On the way back to the Alchemy Academy, everyone frowned and looked solemn.

Not long ago, after Liming Gechad said those strange words to them, he drove the Golden Charge away from the scene.

Everyone felt vaguely uneasy, but they still didn't know what would happen.

In addition, they were also doubting Liming Gechad's words.

First, they didn't know the other party's identity at present, and second, they didn't know the other party's purpose.

If they really faced a huge dilemma, they really couldn't trust others casually.

Perhaps, this is also the reason why Liming Gechad didn't tell the truth of the matter directly.

After all, even if he told it, Baotaro and others might not believe it completely. Only they could experience it themselves.

On the rooftop of a high-rise building,

Liming Gechad, who left, watched them silently.

Suddenly, two figures confronting each other appeared on the way forward for Baotaro and others.

Liming Gechad clenched his fists suddenly. Everything was developing as he expected.

Bang bang bang!!!!!

There was a fierce gunfire.

Ichinose Tatarō and the others who were deep in thought raised their heads and looked forward.

They saw Black Steel Spana holding a spanner sword, which changed into a gun form and continuously fired light bullets at the figure opposite.

The person opposite was their respected teacher, Minato.

"Senior Black Steel!!!"

"What are you doing, Spana?"

Everyone asked in confusion, but got an angry response from Heigang.

"Shut up, all of you!!! At this point, you still can't tell the situation?!"

Everyone slowly turned their eyes to Minato, and

Ichinose Tarotaro suddenly woke up in his mind, and the words of Dawn Gochard echoed in his ears.

【Soon, you will be betrayed by someone you trusted.】

"No way, could it be that Minato-sensei..."

"Is everyone here?"

Minato interrupted Baotaro, his voice became very cold.

"You came just in time. I want to take back your rings and Kemika."

As soon as these words came out,

Black Steel Spana immediately roared:

"Don't give it to him! He will erase his memory! Then everything will be over!"

This bastard.

Heigang is furious now.

If he didn't have to ask Minato the reason, he would have transformed and tortured him severely. He originally planned to return to the Alchemy Academy to ask Minato, the senior, if he had any way to improve his strength.

As a result, he stopped him halfway and directly asked to take back his Kamika and wrench sword, and even the alchemist ring.

Such a strange request immediately aroused Heigang's vigilance, and thus the current confrontation scene was formed.

Minato couldn't bear it in his heart, but he had to make up lies and deceive these students of his.

"There is a reason for everything. It all started with the incident with Investigator Kugimiya. Level 10 Kami are very easy to get out of control and pose a huge threat. In addition, there are frequent high-level alchemists who become Malgan. Therefore, the Alchemy Alliance’s top leaders decided that Kami are always dangerous creatures, and that the students of the Alchemy Academy, that is, you, are not strong enough, which is also one of the sources of a series of problems."

Ginkgo Lianhua couldn't help but sneer when he heard this.

"Can we be blamed for such a mess? We work so hard every day to capture Kemi, and we don't even know when he will be killed by Malgan, but in the end we blame us for not doing our job well? Damn it, if you have the guts, why don't you let those idiots in the alliance capture him yourself!..."Mmmmm!!!"

Jiutang Rinyin covered Ginkgo Lotus in time, which prevented her from swearing out the last dirty word, which completely destroyed her quiet image.

Minato was sweating profusely at this time.

This reason for breaking the wall was indeed full of loopholes, but what to do? He was not a natural liar, and he had to find a way to try not to hurt the students' hearts. He could only think of putting the blame on the Alchemy Alliance.

At this time,

Jiutang Rinyin suddenly asked in a cold voice:

"I only have one question, where is my brother, Lin Feng?"

As soon as this was said, everyone noticed this.

The only person who did not show up from beginning to end today was Lin Feng!

Since Lin Feng evacuated the citizens, he has not been seen again.

As for the disbanding of the Alchemy Academy, it should be announced by two teachers to be more convincing.

As a result, now, only Minato is there.

Jiutang Rinyin slowly clenched his fists, and the gloom in his eyes gradually became stronger.

""Minato, if anything happens to my brother, I will never let you go." Minato's mouth twitched, and he felt that he had offended a group of students who should not be offended.

Ichinose Tatarō, who possessed the Gotchard plug-in bestowed by Kudou Fuga, wanted to be friends with all Camies,

Black Steel Spana, a super A alchemist, whose alchemy level was not inferior to his own, and who had Emi Kagami helping him to make the driver,

Kudou Rin, who had a top brother control and whose father was a legendary alchemist and who had just gained the ability to transform.

Damn, going against such a group of future pillars of the alchemy world with stacked buffs, it was not certain who would live and die in a real fight!

What on earth was he thinking at the time, willing to take on such a task from Gryon???

Fortunately, I was an undercover agent, otherwise if I really betrayed, these students would have kicked me into eight pieces with the knight kick in the battle???

"Your brother is fine."

Minato put away the random thoughts in his mind and told the people on the other side the news he had received not long ago.

"But as I said before, the Alchemy Alliance finally chose me to continue the work of capturing Kemi, and Lin Feng's memory of the Alchemy Academy was wiped out, and then he was handed over to do other tasks."

After hearing this, Jiutang Linyin slowly relaxed her clenched fists.

Although she guessed that the result would be like this, after all, Lin Feng's family background was there, and the Alchemy Alliance would not take action against Lin Feng unless they didn't want to continue.

But this made people even more confused.

What kind of trouble did the Alchemy Alliance encounter that made them blame the students??? They were even willing to bear the wrath that might provoke the Alchemy family?

At this time, senior Tsuruhara Senmaru asked the same question,

"Why is that? Why are we students being accused of failing to capture Camie?

Minato shook his head calmly.

"No matter how much you say, it is useless. It is precisely because you are all students that the task of recovering Kemi will be handed over to other alchemists in the future. Your memories will be deleted and you will be forced to drop out of school. The Alchemy Academy without students will be closed from today!"

As he said this, he stepped aside, and three figures wearing Alchemy Academy uniforms slowly walked out from behind.

Everyone looked at them strangely and were stunned for a moment, because the ones walking towards them were the three dark sisters who had been against them before!!!

"Accept reality, you useless little brats!"

"We are here to replace you."

"We are the new person in charge of Kemi recycling, understand?"

Seeing this scene,

Ichinose Takarō couldn't help but complain.

"Forget about the other two, but you, Atropos, are too much, aren't you? A kid who is not even as tall as my thigh, and you come to be a student of the Alchemy Academy? ? ?"

As he said this, he looked at Minato as if he had discovered some shocking secret.

"Shit! Could it be that the senior executives of the Alchemy Alliance no longer refine gold, but refine copper instead?..."Woo woo woo!"

Tsuruhara Senmaru covered his mouth to stop his lewd words.

Atropos had a gloomy face and raised his hand to release alchemy.

"I just look young, but I am actually an adult! Don't insult me!!!"

""Back off!"

Minato raised his hand to stop Atropos's move.

"We agreed that I will handle them, and you guys should not interfere."

Ichinose Takarō pulled Tsuruhara Senmaru's hand away and said anxiously:

"Teacher Minato! I don’t want to drop out of school. I want to continue to learn alchemy knowledge and continue to be friends with other Camies! Is there no possibility of compromise?!"

Minato did not answer, but silently took out the driver from his back. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Dread actuator?!!"

"Why is he with the teacher?!"

"This joke is not funny!"

Minato said coldly, slowly putting it on his waist.

"Just hand over the Kamika, the driver, and the alchemy ring, and don't make it difficult for me."

Black Steel Spana sneered.

"Don't underestimate me, in terms of combat ability, I am much stronger than you! Iron Steel!!!"

【MadWhee1! Gokin! Valvarush Tuneup! MadWhee1! 】

Looking at the Black Steel (bhdi) that transformed into Valvarado rushing towards him,

Minato sighed helplessly, pinched the replica steam train with his fingers, and brushed it over the driver.

"It seems that the arrogant graduate needs to be taught a lesson."

【Steamliner! DreadZeroShiki! 】

As the mechanical sound sounded, lava flames and dark energy attached to Minato's body, forming a dark armor.

At the moment of transformation into Kamen Rider Dread,

Black Steel Spana's wrench sword also happened to chop down!

Minato calmly raised his hand to resist, knocked him back, and then turned around and kicked out.

Black Steel also reacted quickly. After rotating with the wrench sword, he swung forward again and collided with Minato's whip kick!


The crisp sound of metal collision spread, []

Black Steel Spana's palm was numb, and he retreated three or four steps in a row, while Minato stood firmly in place, not affected at all.

Obviously, this is the beauty of numbers.

Dread is considered a zero type, and the numbers are not comparable to Valbarado, a special warrior form.

Even if Black Steel Spana's fighting ability is better than Minato, the numbers are so suppressed that he has no room for victory.

"Since one isn't enough, try two or three!"

【Gakin GutsShove1! Gekiocopter! Gokin Valvarush! Tuneup! Gekiocopter! 】

After inserting the Kamika,

Black Steel Spana rushed out and rushed to Minato.

The helicopter gunship attached to his right hand kept rolling its blades, cutting towards Minato like a chain saw!

Bang bang bang bang bang bang!!!

A series of exploding electric sparks bloomed, and the blades kept slashing at the outside of Minato's arm, but they couldn't get in any further.

Minato even had the strength to raise his other fist to launch a counterattack!


The fist wrapped in black lava blasted towards Black Steel Spana's waist.

The latter used the excavator on his left arm to resist, but still couldn't withstand the force. He was hit back again and crashed into the wall beside him!

Minato took advantage of the moment when he was unable to move, and immediately pulled the driver lever, unleashing a full-strength attack!

【DreadBreaking! 】

The scorching lava energy gathered from all over his limbs on his right leg, forming a thorn-like weapon.

Minato stepped forward and kicked Black Steel Spana in the chest with a roundhouse kick without reservation!


The violent explosion sounded instantly, and the violent energy invaded every part of Black Steel's body. The extreme heat and terrifying power made him fly backwards, smashing the wall behind him, and shot backwards, sliding on the ground. A long trace, and he canceled the transformation in the middle, rolling in front of Baotaro and others! The three Kamikas he held also fell to the ground, and were picked up one by one by Minato, who also canceled the transformation.

Moreover, he did not forget to teach the overconfident Black Steel Spana a lesson.

"I have more life experience than you, you can't beat me"

"You are talking bullshit!"

Black Steel Spana roared:

"If you have the guts, give me the Dread Drive. If I don’t pin you to the ground and beat the shit out of you, I’m not Black Steel!!!"

Minato’s mouth twitched a few times.

These students are really not giving him face.

Although what he said makes some sense, if they really follow Black Steel’s words and exchange power,

Minato will definitely come up with a wave of amazing wisdom: [It’s better not to go against that power.]

Black Steel Spana will just rush up in anger, so the difference in life experience that Minato just mentioned is not a problem.

"Senior Kuroko!!!"

Ichinose Takarō hurried forward to help Kuroko up, and then looked at the indifferent Minato with a painful expression.

"Teacher, are you really going to do this?!!"

Minato just silently stretched out his hand and ordered:

""I have received the black steel card. Now it's your turn. Hand over your rings and drivers."

He said, walking slowly towards the students.

""Teacher! What is your reason for doing this?! Are you really going to attack us?!"

Seeing that Tatarō was still questioning him,

Minato was so angry that he almost exposed himself,"

Stupid Tatarō!

I walked over so slowly, do you think I am really going to attack you?

I am afraid that you can't escape!

Hurry up and leave!!!

Fortunately, there was only Tatarō on top, and senior student Tsuruhara Senmaru immediately took out the Ninja Kamika and inserted it into the wrench sword of Black Steel Spana!


Smoke and dust burst out from the wrench sword in an instant, completely blocking the figures of everyone, and also blocking the sight of Minato and the three sisters of the Dark Black.

After the breeze blew away the smoke,

Ichinose Tatarō and the others finally escaped successfully.

Minato looked at the three Kamikas he had just recovered in his hand, turned his head and looked at the three sisters of the Dark Black,

"Today's collection mission will end here."

Atropos snorted coldly.

"You'd better collect more Kamika every time, otherwise, I will still doubt whether you have officially become our accomplice."

After saying that, he returned with Cloto and Lachesis.

Looking at their backs,

Minato's face showed deep guilt and fatigue, but for the future of his students, he had to do this.

At the same time,

Dawn Gochad, who had a panoramic view of the entire process of the development of the matter, silently watched Minato's lonely back, and his heart was also full of shame.

He used to not understand everything, and when he couldn't turn back, he suddenly realized it, but he could only watch the people around him die one by one, so he decided to go to great lengths to return to the present from five years later, just to be able to change a completely different future!

"Ichinose Takarō, let me see your awareness, let me believe you!"......

My mother: Sun 1

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