Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 106 106, Dukel’s allies

The Tyranid swarm is the number one enemy of all factions in the galaxy. These eternally hungry bugs will eat up everything equally, converting it into biomass, leaving only planets with only stones.

Compared with their cruelty and indifference, the contradiction between humans and chaos is like the love and killing between neighbors in a farmyard.

It can even be said that when it comes to fighting against the Tyranid swarm, the human empire, which is declining day by day as the overlord of the galaxy, cannot be regarded as the main force in the fight against the insects. The Necrons, Green-skinned Orcs and Chaos Demons are the true vanguards against the insects.

When Guilliman learned about the Tyranid swarm, his expression became extremely serious - the Ultramarines had fought three wars with the swarm, and each time they paid a heavy price to win a difficult victory. .

On one occasion, the tentacles of the swarm fleet even reached Macragge, the capital of the Five Hundred Worlds.

Each invasion of these insectoid creatures that use biological weapons is like an endless wave, and there are many types.

They have extremely strong resistance and adaptability, their recruitment and production capabilities are far beyond normal, their immune systems are extremely developed, and biochemical weapons are basically useless. If a toxin is used to fight them, they will quickly produce antibodies, and even subspace energy will be almost unable to corrode them.

Guilliman projected a star map in front of Dukel, pointed at Baal's position and said,

"The Tyranids must not be allowed to break through Baal. Once this strongest shield is penetrated, the swarms occupying the Baal system will extend from all directions, and half of the galaxy will fall."

Guilliman used the perspective of a military strategist to examine the consequences of the failure of this war, but Duker had a different idea about this.

"Brother, when the swarm invaded Macragge, you were still sleeping in the stasis field, right?"

"Yes, what did you notice?" Guilliman asked in surprise.

Duker pointed to Baal on the star map, "Our brother, the tomb and corpse of Sanguinius, are in this world."

"Intelligence shows that the swarm even gave up on the galaxies where the human world existed along the way, and targeted Baal, and even lost a lot of biomass as a result. Although from a behavioral analysis, these bugs most likely want to deal with the Blood Angels first. ”

"But if, I mean, if these bugs that can absorb high-quality genes to evolve eat a original body, what will happen?"

"You mean?" Guilliman's pupils narrowed sharply.

"Of course, these are just my guesses. I don't have enough information to analyze the accurate intelligence." Duker waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need to be too nervous.

"The rescue signal received by the expedition fleet is not far from our location. I plan to go to check the situation personally. If I encounter Zerg, I will see if I can collect some Zerg samples to obtain more valuable information."

Guilliman frowned and thought for a moment, after considering that with the speed of the insect swarm, it would be difficult to hunt down a lightly armed primarch. He nodded, expressing his approval for this action.

But then, he seemed to have thought of something, and said with a wry smile, "But brother, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to get there before the war starts. With the current progress, when we get there, we will probably only see a post-war scene." of ruins.”

In a war against the Swarm, too few numbers mean little.

Even if the original body can fight, even if it can kill ten bugs in one second, and it never sleeps and never tires, it is only a drop in the bucket to the bug swarm.

If you want to defeat the insect swarm, you can only rely on heavy firepower and the power of a large army.

Nowadays, the scale of the legions of the two original bodies is large enough, but mobilizing such a large scale is not a simple matter - material mobilization, personnel cooperation, ordnance maintenance. Even before setting off, some decisions must be made. So much preparation, not to mention the long journey.

Guilliman looked sad as he thought about the time it would take.

However, Duker was a bit indifferent to this, "Don't worry, brother, after receiving the psychic message, I sent the legion to support as soon as possible."

"Legion? You actually have other legions?" Guilliman asked in surprise. The expeditionary legion was nearby. If there was a big move, he could not be unaware of it.

"Of course it's the Allied Legion." Duker said matter-of-factly,

"Brother, do you think you are the only one who has allies? Sanguinius has allied with the Necrons in the past. Isn't it normal for me to have allies?"

"My ally happens to be relatively close to Barr, so I'll rush over first."

It is true that Dukel only has the Expeditionary Corps under his command, but what does this have to do with Duque?

"But..." Guilliman wanted to ask something more.

But it was interrupted by the sound of the aircraft's engine.

The Psychic Guards and the Destroyers walked out of it,

"Your Highness, the battleship is ready. It is currently suspended in the outer orbit and ready to depart at any time."

Efilar reports to the Primarch.

Dukel nodded, said hello to Guilliman, and walked away.

After watching No. 2 leave, the Regent sighed softly and returned to the office.

As instructions were given one after another, a thick stack of paper documents would be piled on his desk almost every three minutes.


The battleship broke through the subspace barrier, crossed the barrier of the Sea of ​​Souls under the protection of the powerful psychic force field, and rushed towards the node of the real universe.

When Dukel's battleship arrived at the target planet.

The atmosphere is littered with debris bearing the insignia of the Blood Angels Legion, but more often than not it is the remains of insectoid creatures.

These corpses speak of previous wars.

"Salvage all these bodies."

After giving instructions to the crew, Duker led the people onto the landing ship.

When they walked on the surface of this world, all they saw were corpses everywhere.

In large human gathering places scattered around the world, broken flesh and blood were smeared on the walls and floors, and blood stained human creations red.

And gradually rotted and stinked in the light of the stars.

In the war between humans and aliens, the purpose of both sides fighting is to slaughter the other side.

The sky of this world was covered with blood mist. It was an apocalypse. After investigation, most of the humans were dead, and only some small fortresses survived.

"Your Highness, there seems to be something unusual one hundred and thirty kilometers north of you."

News came from the command post on the battleship.

Duker decisively turned the aircraft around and headed for the unusual location.

There was a place of even bloodier war, with broken flesh and blood scattered everywhere.

Some are from bugs, and some are from Blood Angels and Auxiliaries.

The corpses of numerous Imperial soldiers were piled up in mountains, and the destroyed tanks were still burning with flames.

The warrior with the double-headed eagle engraved on it fell to the ground, and its outer shell was damaged, revealing lines with electric sparks running wildly.

Duker walked among the corpses, occasionally leaning over to examine the corpses of Zerg or Blood Angels.

Suddenly, a beast-like roar sounded from a few kilometers away, and the madness in it was enough to frighten the hearts of mortals.

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