【Ding! Fei Dao Lian and the Scourge are detected besieging the host! Mission triggered!】

【Mission objective: Defeat Kamen Rider Kenzan and Natural Disaster!】

【Mission Reward: Random Kamen Rider Pilot Cards x2!


Is the mission reward this time so generous? Two random decks at once?

Lin Feng shifted his gaze from the system mission panel to the two figures in the distance who were staring at him covetously.

Perhaps the system was also angry?

Lin Feng smiled and put away the mission panel.

Since this pair of desperate"mandarin ducks" wanted to die so much, he would just send them off.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng pulled out the Kamen Rider Tycoon Warrior Blade form pilot card from the card box and tapped his finger on the side.

To fight the green ninja, use the same power to resolve this battle.

"I think you two will like this power very much, Henshin"



There was a crisp and sharp sound of the Xiaosheng, and a dark green breeze like a knight surrounded Lin Feng.

Behind him, the huge shadow of the upgraded buckle merged together, and a pair of red pupils hidden in the darkness suddenly lit up!

Lin Feng raised his hand and grabbed it, and the slender martial blade was condensed by the dark green energy.

At the same time, the black cloak behind him was raised high, and a strong sense of oppression came over him!

Kamen Rider Tycoon 340, the God of War Blade, appeared!

Feeling the powerful fluctuations emanating from Lin Feng,

Fei Daolian and Tianzai looked at each other, clenched the blades in their hands together, and rushed out at the same time!

As partners who are also good at speed, they have worked together a lot before.

I believe that with this advantage, they can seize the advantage from more powerful opponents!

Ding ding ding!!!

Lin Feng stood still, and the sword in his hand casually moved forward to block.

The three swords collided with each other, and a crisp sound spread, followed by a harsh metal friction sound.

In the power struggle between the two sides, fierce electric sparks continued to explode, but Lin Feng remained motionless, which made Fei Daolian and Tianzai understand that a frontal attack would be useless.

In this case, let's use the maneuvering tactics!

Tianzai used the teleportation ability to disappear from the spot and flashed behind Lin Feng, while Fei Daolian in front separated the Feng Shuangjian Cuifeng into a double sword form and continued to exert pressure.

But what they didn't expect was that

Lin Feng could also fight against them using the scabbard!

Facing the Tianzai behind him,

Lin Feng drew out the scabbard of the sword to block, and swept out with the sword in his hand. The sword blade wrapped in dark green energy drew a crescent sword light!

Bang bang bang!!!

A series of metal-clashing sounds rang out, and

Tianzai and Fei Daolian were repelled at the same time. The knuckles of the two holding the hilts were numb, and even their bones felt intense pain!

Looking back at Lin Feng, he was still standing there, his feet had never moved!

This man has such strong swordsmanship!

Fei Daolian is an outstanding swordsman selected by the ancient inheritance organization Sword of Truth.

Tianzai is a Megiddo who has lived for thousands of years and has been fighting with various swordsmen.

They are almost considered to be very strong in swordsmanship, but facing Lin Feng's watertight defense, they still have no way to deal with it!

Lin Feng slowly put away his sword, chuckled and looked at the two:

"What? Is that all? This kind of attack can't even warm me up."

"So arrogant? Haha, I've just started warming up too!"

"Natural Disaster! Don't be impulsive!"

It seemed that he had just been resurrected and his mind was not clear.

After being angered by Lin Feng's words, Natural Disaster was so stupid that he directly controlled the scarf on his neck to attack, split into many strands, and tied Lin Feng at the same time!

"Since you don't want to move, then don't move at all!"

I saw Tianzai holding his beloved sword, Gulanjident, tightly with both hands, his eyes suddenly lit up, and his whole aura rose, turning into a twisting red spiral and rushing towards Lin Feng!

Disaster Invasion!!!

Tianzai learned a unique skill from countless swordsmen's battles.

It had defeated countless opponents with this move. It had also defeated a sage after death, using Fei Daolian to perform this skill.

It was proud of it and was confident that this move could bring heavy damage to Lin Feng, but it didn't know that this opponent was too strong.

It tied to Lin Feng as a fixed scarf. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Lin Feng just exerted a little force with his arms, and it immediately turned into countless fragments scattered all over the ground!

Immediately afterwards, he took out a driving card and quickly threw it into the drive!

【Final Attack Ride! Bujin Sword Victory】

Lin Feng waved his hand casually, and the cloak behind him immediately raised a large amount of dark green smoke surrounding his body.

In the smoke, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly lit up with scarlet murderous light, and terrible power instantly gathered on his right foot!

"Not good!!!"

Fei Daolian sensed something was wrong, but it was too late to stop the natural disaster. He could only release his ultimate move together with the natural disaster and attack Lin Feng!

【Sarutobi Ninja Legend! Cuifeng Speed Reading! Ninja~!】

Buzz buzz buzz!!!

The cyan whirlwind energy quickly condensed on the double swords.

He made the same movement as the natural disaster, turning into a cyan spiral, and rushed towards Lin Feng at a faster speed!

For a moment, the entire square was filled with rubble, splashing everywhere, as if two tornadoes, one red and one blue, were rushing towards Lin Feng at the same time!

At the moment of being hit,

Lin Feng twisted his left foot, and immediately performed a roundhouse kick with his right foot that gathered strength!


The deafening explosion sounded instantly, and Lin Feng's roundhouse kick with a long dark green tail flame fiercely pierced through the two spirals one after another, directly blasting the natural disaster and Fei Daolian away!

For a moment, the exploding sparks bloomed like a fire lotus, and the terrifying force made them fly back dozens of meters, heavily���In the distance, one of them smashed a huge dent on the ground, and the other smashed the wall and was crushed into the rubble!

When the smoke and dust dissipated a little, the two of them were surging with dazzling electric currents, and green smoke was floating on their bodies, looking miserable!

But if you look closely, you will find that

Fei Daolian has obvious scars on her body, and even the twin swords in her hand, Cuifeng, has a small crack!

The reason is that Fei Daolian was kicked by Lin Feng at a faster speed, so most of the force was resolved by him, and the damage to Tianzai was not much.

At this moment,

Tianzai, who also understood this, hurriedly climbed out of the rubble and quickly came to Fei Daolian's side.

"Hello...Hey! Are you okay?"

Fei Daolian grabbed Tianzai’s shoulder and pushed him away:

""Hey! Why are you being so pretentious? This injury is nothing."

As he said this, he was about to force himself to stand up, but his body softened and he collapsed again.

Although he did not cancel the transformation, the situation became worse.

Lin Feng walked across the smoke and dust and came to a place not far from the two of them. He watched quietly for a long time and said meaningfully:

"I never thought that he would go to such lengths to help you....Should I say you are lucky or unlucky?"

Luckily, as a Megiddo, he finally has a friend worth being happy about.

Unfortunately, as a Megiddo, he actually has a weakness that he shouldn't have.

But sometimes this weakness can make people stronger.

Tianzai looked at Fei Daolian and said in a deep voice:

"I thought my story had already ended, and this resurrection was not what I wanted to do. But I met him again, and I began to look forward to fighting him again. I began to think again, maybe my story has not ended so early...."

As it spoke, it slowly stood up, stood in front of Fei Dao Lian, and looked directly at Lin Feng:

"My life is a fake one, but when this guy and I clashed swords, I could feel that everything was genuine! So, I will never let anyone defeat Lian! Except me!"

As the roar fell, a strong resonance made the driving book that Tianzai had been holding, which belonged to him, suddenly light up.

At the same time, Fei Daolian's Sarutobi Ninja Legend driving book also flashed with light.

The two seemed to have merged here, making Tianzai's driving book double in size.

Moreover, even his beloved sword, Grangi Dent, has become a brand new holy sword that has never appeared in the world. The Black Storm Sword is pitch black!

Seeing this expected scene, the smile on Lin Feng's mouth gradually became thicker.

This kind of battle is a little more decent.......

Say goodbye to Atomic

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