
A huge beam of light descended from the sky, and in the vortex like a wormhole, the UFO-X that had been away for a long time reappeared in everyone's sight!

And Ichinose Takarō also jumped down from it and returned to everyone's sight.

Lin Feng looked at him who had regrouped, and a gratified smile appeared on his face.

Little Po is indeed a superman. Such awareness is rare in a high school student.


Seeing him coming back,

Minato and the other people from the Alchemy Academy exclaimed.

They didn't expect that Baotaro, who was taken away by the UFO-X, would come back with the UFO-X.

Moreover, his aura had obviously changed. He was no longer as weak as when he left. It was obvious that he had gained new strength!

At this time, everyone's eyes were attracted by the blue-red cross sword in his hand!

"This is Gotchard's Broken Steel Sword, which is Gotchard's new ability. I will use it to save Senior Tsuruhara Senmaru!"

During the time he was away, Tarotaro Ichinose went to the Ouroboros Realm with UFO-X.

There, he resonated with UFO-X, they understood each other's intentions, and finally reached a consensus.

Therefore, Tarotaro got this Broken Steel Sword, which is also a new power!

At this time, when Tarotaro made up his mind to use this sword, his blue alchemy ring suddenly lit up, and the Broken Steel Sword immediately became a deformable external device.

As Tarotaro twisted and changed, it finally became a panel buckled above Gotchard's actuator!

"UFO-X is coming!"

Ichinose Tatarō stretched out his hand to the sky and called out.

The UFO-X floating above his head transformed into a Kamika and actively inserted into the drive!

【MarvelousOccult! Gotchanko! X UFO-X Super! 】

Only a burst of psychedelic music sounded, and

Baotaro first changed into the basic form of steam locust, and then after entering a strange space like the universe, his head and arms were covered by the flying saucer transformed by UFO-X, and finally changed into a strengthened form with mysterious power, Super Gotchard Cross UFO-X

Seeing this armor,

Lin Feng on the side almost couldn't help it.

Although UFO-X is the big daddy form of Gotchard in the early stage, this look really confirms a saying, if you want strength, you have strength, if you want beauty, you have strength~

However, 330 and Lin Feng's focus is different.

What shocked the others present is why Baotaro can use the power of UFO-X?!

Especially the three sisters of Hades, they originally thought that Ichinose Baotaro was taken away because UFO-X lent him power. Unexpectedly, when he came back, he not only evolved, but UFO-X even took the initiative to let Baotaro use it!

"Atropos, what's going on? Didn't you say that Kemi at level 10 is uncontrollable?!"

Faced with the questioning of Clotho and Lachesis, Atropos remained silent, but Baotaro gave his answer.

"Because I didn't control it at all, it was UFO-X that did it! I want to save my senior's heart! Accept me as its companion! Don't you understand yet? What makes me stronger is the bond that you don't care about!"

Atropos remained silent, but her tightly clenched fists and clenched back teeth revealed that she was not calm at the moment.

Her eyes flashed, and the forbidden alchemy was activated again!

Dread, who had reached his limit, stood up again from the ruins!

Ichinose Takarō was no longer confused at this moment.

He had realized that only by taking the battle seriously could he save his senior without hurting others!

So, while dismantling the X-Gochard Broken Steel Sword, he took the initiative to rush towards Dread,

"Senior, hold on a little longer, it will be over soon!"

Baotaro activated the special ability of UFO-X, constantly teleporting, changing positions, while the Broken Steel Sword in his hand slashed at Dread's body in an extremely elegant manner.

As the sparks burst out one after another, Dread's movements were completely suppressed by Baotaro, leaving no room for him to make any moves!

When the time was right,

Baotaro suddenly stopped, raised the Broken Steel Sword in his hand high, poured all his energy into it, and activated the UFO-X large separation ability!

"DarKDecade senior! Help me!!!"

Baotaro swung the Broken Steel Sword, and the tip of the sword extended a blue tentacle, which went directly into Dread's body and pulled out Tsuruhara Senmaru who was trapped inside!

Then, Kamen Rider Dread completely turned into an empty shell and lost the ability to move!

"Good job, leave the rest to me."

Lin Feng came to Baotaro, patted him on the shoulder, threw the final driving card into the drive, and pushed it down with both hands!

【FinalAttackRide!-R-R-Ryug(ajfb)a! 】


The huge Dragon Black roared and surrounded Lin Feng.

The endless energy began to gather at the soles of Lin Feng's feet.

He suddenly put his feet together, jumped into the air, and performed a Knight Kick on Dread!

The Dragon Black behind him spewed out the black dragon flame that had been accumulated in his mouth for a long time, instantly wrapping Lin Feng, turning him into a huge black meteorite, and heading straight towards Dread!

Boom boom boom!!!

The explosion that shocked the entire campus expanded wildly. When Lin Feng's Knight Kick hit Dread hard, the high temperature of up to 6000 degrees melted Dread's outer armor in the blink of an eye, and it squeezed and burned madly inside, and finally exploded again! It turned into a huge fire lotus that bloomed in the sky!

The surging black embers were like black waves, rippling and spreading in all directions, creating amazing waves, shaking the surrounding buildings in circles, and the scene of collapse!

Outside the smoke and dust, Lin Feng slowly stood up, his scarlet eyes were like dragon eyes, terrifying, and the terrible sense of oppression was as invincible as at the beginning!

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task. The reward has been sent to the system warehouse. Please check it in time! 】

Bang bang bang!!

The battle is over.

A crisp falling sound was heard.

It was the sound of the Dread actuator falling to the ground.

Atropos went close and picked it up, but when she saw the cracks all over it, she couldn't help the fear in her heart and her body trembled subconsciously.

This is a specially refined actuator according to the instructions of Lord Gryon.

Although it is not as strong as the Gotchard actuator, it is absolutely indestructible.

As a result, it is now cracked and will even break if you use a little more force!

Atropos understood that this time, not only the three sisters were defeated again, but even Lord Gryon was defeated.

Everyone underestimated Lin Feng's strength!

After a long silence, everyone was waiting for the next move of the three sisters of Minghei.

The people of the Alchemy Academy could indeed fight again, but the important thing now was to send Tsuruhara Senmaru to the hospital, so if they could avoid fighting, they would not fight!

The three Dark Sisters had the same idea.

The Dread was damaged, and it would be no good for them to stay there.

"It's not over yet. The data collection this time is enough, but next time, you won't be so lucky."

As the three figures merged into the darkness and disappeared into the campus, everyone in the Alchemy Academy finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Ichinose Takarō also tiredly lifted his transformation and hurried to Tsuruhara Senmaru's side to check on his injuries.

Minato made a simple check and soon got a reassuring answer.

"There are many obvious wounds and large areas of redness and swelling, but the good news is that there are no internal injuries and the breathing is stable. He should have fainted."

As he said this,

Minato poked Ichinose Takarō and whispered:

"Why don't you go and thank Senior DarkDecade?"

Bao Tailang quickly came to his senses when he heard this, turned to Lin Feng who was not far away, and bowed repeatedly to thank him.

"Thank you, Senior DarkDecade! If you hadn't given me UFO-X, Senior Tsuruhara Kamaru wouldn't have been so easy to save!"

Lin Feng nodded with a little relief when he heard this. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"You did a good job this time, but it's not enough! Baotaro, after all, Kemi's power is not your own. Once you lose Kemi as a helper, you will become weaker. Therefore, you must continue to become stronger until one day you can protect everything you want to protect without relying on Kemi!"

Ichinose Baotaro replied heavily:

"I will! Senior DarKDecade, just watch! When I become strong enough, I will prove it to you in person!"

Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction.

He knew that Ichinose Taro has always been able to become more courageous after more setbacks.

Therefore, putting pressure on little Po is the best way to make him stronger.

Moreover, the Gochard world is constantly changing because of his frequent actions.

The group of monsters from the outside world may one day...���Come to the door,

Ichinose Takarō needs to grow up as soon as possible to continue to deal with the troubles that come!

Without stopping,

Lin Feng summoned the dimensional wall, stepped into it, and disappeared directly from everyone's sight...

Minato patted Tatarō’s shoulder and said:

"Just like DarkDecade said, keep working hard. Now, come and help me carry your senior back to the Alchemy Academy so he can have a good rest!"

""Okay, teacher!"

Just as they were about to take action,

Lin Feng's figure came running from a distance.

"Everyone, are you all right?!"

Jiutang Linyin heard the voice, but this time she did not run over immediately, but watched from a distance with a complicated expression.

So, Ginkgo Lianhua got this opportunity and rushed over to ask about the situation first.

"Teacher Lin Feng! Why did you come just now?! Don’t you know that the three Minghei sisters are calling?"

Lin Feng sighed helplessly,

"I know, but I'm busy too. Didn't you notice that Investigator Kugimiya is missing?"

When this was said, everyone looked worried.

Yes, they had been distracted by the Dark Three Sisters before, and almost forgot why Investigator Kugimiya was also missing?

Moreover, according to the previously confirmed situation,

Investigator Needle Horse colluded with the Dark Three Sisters, so as an investigator, Kugimiya must also be related, right?

"So, I followed Investigator Kugimiya all the way, and guess what? He seems to be planning to reopen the DGP!"

Lin Feng made up some information, which was all from the theatrical version he watched in his previous life.

Lin Feng didn't know if it would really appear, but it was still very useful to fool his students now.

"I haven't figured out what exactly this DGP is, but now Investigator Kugimiya has been put on the Alchemy Alliance's bounty order, so there should be a result later."

After saying that, Lin Feng pretended to be unaware and looked at Tsuruhara Kamaru's injuries, and then followed everyone back to the Alchemy Academy.

However, halfway through,

Jiutang Rinyin was in a low mood and asked Lin Feng to go home first to rest.

Lin Feng didn't know why she was in a bad mood.

Maybe it was because of what happened today, which put a lot of pressure on her.

After all, Jiutang Rinyin has always been a sensitive person.

Seeing her classmates being hurt and not being able to help, she might feel uncomfortable.

Lin Feng did not refuse her request and let her go back first.

When there is a chance later, he will go and talk to Jiutang Rinyin about it.

Black Steel Spana watched everyone return to the Alchemy Academy.

He dragged his injured body and left on his own.

Everyone had some complicated thoughts in their hearts because of this sudden incident.

This is normal.

Only when everyone overcomes this difficulty can they move on to the next stage.

Taking advantage of this free time,

Lin Feng also communicated with the system silently,

"Collect mission rewards"

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Kamen Rider 03 deck!】


"Kamen Rider Zero-Three?!"

A surprise beyond Lin Feng's expectation!

So far, the most recognized strongest character in the Outer Worlds spin-off is Kamen Rider Zein.

As a character with all the powers of the Knight of Justice, his upper limit is very high, but it is such a character that was beaten by Kamen Rider 03 in the latest chapter!

Kamen Rider 03 is the product of the combination of the two top artificial intelligences, Ark and Zea, in the original 01.

It has the ability to calculate and predict beyond the former two, and the numerical value is the pinnacle!

Speaking of which, 03 and Zein, in a sense, are both Kamen Riders of the 01 series, because their drive technology is from the same world view, so that battle also proves from a certain perspective that Kamen Rider 03 can at least be on par with Zein in the series!

Therefore, looking at this deck now, Lin Feng has begun to look forward to the moment of real use!

In another section of Furasu, in the church, a loud noise was heard, and Cloto threw the chair aside angrily, shouting:

"DarKDecade, we were all deceived by that guy!"

After the battle, the three sisters returned to the church, and the atmosphere was terribly depressed.

They were frustrated by the failures again and again, and they were also afraid, because those were the tasks assigned by Gryon, and the result of repeated failures would be very tragic!

They didn't want to try, and what would happen if they angered Gryon!

"Clotho, calm down!

Lachesis grabbed Clotho's arm.

"This is Lin Feng’s church. If he finds you destroying it at will, do you want to be punished again?"


Kroto shook his arms heavily, sighed in frustration, and collapsed on the chair.

"I thought he was on our side!"

At this time,

Atropos, who had been sitting in the corner and was extremely calm, spoke slowly in a cold voice:

"I'm afraid he never intended to help us from the beginning, DarkDecade, he just used us as tools...Three tools to help the students of the Alchemy Academy grow."

Just when Cloto and Lachesis were shocked by these words,

Lin Feng's voice suddenly came from the back door.

"You are worthy of being the leader among the three of you, you see things clearly~"

In an instant, the three sisters were facing a formidable enemy, and they all stared at Lin Feng with caution and vigilance!

"What is your purpose? Can you tell us directly so that we can plan for the future?"

Hearing this,

Lin Feng laughed, but he immediately replied:

"I want you to atone for your sins and become human."......

Say goodbye to Atomic

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