Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 115 115, The People's Son and the Bonebreaker (Big Chapter)

Kahn looked at the nun who was slowly walking towards him. Even though he was severely suppressed in the psychic force field and even though his demonic body was covered with scars, he still had a ferocious smile on his face. No matter when, where or what the situation is, he is not afraid of fighting.

"In the name of my Lord, heretic, your death has come!"

Shivara threw away the last hormone potion in her hand and looked at Karn, who was already the Prince of Khorne.

"I never thought it would be you mortals who would stop me. Why, Dukel's heir hasn't been born yet?"

Even though the nun in front of her was wearing armor, she was less than two meters tall, while the demon's body was as strong and majestic as a hill; Kahn looked down at the nun, his eyes filled with contempt for mortals.

"You should be lucky that you met us. The nuns will just chop off your ugly head gently. If you met Doom's group of destruction fighters, they would definitely stuff their double-barreled shotguns into it." in the anus, and then blow you into a literal idiot.”

"The resentment accumulated by those guys on the assembly line is more terrifying than the devil. When that time comes, you will miss the gentleness of our nuns."

Hearing Shivara's ridicule, Kahn's anger suddenly surged,

"Arrogant fellow, die for your master!"

Kahn waved the giant blade in his hand and rushed forward. In the endless rage, the power he obtained from the Blood God became more powerful and faster.

The huge body turned into an afterimage, surging with infinite power, and the huge and thick armor could not cause any hindrance to his movements.

The bloodthirsty demon is coming menacingly, but Shivala is not afraid. He is one of the earliest members of the Heart Network on Ophelia Star 7. Every member of the Heart Network is a devout and powerful warrior, but in the Among the nearly one million Heart Network warriors, she is also an extremely special existence.

She has an unparalleled talent for life magnetic field technology, and with the hormone drugs she personally prepared, she can even break through her own limits in a short period of time.

A large number of psychic technologies have been applied to her body. After becoming a personal guard, the original body even rewarded her with access to part of the psychic network. These will ensure that she has the power to defeat any enemy.

Under the stimulation of a large amount of hormone drugs, her body became excited and her mind became crazy. Fanatical fighting spirit surged with her blood, and the power of her soul that was so rich that it turned into substance overflowed from her eyes. came out, her right fist burned with spiritual fire,


As she swung out a charged punch, Kahn's huge body flew backwards faster than when charging.

With a loud roar, the big demon smashed against the wall of the Fire of the Soul. The wall made of solid alloy deformed violently under the huge kinetic energy. The demon's body slid along the wall. The machine soul was displeased, and the entire corridor was shaken. Trembling.

"That's it?"

Shivara's metal boots stepped on the head of the bloodthirsty demon. The mortal nun's feet were so small compared to the demon, but at this moment, she could trample on the so-called power.

Faced with such humiliation and those somewhat familiar words, a roar like a volcano erupted from Kahn's throat.

Like a mad lion, Kahn's eyes were red. Shivara's behavior made him feel an unprecedented anger. He felt that the cursed demon blood in his body was boiling violently. Only by killing the enemy in front of him would it be enough. Wash away this humiliation.

"stand up."

Shivara gave him this chance and waited patiently.

When Kahn got up from the floor angrily, the nun whipped her leg with a harsh wind sound, and once again whipped the big demon against the wall.

"You were a respectable warrior until you succumbed to Chaos - my lord once said that the greatness of a warrior never lies in having strong power, but in the heart that never surrenders."

"Now you are no longer worthy of the name of a warrior. In the name of the Emperor, and in the mercy of our Lord Dukl, I will grant you mercy. But you who succumbed to the dark gods will never rest in peace for your soul. You will forever be fighting against your own will, a miserable coward who has gone astray.”

Shivara took out his chainsword, slashed at the demon's neck, and cut off Kahn's head.

Cursed demonic blood spurted out from the headless body, and he was once again driven back into the warp.

The demon's vague blasphemy still lingered in the air. Shivala killed the leader of the invaders, and all the World Eaters who engaged in gang-hopping warfare were quickly eliminated.

Sensing the defeat of the Daemon, the Khorne fleet also slowly retreated into the subspace after leaving behind a large amount of abandoned wreckage.

After winning the space battle, the Expeditionary Corps began landing operations to clean up the world of heretics and aliens.

In today's Great Rift, the situation in the imperial world is getting worse and worse, and the ever-victorious Warmaster is gathering an unprecedented army of demons.

The tentacles of the Leviathan fleet of the insect swarm are also rapidly approaching Baal.

As a result, the activities of the cultists and the Genestealer Church became more active. Even before the real horror came, endless wars had already ignited the skies of many worlds.

On the outskirts of the Baal system, many interstellar battle groups stationed here have suffered large-scale attacks from Tyranid swarms.

——The Sons of the People Chapter (Note: Fandom Chapter)

This is an extremely special battle group. When this Space Marine group was born, it was not established because of sacred beliefs and oaths, but because of a mistaken decree from the Imperial Ministry of Administrative Affairs.

Until now, they have still not been officially recognized by the empire, so they do not have subsidies and supplies from the empire, and can only rush to the battlefield with the lowest equipment; but even so, they are still loyal warriors of the empire and contribute to the survival of the empire. life.

When Baal's call for help spread to many worlds, and when the nobles who had been corrupted by power were still afraid of the arrival of the swarm, this battle group, whose power armor paint was full of poverty, He rushed to the Baal front line without hesitation.

At this moment, the space warriors of this war group were less than a thousand men, and the world they were stationed in was being attacked by swarms of insects. When the chapter leader looked out from the fortress, what he saw made this cruel warrior... They all felt deeply shocked.

Dense swarms of insect flying beasts filled the sky, and even the color of the earth could not be seen on the thousands-mile horizon. The huge insect swarm Titans were moving forward slowly, and those huge monsters were constantly biting the empire's defense line.

As a battle-experienced space warrior, the chapter leader felt helpless when faced with such a large swarm of insects.

The will of the swarm is waiting for victory. The moment the imperial defense line is breached, the swarm will completely devour the world. As long as these interstellar warriors who are still stubbornly resisting are killed, everything in this world will become a plump pastry. Become the nourishment for the insect swarm to move forward.

If the swarm can swallow this piece of cake, they will devour the entire nearby sector without any resistance, and by then the size of the Leviathan fleet will be unstoppable.

Almost at the moment when the imperial front was about to be defeated, the Chapter Leader saw something tearing through the sky. The bolide streaking across the sky, like a huge meteorite, directly smashed through the obstruction of the insect swarm flying beasts. It landed at the center of the battlefield.

At first the Chapter Leader thought it was a Tyranid spore capsule from more reinforcements, but when he looked carefully through the sight glass, he discovered that the fallen meteorite was not a creation of the swarm covered in a large amount of mucus and disgusting tissue. .

But it is an unprecedented, extremely huge Ork boulder. This is a kind of airborne pod often used by Orc orcs. Whenever these huge guys fall on the battlefield, the surrounding orcs will excitedly say "waaagh" "The roar.

The roar was like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, shocking the hearts of the people. The chapter leader recalled the battles he had fought with the orcs before, which left a very deep memory in him.

"After being eaten by Tyranids, do we have another choice of death - being beaten to death by orcs? It seems acceptable." The chapter leader muttered to himself sadly, a wry smile emerging from his face The face spreads.

This is the world of the empire, the home of hundreds of millions of humans, but now it is being invaded by aliens in turn. How absurd.

But the battle leader quickly noticed something strange. The symbols carved on this Oker boulder were not the symbols of Brother Go and Brother Mao that he had seen before.

It was a red pattern that had never been seen before, a wheel within a wheel.

"What is this? There are also cultists among the orcs?"

The Chapter Leader said with joy in the pain that this was a precious ability he had only acquired after many battles. Only soldiers who remain optimistic at all times will not be knocked down by despair and fear.

But then, he saw a scene that shocked him. The huge boulder opened instantly, and countless guns with extremely exaggerated calibers. In just an instant, the storm they fired swept away the surrounding insect swarms.

Extremely exaggerated firepower spurted out from those heavy firepower weapons that looked like they were assembled from awesome junk. Along with the flames and bullets, tens of thousands of green waves poured in, launching a deadly charge towards the Tyranids. .

The extremely terrifying sea of ​​​​insect swarms was torn apart in an instant. Seeing the swarms that were suddenly disrupted in their offensive, the chapter leader even heard the cheers of the imperial soldiers from the voice channel.

But is it really worth being happy about?

The Chapter Leader of the Sons of the People felt a sense of absurdity. He had lost all idea of ​​everything in front of him and could not figure out what was about to happen.

But the will of the swarm knew that it sensed the trembling and vibration of the entire world through the tentacles of the swarm. It sensed that another behemoth had come to this world and wanted to snatch the cake it was about to eat.

This made the swarm's counterattack quick and precise. A team wielding giant bone blades, titan-sized beasts, attacked the imperial defense line. For the will of the swarm, breaking through the imperial defense line was the top priority and must not be Its plans were disrupted by these spoilers falling from the sky.

The chapter leader had no choice but to join the battle at this moment, and together with the defense forces on the fortress resisted the counterattack of the insect swarm, the loss of the defense line represented the defeat of the empire. The exposed imperial warriors on the ground could not stand between the orcs and the insect swarm. Survive the wave.

However, the power of the orcs exceeded his expectation. The huge boulder that fell to the ground suddenly erupted with a strong and strange flash of light. As the light lit up, the sky also shone with light.

Each flash of light represented a large number of orcs being teleported to the battlefield. As more Orc boulders hit the surface of the planet, the weird flash illuminated almost every inch of the planet.

After frequent flashes, countless orc troops roared and attacked the main force of the insect swarm. These orc troops were not just the orc boys. Artillery fire and bullets flew together. The ancient giant battle castle, the Mao King Kong, and Gangaat all appeared. Orc war weapons one after another were violently thrown onto the battlefield.

The fire-breathing boys spread blazing fire curtains wantonly, countless guns made unusually loud roars, red mouths spitting tongues of fire, and groups of Tyranids fell down one after another.

The orcs shot and slashed like divine soldiers descending from the sky, and the broken limbs of the insect swarm were blown up everywhere, flying all over the sky.

From the perspective of the chapter leader, the green tide composed of orcs is no less than the scale of the insect swarm. They fill the world in front of them and kill each other selflessly.

And in this mountain of beasts and sea of ​​beasts, the sons of the people saw it, the swarm of insects saw it, and the orcs also saw it. An existence that cannot be ignored can be so dazzling on the complicated battlefield. Just for a moment, it can be seen. Capturing the attention of all living beings - a huge orc that the Chapter Leader had never imagined appeared. He was extremely tall and carried a conspicuous and huge totem on his back.

On a huge and crumbling battle fortress, there is also an extremely huge logo, which is also a red mark of a wheel within a wheel.

Seeing this giant orc, the Children of the People finally understood who was coming, everyone understood.

Bonecrusher Saraka, the great prophet of the Orcs, the leader of the beast tide, the initiator of the great orc expedition, the huge unstoppable one.

he came.

The sons of the people have long heard of the deeds of this powerful orc. The green tide he leads is definitely one of the most feared things in the galaxy; and this orc leader has appeared around the Baal system early in the morning, constantly fighting with The swarms and daemons fought, but never came into contact with Imperial forces.

The Empire has long discovered their existence. Dante, the commander-in-chief of the Blood Angels, even thought about expelling them. However, the scale of this group of orcs is too large. Under the threat of the insect swarm, the Empire has never made up its mind to fight with them. fighting.

But at this moment, the chapter leader saw this long-famous orc, and he was shocked and worried. The size of the Bonecrusher was really too huge, even much larger than the rumors.

This giant orc, covered in overweight armor, brought a sense of oppression that was better than any Tyranid behemoth. All the imperial warriors within the defense line were dumbfounded as they watched this ultimate orc appear on the battlefield, speculating on the orc's next move.

The Bonebreaker also moved at this moment. He rushed to the front line with a group of heavily armored bodyguards composed entirely of orc warlords.

The Tyranid swarm's front seemed so vulnerable at this moment. At this moment, the Bonecrusher was like the orc god coming in person, showing his roughness to the Tyranid swarm.

Like a violent killing hurricane that swept through the entire insect swarm, the figure of Shattered Bones was still extremely conspicuous in the crowded green tide and insect swarm, as if there was a halo of a wheel within a wheel covering his whole body, making this orc Every attack is like a moving natural disaster.

A huge orc attack, his double-linked special large tutu guns sprayed the flames of death, the exploded Zerg corpses were lifted up to a height of tens of meters by the violent force, and every wave of the power armor sent a large group of Tai Lun chopped into pieces.

In just a few moments, the Bonecrusher killed countless swarms of insects, so many that the scattered Tyranid carapace piled up on his body, shaking to the ground every time he moved.

For the orc attack, the swarm also has a mature response plan.

A giant python that was bigger than the Tyrannic Titan broke out from the ground and swallowed the Bonecrusher into its belly in one bite. Then the giant beast made a sound of metal friction and tearing from its mouth, causing people within a hundred miles radius to All living creatures had to cover their ears.

However, things developed beyond the will of the swarm's expectations.

The huge body of the Digging Python fell heavily to the ground not long after swallowing the Bone Crusher. Its thick and powerful body coiled on the spot, twitching and twitching, and its belly bulged unnaturally, and then burst open.

With several gunshots, a bloody hole was punched out of the giant beast's limb, and disgusting body fluids and internal organs spurted out. In the fountain of blood, the Bone Crusher walked out again.

Bonecrusher raised his power claw high and declared his victory with a loud roar.

All the orcs present were excited. Nothing could stop the Bonebreaker. Under the leadership of their leader, the orcs launched an extremely violent counterattack.

The orcs roared and roared, shouting the name of the Bonecrusher, and attacked the swarm crazily, as if they were afraid of missing this carnival of war and killing. The huge waaagh sound resounded throughout the world, the roaring waaagh force field, and even It caused huge waves in the subspace.

The Tyranids were defeated. This was a real defeat. The behemoths were torn to pieces, the Titans fell in the endless green tide, and the worm hive was surrounded and destroyed by the orc fleet, even though the will of the swarm adjusted the war again and again. Strategy, but all in vain against the sheer violence of the Bonecrusher hordes.

The insect tide that lost its main force was completely defeated.

The Sons of the People were inside the fortress, watching the green tide swallow up the insect tide bit by bit.

Good news, the swarm crisis is over.

Bad news, a greater orc crisis is underway.

The sons of the people clenched the weapons in their hands. They were wrapped in great despair, and they had already accepted the destiny's arrangement in their hearts.

At this moment, all they can do is to reduce the power of the orcs as much as possible before they die.

The same goes for the Chapter Master, who is ready to die in this world in his fortress.

However, what happened next was beyond all human expectations. After repelling the insect swarm, the orcs did not launch any attack on the empire - even on the battlefield, they built a series of orc buildings on the spot. Take a rest in this world.

That's right, it's just rest. The Chapter Leader frowned. For the first time in his life, he saw the concept of "operation" in these orcs who only knew how to fight.

These orcs did not launch a rough attack, but instead accumulated strength on the spot. The Imperial soldiers gained a short period of safety, but the abnormal behavior of the orcs became even more terrifying when the Chapter Leader saw it.

Fear and doubt emerged in the Chapter Master's mind. After tormenting him for several weeks, he came up with an extremely bold idea.

——He wants to go to the orc camp to find out in person!

Compared with the size of the Bonecrusher Legion, the number of troops in the Empire's fortress is insignificant. Instead of sitting there and waiting for death, it is better to take the initiative to investigate and maybe get some valuable information. Even if the final result is still the same It is death, which is enough for immortality.

The Chapter Leader went there alone because this plan was too risky. In his opinion, there was no chance of death, and he did not want to lead his brothers to death.

He went straight to the area where the orcs gathered, but what he didn't expect was that the expected attack did not come. Several orcs with blood-red tattoos on their bodies, after a brief conversation with him, Then he was brought into the gathering place.

He even brought the chapter leader all the way to the Bonecrusher Salaka.

It was a huge orc fortress, surrounded by giant orc bosses who were patrolling with giant guns and cannons. Their steps together made even the earth tremble.

After passing the gazes of countless large orcs, the chapter leader came into close contact with the legendary leader of the orcs - the Bonecrusher.

Seeing this huge orc at close range, the shock in his heart reached the extreme. Even though he was a fearless Astartes warrior, his heart could not bear to beat nervously at this moment. The Bonecrusher's huge body almost occupied the entire body. Half of the room was filled, and the power surging in his body made the air freeze.

It was difficult for the Chapter Master to muster the courage to fight in the presence of this legendary orc.

Immediately, the Chapter Leader started a conversation with the other party. Bonebreaker's voice was loud and powerful, making his eardrums buzz with overwhelming force.

When he asked what the orcs wanted to do in this world.

The Chapter Leader thought that what he would hear was some kind of grand plan. After all, the proud orcs did not bother to lie in front of a little shrimp like him.

But what he didn't expect was that what he heard was, "The main force of the bugs is coming soon. Instead of chasing them everywhere, it's better to wait here for them to come and fight us."

Then he heard Bonecrusher say, "A monster once told me that when in contact with a shrimp human, you don't need to say too much, just give the other person a look."

"I think he's right. I don't like talking too much to humans either."

"Monster?" The Chapter Leader was keenly aware of this word. He couldn't understand what kind of existence could be called a monster by this Bonecrusher?

But before the leader of the Sons of the People had time to think about it, in his extremely horrified eyes, the orc took out something that the orc would never have taken out while talking and laughing - that small and exquisite, golden Imperial Sky Eagle Badge!

Seeing the orc leader hand the golden Eagle badge to him, the chapter leader was confused and took it in his hand in a daze.

But when he actually took over the Sky Eagle Badge, his vision suddenly changed. He saw an even bigger figure appearing behind the huge orc, Bonebreaker.

It was an extremely tall giant with black hair like ink and a cold face. The cloak behind him seemed to have experienced countless bloody battles and was still dripping with blood. The bright eyes seem to contain an eternal will to fight.

"What on earth is this?" the man of the people asked unconsciously.

"For the Empire!"

Following his question, the giant figure overlooking him answered firmly.


The son of the people straightened his body instinctively.

The Son of the People left the place where the Bonecrusher was, and the Sky Eagle told him everything he wanted to know. It turned out that the current Bonecrusher was controlled by a more powerful being.

——Who is this being, the monster that Bonecrusher calls?

The Son of the People was thinking in his heart, but he had decided to wait in this world, waiting by the Bonecrusher's side, and one day his doubts would be solved sooner or later.

While he was deep in thought, he suddenly discovered that the light of stars in this world was dimming rapidly.

"A total solar eclipse?"

He instinctively looked towards the sky.

As the star's light disappeared, the planet blocking the light was also rotating rapidly, until it completely blocked the light. In the dark shadow of the star, the blood-red lines of the wheel within the wheel suddenly lit up.

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