"A good vacation was ruined by irrelevant people again. I am really upset now...."

Lin Feng twisted his neck, and a gloomy and violent aura gradually rose from his body.

He turned his head like a poisonous snake and looked at Dan Lidou and Fuyo Hidetoshi, with murderous intent surging in his eyes.



Danrito shouted with gnashing teeth:

"I didn't expect you to find this place! If I guessed correctly, you must have known the two guys over there a long time ago, right? But this time, I won't be defeated so easily! I have reached the immortal level, even if you two come together, I will not lose!"

Listening to the crazy and hoarse voice,

Dan Lidou obviously thought that the reason why Lin Feng appeared here was because Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Tsukumo Ichimuri tipped him off~, that is, he thought Lin Feng was in the same group with Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Tsukumo Ichimuri, and the reason was very simple.

Lin Feng had used Ukiyo Hidetoshi's power before.

But the next second, what he never expected was that

Lin Feng responded with a disdainful tone:

"I have nothing to do with this guy who plays the big steel cannon, don't insult me, OK?"

Hearing what Lin Feng said,

Ukiyo Hidetoshi, who was not far away, was speechless.

Why did he feel that he was being implied?

What's the big steel cannon?

Is he talking about DGP?

Playing DGP is an insult to him. Could it be that this guy was also a player who was defeated by him in DGP, and now he comes back for revenge?

After a series of brain supplements,

Ukiyo Hidetoshi immediately confirmed this idea, and couldn't help but complain speechlessly:

"I said, you two are in the same group, right? It seems that you have been coveting my power of creation for a long time. In this case, don’t say so much nonsense, just start fighting!"

Hearing this,

Tan Lidou was also confused.

Could it be that Lin Feng really came to help him?

Speaking of which, the last time he fought with him, he didn’t have any grudges. Although he lost to Lin Feng, he didn’t have much resentment in his heart.

After all, he was really inferior to him in skills.

Thinking of this,

Tan Lidou suddenly felt more confident.

If he had Lin Feng’s help, he would definitely be able to realize his wish from Ukiyo Hidetoshi today!

However, before he could be happy for a few seconds,

Lin Feng’s words were like a basin of ice water poured over his head.

Lin Feng first pointed at Tan Lidou,

"I have nothing in common with this lunatic..."

Then he looked at Ukiyo Hidetoshi and snorted contemptuously.

"Your power of creation, people nicknamed you: Little Alchemy, you know that? Even if you give it to me, I won't take it, don't flatter yourself."

These words directly offended both of them.

This operation made Tsumurai, who had been watching, very confused.

"Then may I ask this Kamen Rider, why did you suddenly appear here and interfere in the battle?"

Lin Feng's tone was unfriendly, but his words made everyone's expression stagnate.


You are disturbing my shopping.......

Dan Lidou:......

Ukiyo Hidetoshi:"What kind of reason is that?!"

Lin Feng sneered.

"What? You are not convinced? That's right, after all, when you and your sister were shopping, you would not care even if your companions turned evil and the world was destroyed."

Sakurai Jinghe: Who? Who is talking about me?

Ukiyo Hidetoshi was gradually annoyed by Lin Feng's words.

He felt that this Kamen Rider who suddenly appeared didn't say anything, but every word pierced his heart, and it pierced deeply.

This awkward feeling made Ukiyo Hidetoshi not intend to continue talking nonsense.

"So, you are here to teach us a lesson now?"

Lin Feng finally nodded.

"That's right, I'm in a bad mood right now, I'm here to beat you up!"

As he said that, he pulled out a driving card from the card box.

"Don't you two both claim to be gods? Then I will also use the power of gods to play with you."

Dan Lidou laughed arrogantly.

"Dad! I am now indestructible! Even if you use the same Kamen Rider form as Ukiyo Hidetoshi, so what?! You still can't hurt me!"

Hearing this,

Lin Feng laughed sarcastically, turned the card in his hand over, and showed it to the two of them.

"You are really confident. Did I say I would use the power of the Fox God? Look, this is the real power of the gods!"

After the words fell, Lin Feng tapped the side of the card with his finger, then inserted it into the driver and pushed it down with both hands!


【KamenRide! XrossSaber!】

【Saber draws his sword! The Ten Holy Blades of the Blade King Sword! The Cross of Creation! The shining stars descend with miracles! Great and noble power, the blazing fire of courage! Xross Saber! Xross Saber! Xross Saber! The fused ten swords!

As the drive closes, the sacred hymn sounds at this moment.

At that moment, in the distant universe, the shining galaxy gradually becomes clear.

A huge red dragon of courage is seen, surrounded by the illusion of ten holy swords coming from the distant galaxy. It is a stunning and magnificent scene. Everything in the world seems to be celebrating the birth of the Ten Holy Blades!

When these energy creations are continuously integrated into Lin Feng's body, an incomparably bright light and shadow blooms with Lin Feng as the center.

He seems to have turned into a small galaxy, echoing with the celestial bodies in the universe! It is an indescribably beautiful picture.

Even the sun in the sky has lost its brilliance!

"What kind of power is this?!!!"

It was the first time that Tsumeli showed such an expression.

She was deeply attracted by the wonderful light and shadow, and was completely intoxicated by it.

Lin Feng, who transformed into Kamen Rider Xross Saber, made Tsumeli unable to take her eyes away, so that a voice gradually sounded in her heart, this is the real god!!!

"Impossible! How could such a power exist?!!"

For the first time, Ukiyo Hidetoshi was so excited and so defenseless.

His eyes were fixed on Lin Feng's figure, and his face under the mask was full of shock!

Because Ukiyo Hidetoshi is the God of Desire of this world, so, in his understanding, the existence of becoming a god in this world must also have its foundation in this world, but he just carefully sensed it, and he actually found that the energy surging in Lin Feng's body is not owned by this world at all.

In other words,

Lin Feng used the power of other worlds to become a god!

He has mastered an unknown world!!!

And Ukiyo Hidetoshi is now completely unable to control the power of desire of the entire earth's people! He even needs people to believe in him, give back, and enhance his power of creation!

If there are no believers, then his power will be sluggish, this... This is also the reason why he wants to build a shrine!


Dan Lidou also discovered this problem at this time.

As a god, he can sense the connection between Ukiyo Hidetoshi and this world, but Lin Feng, he can't sense it at all, as if he has surpassed this world!

Therefore, the power in Lin Feng is completely incomparable to Ukiyo Hidetoshi's power of creation!

This power of God that exceeds expectations makes Dan Lidou's heart gradually restless.

Although he still looks calm on the surface at this time, a strong sense of greed has already emerged in his heart!

He must get this power, even at all costs!


Lin Feng, who didn't know that they had their own ulterior motives, spread his hands lightly, letting the amazing energy pressure in his body ripple and overflow, and said condescendingly:

"I'll give you a chance to join forces. After all, there is no Kamen Rider in the world who is more loving than me~"

Hearing this, the pride in the hearts of Dan Lidou and Ukiyo Hidetoshi was aroused.

When they saw Lin Feng standing there so arrogantly, with a flawed look, the two of them were immediately ignited in their fighting spirit, and they prepared to fight together!

Bang bang!!!

Two sonic booms sounded, and

Dan Lidou and Ukiyo Hidetoshi, holding the faulty driver and B9, rushed out from two directions!

Purple and blue energy ripples surged around them, and with a series of afterimages, the attacks of the two came to Lin Feng in a flash!

At that critical moment, (to read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Lin Feng raised his hand and the Blade King Sword appeared in his hand.

He pulled the badge on the hilt with ease, and a series of sound effects sounded!

【Read! World Time! Xross Slash! 】


Bang!!! []

Dan Lidou and Ukiyo Hidetoshi who were in the center were horrified to find that

Lin Feng's figure disappeared on the spot!

This is not time stop, nor is it high-speed movement, otherwise the god Ukiyo Hidetoshi would definitely not fail to sense it!

However, the next second, another sound effect spread,

【Read! Yellow Thunder! Stir the Earth! Xross Slash! 】

With the loud recitation sound���,

Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Dan Lidou subconsciously became alert, but what they never expected was that a huge local tyrant sword that covered the sky and was tens of meters long came straight down from above their heads and chopped them down!



Dan Lidou and Ukiyo Hidetoshi raised their weapons to block at the same time, but the terrifying force still made their bodies fall down sharply, and the ground under their feet was instantly shattered into pieces.

The two people looked from a distance like two nails smashed into the ground by the giant sword, which was ridiculous!

"You think you can defeat me with such an attack?!"

"I've said before, I'm immortal!"

Danrito and Ukiyo Hidetoshi roared and shattered the huge earth sword, but before they could crawl out from the ground, a series of dense cries like thousands of birds rang in their ears.

Looking up, they saw that the earth sword had just disappeared in the sky, and the dense thunder swords and yellow lightning that covered the entire shrine were aimed directly at the two of them!

Suddenly, a feeling of powerlessness and frustration surged in their hearts!


Boom boom boom boom!!!

Every sword was like thunder falling from the sky.

Every time it fell towards the two of them, it exploded on the ground.

For a moment, the entire shrine was in chaos.

Fire lotus blossomed everywhere, gravel and dust flew all over the sky!

Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Dan Lidou, who were still stubborn, were now confused.

Who is the good guy who uses a big move right at the beginning? And two big moves in a row!

They were controlled tightly!

This big move is thrown out like it’s free, right?!


With the sound of a bell, Ukiyo Hidetoshi finally seized the opportunity to use the power of creation.

He completely shattered the ground of the shrine, and jumped out from the gap of the explosion with Dan Lidou.

At this moment, Lin Feng also walked out of the time deletion (the ability of the elder brother-in-law) space

"How about it? My attack landed on you, do you feel good?"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Dan Lidou were both speechless at this time, and there was already a storm in their hearts!

Because they both clearly felt that they would not be hurt at first, but because of the two attacks just now, their own conditions dropped rapidly!

Whether it was Ukiyo Hidetoshi's power of creation or Dan Lidou's immortal level, they were affected by the higher level of energy, resulting in being completely suppressed!

Seeing that they didn't speak,

Lin Feng didn't hesitate, and dragged the badge of the Blade King Sword again, intending to continue to consume the power of the two!

【Read! Cuifeng! Xiyin! Xross Slash!

The sound of recitation resounded, and a Xiyin gun appeared out of thin air and expanded rapidly.

At the same time, a steady stream of violent energy gathered at the muzzle.

As the trigger was pulled, a huge pink beam burst out.

Fuyo Hidetoshi and Dan Lidou gritted their teeth and slashed out a blue sword energy and a purple crescent-shaped light blade respectively.

The three forces collided with each other and eroded each other. For a while, they were evenly matched, but in the next second, the two Cuifeng swords wrapped in cyan wind element energy turned into split boomerangs and attacked Dan Lidou and Fuyo Hidetoshi from all directions.

When they were not prepared, a huge explosion occurred again!

Boom boom boom boom!!!

The two people who were blown away by the terrifying power were out of control and could only watch Lin Feng flick the badge of the Blade King Sword again!

【Reading! Fiery Blade! Xross Slash!

This time, Lin Feng held the hilt of the Blade King Sword tightly with both hands and raised it high.

Behind him, endless flame energy gathered into a giant Fiery Sword Fiery Blade, standing between heaven and earth!


Lin Feng roared, and the flames of the flaming sword were wrapped with extremely hot energy waves, as if to create the world, and slashed forward fiercely!

Boom boom boom boom!!!

Hundreds of meters of sword energy suddenly attacked, and

Dan Lidou and Ukiyo Hidetoshi were directly covered by the sword energy and blasted into the ground.

The sword energy directly split the small hill where the shrine was located into two, and cut out a deep gully! The two were chopped into the ground and buried by countless rubble!

In the distance,

Tsumuri had already been stunned.

This was the first time she saw Ukiyo Hidetoshi like this after he became a god. It was a brutal fight.

From the very beginning, they were beaten without any chance to fight back.

These three were all gods, so why were they so different from each other?

Could it be that there were real and fake gods?

Just as she was in doubt, the gravel in the deep ravine was suddenly washed out.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Danrito turned into streams of light and flew out from the ground. They staggered back to the ground.

However, in the smoke and dust, the two people had a series of electric currents and arcs on their bodies.

It was obvious that their physical strength was about to reach the limit!

Moreover, the game field that Danrito had originally opened was also at this time. Constantly turbulent, obviously, his immortal level is about to expire.

All this is because the upgraded belt buckle and cassette on their waists were severely damaged!

Ukiyo Hidetoshi should not have appeared here.

He was able to come here as a human being purely with the help of the Nine-tailed Belt Buckle he left here before.

Therefore, once the Nine-tailed Belt Buckle was broken in the battle, he would lose the power of creation for a long time, and even threaten his original power!

Not to mention Dan Lidou, it is because of the domain built into his cassette that he can reach the BUG state of immortality.

Once the cassette is broken by Lin Feng, he is afraid that he will explode instantly, and even Shumagia's body will be turned into fragments and scattered all over the sky!

At this time,

Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Dan Lidou, who were unwilling to lose this battle, suddenly looked at each other.

The two who were originally hostile, because they had a common goal and enemy, reached the idea of fighting together at this moment!

They must take a gamble, betting that this last blow can defeat Lin Feng and defeat Kamen Rider DarkDecade!!!.....


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