked hard at Levi in front of him, the beard on his mouth, twitching in pain.

However, Li Wei smiled and shook his index finger:

“You don’t have to care about me, look over there first, you should be able to see what it is, right?”

As he spoke, he pointed to the giant magic conversion device behind him.

Looking in the direction he was pointing, Fast couldn’t help but frown:

“This is… Anima… And, in, inverse!? ”

This is a device that he personally oversaw the manufacture.

Throughout the huge room, there are also five huge stone statues of themselves.

Together, they arched their hands to support a gigantic crystal sphere coiled by the roots of the tree.

And that crystal sphere is continuously transmitting the magic of this world backwards to the other world!

Fast’s mouth was spilling blood:

“This is what … You gave it to me… Penalty? ”

His eyes were wide open, and he was filled with shame and pain.

This boy didn’t kill me, just to punish himself in this way!?

However, Levi waved his hand:

“No, no, no, launch it, but your beloved son!”

He smiled like a demon and stood up.

Then he made a gesture of please, pointing to the Mister Hill on the side.

Fast turned his head to look at the grown son sitting in the corner.

Noticing his gaze, Mistergang turned his mouth away.

Suddenly, Fast’s cloudy eyes crawled with blood, and he roared angrily:


He got up in anger and pounced.

However, Fast, covered in blood and broken.

Slammed down, ate a dog to chew mud.

But he still refused to fall.

The anger in his heart supported the king.

Dragging the crippled body, dragging a body of blood, he crawled to the front of Mistergang with a vicious face.

Then, his thin ten fingers tugged hard at the other’s collar.

Like a devil, Fasti stared at his unformed son and cursed:

“You traitor! Traitor!

You brought these people to Me and destroyed Edras!

Destroyed the glory passed down from generation to generation!

How could I have given birth to a son like you! ”

All his efforts for so many years have been ruined by this contrarian!

After a mouthful, Mistergang sighed before he looked at his father.

Looking at each other, he whispered:

“Father, it’s all over. We did a lot of things wrong, and now it’s time to atone for our sins…”

This uncondescending attitude made Fasti furious to the extreme, his pupils shrunk to a point, and he roared:

“You fart! How could I possibly do something wrong! I am the king of Adelas… Vomit! Vomit——! ”

Before he could finish speaking, he vomited out a mouthful of bruised blood.

There was a hint of broken internal organs.

Fast’s head was planted in Mister’s arms, convulsing twice, and passed out.

Suddenly, Bayro ran up in surprise:

“Your Majesty! Your Majesty! ……”

Here, Lisana is also a little worried.

She pinched the black collar, turned her head to look at Levi, and whispered:

“Is that what you want to do?”

Let the king witness his own defeat and witness the rebellion of the people.

All his efforts over the years have been in vain!

Not only physically, but also from the heart to push it into the abyss! Hell no!

It’s simply… Murderous curse!

Nearby, Li Wei leaned against the wall, wrapped his hands around his chest, and said coldly:

“Isn’t filial piety good for a father and a son?” What, you pity him?

Don’t forget, you were almost turned into a magic crystal by Anima and then squandered by others! ”

Actually hurting his enemies, should he say that Lisana is a virgin?

However, Lisana was taut and sternly retorted:

“But in case there is no anima, maybe I am dead…”

If only Anima had absorbed itself.

Merge yourself with this world, the dead Lisana.

Maybe he is already dead…

This is also the reason why she insisted on staying in this world before.

His second life is given by the self of this world…

The sword eyebrow was slightly raised, and Li Wei shook his head with a bored face:

“Oh, if you want to think so, then it’s up to you.”


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