In the corridor, the exclamations of Minato and Ichinose Takarō made everyone stunned for a moment.


Minato, the teacher, was the first to ask:

"Lin Feng, why are you here?"

He said, looking at Jiutang Linyin who followed behind him:

"Come to see Jiutang off? Don't you usually not go to school?"

"Brother Lin Feng is here to take up the post"



Ichinose Tatarō's reaction was even more exaggerated than Minato's.

He came closer, his eyes widened to the point where they seemed to bulge out.

This expression was so unbearable that

Lin Feng doubted whether a human could really make it.

"Senior Lin Feng! Are you here to be a teacher after graduation?!"

Lin Feng turned his gaze away from his overly large eyeballs and nodded:

"Yes, it was just reported today. I am very curious, how do you know me?"

"Because of the school's Wall of Fame! Your previous achievements are still on the wall, and are always used by teachers to inspire us!"

As he spoke, he suddenly lowered his voice and said:

"Moreover, in the girls' forum at school, you have always been the only one who discussed the ranking of the most handsome boys in the school."

"What does it mean?"

"that is...It means too strong and too good!"

Ichinose Takarō laughed softly:

"Everyone thinks that you are the most handsome student since the establishment of the school. I would like to mention that Mr. Minato ranks sixth."

Hearing this, Lin Feng was very pleased and gave him a thumbs up.

Minato was speechless and turned to look at Jiudou Rinyin.

Unexpectedly, a helpless and doting smile appeared on her face.

Although this feeling was outrageous, how could Jiudou Rinyin, who was as cold as ice on weekdays, have so many emotional changes?

But Minato believed that he was not wrong, but it was only a moment.

When Minato looked at her, the smile disappeared immediately.

At this point,

Ichinose Takarō suddenly remembered that he had not introduced himself yet, and immediately took two steps back and said respectfully:

"I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Takarō Ichinose, a third-year student!"

"I know you, I have read the information of all the students in your class."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Minato's face immediately darkened:

"Hey, you're not assigned to my class, are you?"

Lin Feng grinned and put his hand on his shoulder:

"I'm talking to Senior Minato, who ranks sixth in the school in terms of appearance. Are you so unwelcome for me to join your class?"

Minato has been in this school for about ten years.

Four years ago, when

Lin Feng was still in school, Minato was indeed in charge of the third grade class.

At this time, hearing Lin Feng's affirmative answer,

Minato's mouth twitched and he slapped Lin Feng's arm away:

"You, when I was with you, were always good at making trouble. Do you think I would like to work with you?"At this time, Jiutang Linyin walked a few steps forward and smiled slightly:

"Teacher Minato, don't worry, Brother Lin Feng is a physical education teacher."


Hearing this, Minato's expression improved slightly:

"Physical education teacher, you have to listen to me, your class teacher."

"Oh, you're dreaming. Now we're in the same grade, you can't do anything to me."

Lin Feng said, turning around and holding Ichinose Takarō in his arms, and led him to the classroom:

"Don't listen to Minato, it's not too late to fill out the intention form when you catch your Gtocha."

How should I put it?

Although it was just a few words of dialogue,

Lin Feng's first impression of Ichinose Takarō was surprisingly good.

Although his expression was sometimes too much, his emotions were not fake, and he was just an adolescent, a hot-blooded boy.

Perhaps it was because Lin Feng had lived two lives and had seen a lot of magical things.

Now that he suddenly saw that Ichinose Takarō was so energetic, he naturally eliminated a lot of the negative impressions left by watching the drama in his previous life, and began to chat with this boy enthusiastically.

"Eh? Really?!"

Ichinose Takarō didn't seem to expect Lin Feng to be so approachable, and the expression on his face was not so exaggerated anymore.

"Haha, I have your back, don't worry!"

As he said that, Lin Feng turned around and gave Minato a look that made him want to bite his teeth.

The latter could only sigh helplessly, with a look of despair on his face.

"This guy..."

"Teacher, I will go back to class first."

Jiutang Linyin said politely, and followed Lin Feng closely.

Minato watched from behind, his eyes gradually becoming complicated....

The morning passed quickly, and the news that Lin Feng was the physical education teacher of Ichinose Tarotaro's class spread like wildfire.

Because of Lin Feng's superior grades and his leading appearance on the ranking list, a large number of young boys and girls gathered outside the office after each class, which made the leadership team anxious and had to find a way to open a separate office for Lin Feng.

Of course, some classmates were dissatisfied with this situation, such as Ichinose Tarotaro.

As the first student to come into contact with Lin Feng, every time he wanted to talk to Lin Feng after class, he would be blocked outside by a large group of girls.

As a result, he returned empty-handed every time and lay on the desk for the whole morning, listless.

Even in the history class of his homeroom teacher, Mr. Minato.

"That Ichinose over there, looking around and absent-minded..."

Minato’s voice suddenly rang out on the platform.

He, who was originally lying on his stomach, immediately stopped straightening his back and said:


"Please answer this question."

Minato smiled meaningfully and pointed to the question he wrote on the blackboard:

"What is the Renaissance?"

Ichinose Takarataro's heart was alarmed.

He had been absent-minded since the beginning of the class, so how could he know the answer to this question!

But when he saw the teacher's smile, he knew that if he couldn't answer it, it might be intentional.

There was nothing he could do but to bite the bullet and deal with it!

"Um, it’s about humans pursuing lofty ideals?"


The students’ laughter followed.

Minato knew his answer, so he immediately called another person:

"Jiutang, who was also absent from duty, please answer this question."

Jiudang Rinyin, who was leaning against the window and looking at the scenery outside, seemed to feel bored and stood up lazily and said:

"The Renaissance refers to a movement that arose in Italy in the 14th century to revive ancient culture. In that era, alchemy, which used base metals such as lead to refine gold, reached its heyday."

"Yoshi, let’s stop here."

Minato waved his hand, signaling that it was okay.

But Jiudou Rinyin was still as sharp-tongued as ever, and continued:

"Some people have their minds full of poetry and distant places, but I am not that kind of person"

"Hello...Whose mind is full of poetry and distant places?..."

Ichinose Takarō curled his lips:

"I was obviously thinking about Teacher Lin Feng...Why are you such a sharp-tongued teacher, Lin Feng's sister?..."

Of course, he said the latter sentence in his heart.

If he said it in class, he would probably get cold eyes from Minato and Kudou Rin.

As it was the last class in the morning, he endured it, but he didn't expect that when the class was over and school was over, he would meet Kudou Rin again, yes, and Lin Feng who followed closely.

At first he thought that the two were going to go home for lunch, but unexpectedly, they turned a corner and came to the back of the teaching building, and then stepped onto an empty steel frame.

What shocked Ichinose Takarataro the most was that when the two came to the steel frame,

Kudou Rin stretched out five fingers, pointed to the pile of debris on the ground, and said:

"What is below is like what is above, and what is above is like what is below, thus creating a unique miracle."

Then, in an incredible phenomenon, the pile of debris seemed to be pulled by a mysterious force, and it took the initiative to lift up the steel frame under the feet of the two, and then slowly rose to the sky behind the teaching building.

This scene instantly made Ichinose Takarō take a breath of cold air.

He quickly hid behind a pillar beside him.

Although the pillar could not block much, it was enough to comfort his heart.

Finally, a door opened on the wall of the teaching building.

Lin Feng touched Jiutang Rinyin's head and walked in with her, talking and laughing.

"I go...."

Ichinose Takarō approached with a look of shock on his face.

He tried to replicate what happened just now, but there was no reaction at all.

The warehouse opposite the teaching building was the one that reacted.

The door of the warehouse opened, as if to guide him in.

The dark space made him feel uneasy.

"This is...Where is it?..."

Ichinose Takarō carefully looked around the warehouse.

Suddenly, the door was slammed shut, followed by a strange sound.���A sound slowly came from behind!


"Hey Hey hey...Could it be a monster?"

Ichinose Takarataro's heart was beating fast, and he recalled the urban ghost story that his good friend Kajiki had told him not long ago.

He also said that he had seen it this morning.

Could it be that he would also face a monster with his own eyes?!

Thinking of this,

Ichinose Takarataro took a deep breath and prepared to face his fear!

However, when he turned around, there was nothing behind him, but a monster that kept jumping on the ground....locust???

【Hopper! Hopper!】


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