"I'm just a Kamen Rider passing by, remember that."

Kaguya said this catchphrase with great pride.

This was the Kamen Rider who had saved him when he was a child in his imitation memory.

At that time, he said the same thing.

Although he later learned that his name was Kamen Rider Decade,

Kaguya still called that person a Kamen Rider passing by.

Just like worshiping an idol, he imitated the idol's words and deeds, and even imitated the idol's power and created a very similar drive.

Everything was to get closer to the idol.

But Kaguya didn't know how shocked Ichinose Takararou and others were when his words rang in the restaurant!

Because in their memory, this was what Kamen Rider Dark Decade said!

Could this guy in front of him be himself?!

Thinking of this, Takararou couldn't help but breathe quickly.

He did invite Dark Decade to be a guest before, but he didn't expect that this time, he would directly reveal his true identity!

For a moment, Takararou was so excited that he didn't know what to say, and even forgot that he was going to chase that child!

"Senior! I didn't expect you to come to my place?! Thank you for your care and guidance!"


Kaguya thought they would be shocked, but this reaction seemed to be wrong, didn't it?

It didn't seem like shock, but more like surprise?

He had indeed observed this world before, but he didn't enter it, because he thought that Ichinose Takaradarou's power was not magnificent enough and had not reached the standard to be taken by him.

This time he came here entirely to chase after the captain of the Hundred World Organization, Crescent Moon.

After sensing that Crescent Moon had traveled here through the dimensional wall,

Kaguya was worried about causing him unnecessary trouble, so he followed him.

As a result, when he arrived, these people actually knew him?

Could it be that Crescent Moon had casually promoted his reputation, causing everyone to know it?

Thinking of this,

Kaguya inexplicably became a little proud.

Being famous was something that made him very happy. After all, the worlds he had visited before were all the worlds of his predecessors.

He finally came to a world of the same generation as himself, and was admired like this.

Naturally, he felt proud.

""You are not bad, Ichinose Takarō. Keep working hard. When your power becomes more magnificent, I will make it my card. You should be proud of it.""How can you not be proud of being my card together with so many seniors


Kaguya smiled in her imagination and then walked out:

"See you again if we are lucky. You still have things to do, bye."

With that, Kaguya manipulated the dimensional wall, stepped into it, and disappeared on the spot.

Seeing this,

Ichinose Takarō and the others were more convinced that Kaguya was Dark Decade, except for Jiudou Rinne, who frowned and stood there in a daze.

She didn't express her opinion from beginning to end, but she felt something was wrong.

He was not Dark Decade.

"Good! With the encouragement from my senior, I will definitely keep working hard! However, I think I need to deal with Riku's problem again!"

As he said that, Ichinose Tatarō put the cactus Cammy into the card and ran out with it.

Following the trail, he went all the way to find Riku who had not been away for a long time.

There were some things that Tatarō had to tell him.

Seeing this,

Ginkgo Renka sighed helplessly and said to Tsuruhara Senmaru beside him:

"Well, you can report back to Teacher Lin Feng. Let the teacher decide what to do about the Cactus Kemi incident."

""Okay, I'll go now."

After all, this matter concerns Kemi, so he couldn't be careless. He immediately set off.

Soon, he returned to the Alchemy Academy.

At this time, Lin Feng was chatting with Minato in the hall.

Seeing that the two teachers were there,

He Yuanqianwan immediately reported the situation briefly. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"So that's how it is...Ichinose took Kemi away..."

Lin Feng stroked his chin and said:

"Then you should check if there are any noteworthy people around the boy, and try not to let more ordinary people know about this."

"I understand, I'll go now."

With that, Tsuruhara Senmaru turned around and was about to leave.

At this time, Black Steel Spana walked in from outside:

"This joke is not funny. There is no doubt that Kemi is a tool, right?"

Tsuruhara Senmaru couldn't handle such a strong person, so he could only avoid talking about it:

"Some of Kemi's characteristics are indeed attractive, but for us students, they are just research objects. We collect them for grades."

"So, pouring emotions into Kami goes against my aesthetics."

Hei Gang said, walked up to Lin Feng and said:

"Your photo studio has been renovated. Besides that, I have a question for you....Why didn't you confiscate Baotaro's driver?"

Lin Feng and Minato looked at each other:

"You say, I say?"

"Let me tell you, after all, you two are incompatible."

Lin Feng shrugged his shoulders and stepped aside.

Minato stepped forward and looked at Heigang, smiling and asked:

"Does it make you unhappy using Valbarado?"

"Isn't this the point? The point is that this mission is too difficult for an outsider, and now he has violated the iron rule, I think his driver should be confiscated."

Listening to his strong speech, Minato shook his head:

"But have you ever thought that Baotaro really believes in the possibilities of Kemi? Creating a future of coexistence is his ideal, and it is also the idea of many people in the alchemy world, so it is okay for him to test the feasibility of this path."

Black Steel Spana still denied it:

"It is extremely rare for Kemi to possess a kind-hearted human.���This is an unrealistic ideal."

Minato's expression gradually became complicated:

"Indeed...Sometimes some things are more worth protecting than ideals."

Hearing this, Lin Feng looked up at Minato, then sighed helplessly.

It was indeed a foreshadowing.

I didn't notice it when I read the original book in my previous life.

Now I know from my personal experience that Minato's subsequent behavior can always be found in clues in the early stage.

"Forget it."

Heigang suddenly said:

"Since you two are instructors, it is your job to deal with the superiors. I have other things to investigate, so I will not accompany you any longer."

But at this moment, a phone rang suddenly.

After Minato answered the call curiously, a hurried cry for help came immediately!

"Teacher Minato!!! I have something to ask you. I am outside with a child and have been attacked by a person similar to Margan!"

As soon as he said this,

Heigang, who was about to leave, stopped and looked over.

"Features, tell me what the features are!" (Li Nuo's)

"feature...I don't know, I don't know where it is, but it will shoot sharp weapons at us, like spikes!"

After hearing this, Lin Feng immediately called up the information of Kemi that met the conditions:

"The enemy's true form is a level 6 magnificent dragonfly, which has the ability to cruise."

"So what should I do? Is there any good combination to deal with it?!"

"Yes, I used my ultimate skill right away and killed him instantly."

After Lin Feng finished speaking,

Minato and Heigang looked over with a frown on their faces.

"Start with a big move? Why does it sound so familiar to me?..."No! How can I use my ultimate skill when I can't even see the enemy! Ah! Here it comes again! Teacher Lin Feng, please help me think of a solution!"

After the voice fell,

Ichinose Takarō hung up the phone.

Seeing this, Heigang immediately started to move, picked up the wrench sword and ran out to fight.

Lin Feng and Minato looked at each other and prepared to move over together.

After all, the matter involved children, and it would be difficult to stabilize the situation without adults present.

"Tell Baotaro to hold on, we'll be there soon"......

Say goodbye to Atomic

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