
Jiutang Linyin threw herself into Lin Feng's arms with a hint of tears in her voice, and nervously touched him all over:

"Are you okay? Are you not hurt?!"

"Hey, hey, hey, you can’t touch there!"

Lin Feng angrily slapped Jiutang Linyin's restless little hand away, and rubbed her head fiercely, not knowing whether to laugh or cry:

"I ran all the way here, what could have happened? Don't worry, it just happened suddenly, Black Steel Spana and Malgan were fighting, and I just found a place to hide a little further away."

At this time,

Black Steel came closer, stood there for a while with an embarrassed look on his face, and then uttered an apology:

"Sorry for damaging your house.

Lin Feng waved his hand:

"I'm fine, it's not a big deal, just fix my house for me."

"I know this, and I also want to say..."

Hei Gang looked at Lin Feng, still thinking about his unfulfilled wish:

"If there is a chance, I will come to challenge you again. I will definitely find a chance to prove myself and I am no weaker than you....I will find someone to repair your house tomorrow."Five-zero-three", I'm leaving first."

After saying that, Black Steel Spana left with his wrench sword in his hand, feeling heavy-hearted.

He didn't succeed in challenging Lin Feng, but instead lost a large sum of money.

No one would be in a good mood.

Lin Feng didn't care about these things. If you want to challenge, just come.

He can't win anyway.

At this time, Minato and Ichinose Takarō also rushed over:

"Since you are fine, I will leave too. That guy over there needs to be handed over to the Alchemy Association. It’s too late and everyone in the department will probably be off work today."

Baotaro invited enthusiastically:

"Teacher Lin Feng, if you have no place to live, would you like to come to my house?"

Ginkgo Lotus tugged at his clothes from behind and reminded him:

"Did you forget that these streets are all assets of Teacher Lin Feng's family? There are many places where teachers live."


When Takarataro Ichinose heard this, he was completely stunned:

"Is this true?! There are so many streets?!"

Lin Feng smiled and nodded, saying:

"Thank you for your invitation, Baotaro. I accept your kindness."

"It turns out to be true. I never knew that Teacher Lin Feng was such a rich man....Ridiculously low-key~"

As he spoke, Ichinose Takarō suddenly remembered something.

He turned to look at Ginkgo Renka and asked in confusion:

"So, Senior Ginkgo is so close to Teacher Lin Feng, could it be that she is attracted to the teacher because he is rich?"

"Who said that! She's still pretty good looking, okay?!"

"Ah!!! You admitted it!"

Seeing that she was exposed by Ichinose Taro,

Ginkgo Lianhua quickly covered her mouth, looked at Lin Feng shyly, turned around and ran away:

"Teacher, I'm leaving first! See you tomorrow!!!"

Seeing this,

Lin Feng immediately spread his hands to Jiutang Linyin who was staring at him, saying that he didn't know about this matter, which reduced some of the jealousy on her face.

"You all can go back too. I'm fine here, don't worry."

"Well, call us anytime if you need anything!"

"See you tomorrow!"

After watching everyone leave,

Lin Feng touched Jiutang Linyin's head and said with a smile:

"Let's go. We can only go to the villa in the suburbs. The toiletries we had before are still there, so we don't need to buy new ones."

"Well, I'm fine with it, as long as my brother is okay."

"Silly girl, your brother is very strong!"

"puff...Stupid Onii-chan."

As the square gradually fell into silence, night was about to fall.

At the last moment when the sunset disappeared, a dimensional wall quietly appeared, and then a blond figure wearing gorgeous golden leather shoes slowly walked out of the dimensional wall.

He looked around at the remaining smoke and fireworks around him, muttered to himself, and smiled gently:

"Although I came to this world by accident, this unknown power is gorgeous~ worthy of being my card!"

At the same time, in the X research room of the consortium,

Ekor and Joseph looked at the last video on the screen with solemn expressions.

It was the scene where Lin Feng transformed into the Blade of the God of War and defeated the natural disaster and Fei Daolian.

"The plan has failed again."

Joseph glanced at Ekor beside him:

"What are you going to do next? Just to remind you, DarkDecade's incarnation seems to have gone to Dream Group."

"Hmm? Dream Group?"

"It's the company of Simoniko, and she is now cooperating with Zein." (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

After hearing this, Ekol fell into deep thought.

At present, all the plans he arranged to sanction DarkDecade were broken by Lin Feng.

They did have some existences that could be awakened, but

"It seems that it is time to find some external aid to help us"[]

Ekol said in a deep voice:

"We have Yak in the face of Zein, and it will definitely not sit idly by, as long as we give it a little guidance...In addition, there is another person."

As he said this, he smiled and picked up the tablet beside him and opened a page in the database.

Joseph leaned over and saw the information of a man on it:

"Tianjin Gai, former president of ZAIYA Corporation...The transformed person of Kamen Rider Thouser?! I didn't expect that!"

Ekor nodded with a smile:

"His glory is gone because of the battle with Ark, which made him lose everything....I believe he has a lot of resentment about this matter, and the huge pressure of starting a new business will also make him have that special symptom."

"You mean, gaming sickness?!"

"That's right!"

Ekol regained his confidence and said:

"Wait and see, he will give us a surprise....We have to continue to recruit helpers."

As he said this, he looked at the two beds not far away. On each of them was a Humagia body, and next to the body were a broken eye and a driver that looked like it had been chopped off by an axe...

"These two are also true outsiders, which makes people look forward to them."

The next morning, in the Alchemy Academy, after Lin Feng announced the explosive news, the hall exploded.

"I have been looking forward to this day for a long time!!!"

Ichinose Takarō shouted loudly:

"The school trip to Kyoto, is it finally here?...Ah! It hurts!"

Lin Feng knocked on his head speechlessly:

"I told you before the announcement, don't be surprised, the Alchemy Academy is not soundproof, it will be troublesome if people outside hear it."

Taro smiled awkwardly, but he couldn't hide his excitement.

Ginkgo Renka and Tsuruhara Senmaru, two seniors beside him, also sighed:

"Ah~ When it comes to school trips, I just realized that I am no longer a high school student.~"

"Yes, but it feels like campus life is still around"

"I want to go too, and most importantly, Teacher Lin Feng should go too!"

Ginkgo Lotus looked at Lin Feng with a frustrated look on her face:

"ah~~~Teacher, please let me go too!"

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment:

"I didn't say I wouldn't let you go. Anyway, the school trip will take several days, so you can still book the tickets now."

"Ah this..."

Ginkgo Lotus twisted her expression and gave Lin Feng a cute wink:

"I thought, I can get the teacher to reimburse me~ After all, I am the teacher's most favorite student, right?!"

Ichinose Takarō interrupted immediately:

"No, that's not right. The teacher's favorite should be Jiutang."

"Jiutang is the teacher's sister and is not among my competitors."

"But if 3.1 is counted like this, then Teacher Lin Feng only has you as his student."

Ginkgo Lotus heard this and looked at Baotaro with a fake smile:

"Will you die if you don’t speak?"

"I shut up."

Ichinose Takarō finally shut up, and Jiudou Rinne also walked in from outside:

"Brother, I have submitted the list of names for the school trip that you asked me to submit."

"Okay, then you guys continue to capture Kemis. The Alchemy Academy assessment is just around the corner. If you don't capture enough Kemis, you will lose credits.~"

"Ah! Jiutang, come with me!"

Ginkgo Lotus pulled Jiutang Rinyin and ran out.

Rinyin wanted to break free, but seeing Lin Feng's affirmative eyes, she had to acquiesce and let her be pulled away.

After all, although her brother was a teacher, he was also ruthless during the assessment.

Seeing everyone disappear in the Alchemy Academy,

Lin Feng immediately began to communicate with the system:

"System, get yesterday's task reward"......

Say goodbye to Atomic

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