Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 118 118. Why did he call me Warmaster?

The Hive Mind thinks, feels, hates and desires. Its emotions are so alien that even the delicate Eldar cannot decipher this hodgepodge of senses. Compared to its ocean of emotions, human emotions are like puddles on the roadside.

When the dazzling golden light pierced the barrier of subspace, a golden star seemed to rise in the Baal galaxy in an instant. The light of the star was so dazzling, but it was not real, but slowly rising in the human heart. .

It was at this time that a large amount of disgust and fear emerged from the emotional ocean of the Hive Mind. This emotion is similar to the emotion humans experience when facing venomous snakes.

The Hive Mind is not afraid of the opponent's power - in fact, in its will, any power is its food, and no existence is afraid of its own food. But the other party is different. The other party will use sharp fangs to inject massive amounts of venom into it. These venoms will cause it to collapse, make it fearful, and make life worse than death.

Just the moment the other party appeared, it instinctively wanted to retreat and escape from this galaxy. But when the Hive Mind looked at the dark red Baal star through its countless eyes.

It understood that this was the lair of the red warriors who burned its feeding grounds and shattered its fleet. It hates these red prey, and more importantly, it covets them.

From the unfamiliar genetic sequence, it tasted possibility, the possibility of new, terrifying beasts of war.

And in the lair of these red warriors, it knows that there are better ones there.

When crisis and greed coexist, the Hive Mind decisively chooses greed. The more top predators are, the more they understand the risks of hunting. But as long as they can lick delicious honey, brown bears don't mind being stung by bees a few times.

After a brief period of chaos, the Hive Mind reunited, and at the same time, the swarm launched a counterattack regardless of the cost.

In the dark space of the Baal Galaxy, the Blood Angels' fleet was not large enough to withstand the incoming Hive Fleet. They were like isolated islands in the vast ocean, struggling against the surging tsunami.

Their situation was extremely dangerous, but they still tried their best in order to share the pressure on the ground forces. The Blood Angel fleet was divided into small groups as much as possible, and they flew up and down like a lone boat fighting against the huge waves.

Such a tactic of taking advantage of the sword is almost fatal, but it is also effective. The warriors who are churning in the sea of ​​​​insects can achieve a good kill record with every attack and retreat.

However, the number of insect swarms is too terrifying. Although fighting the sea is a heroic act, you will eventually perish in the ocean.

Every Blood Angel fighting on the battleship was exhausted physically and mentally, almost reaching the limit of what they could bear - if it weren't for the golden eagle light penetrating from the sea of ​​souls, which condensed their fighting spirit. , strengthened their will.

I am afraid that after fighting until this point, more than one-third of the Blood Angels will succumb to the black rage.

"This must be the power of the Holy Father!"

The Blood Angels who felt the miracle prayed in their hearts.

"Maybe it's an illusion. I feel like these damn bugs aren't that scary anymore."

After hearing this sentence on the voice channel, the captain of a moon-class battleship also nodded slightly, silently expressing his inner agreement, but then he heard an exclamation,

"Wait, this doesn't seem to be an illusion."

"what is that?!!!"

Including the captain, no voice in the voice channel asked about the specific meaning of this sentence.

Because the moment the sound sounded, all the Blood Angels in the battle saw an incredible scene——

The captain saw that the ferocious and orderly tsunami of insects that almost filled the entire Baal system suddenly turned into chaos in just a few seconds.

Immediately afterwards, the huge collision angle shattered the barrier between subspace and reality, and a terrifying gap was suddenly torn open in the physical universe.

The golden light burst out from the cracks in the subspace first, and in a way that violated the rules of the physical universe, in just a blink of an eye, it dispelled all the darkness in the space of the Baal Galaxy.

This light is brighter than thousands of stars.

It is also warmer than thousands of stars - no matter how blazing the stars are, they cannot warm the coldness of the heart frozen in despair.

The dark space is completely lit up, and all the ice condensed in the human heart in the darkness is melting away.

The huge bow protrudes from the channel, and standing on the bow is a giant who looks like a creature from mythology, holding high the battle flag of the golden Sky Eagle.

Everyone saw this scene, no matter how far apart they were, even if they were thousands of miles apart, or even farther away, they all saw it clearly. This also violates the rules of the physical universe, and all living beings are inexplicably shocked at this moment.

In the shocked eyes of the Blood Angels, the majestic giant waved a golden flag, and the magnificent ship gradually revealed its true appearance.

The hull carried a huge city composed of statues and temples. Every captain who saw this giant ship showed a stunned expression.

This was a Glory Queen-class battleship that they had never seen before. The moment this battleship appeared on the battlefield, it used a huge collision angle to ram straight into the nearest insect swarm hive ship.

The equally huge insect swarm hive ship was instantly smashed in half, and the plasma ejected from the wound splashed a circle of thick fog in space that could obscure the planet.

Countless magnificent ships followed closely and filed out of the sky, like divine soldiers descending from the sky, instantly tearing open a huge wound in the insect swarm.

The Blood Angels showed incredulous expressions and watched dumbfounded as this magnificent fleet sailed into the battlefield. The scale of the fleet was so huge that even the Tyranids, which were good at overwhelming the enemy with numbers, were dwarfed by them at this moment.

This fleet seemed to be endless. Finally, under the shocked eyes of the Blood Angels, another Glory Queen-class battleship passed through the passage of the physical universe.

"The Macragge's Glory, I recognize this battleship. And the other one... I think I've guessed it too."

There was another voice in the communication voice. Combined with the recent news of the original body's recovery and return, the doubts in the hearts of the Blood Angels seemed to have answers.

The fleet of the Primarchs took action again after clearing out the nearby swarm hive ships.

The battleship, emitting dazzling golden light, headed for Bawei and Bawei.

Macragge's Glory led part of the fleet to Baal Prime.


Bawei is on the ground battlefield.

The Blood Knights and Flesh Tearers, who had regained their sanity in the vision of the Aquila, collectively besieged the great demon of Khorne, Kabanha.

"No matter how many sacrifices are made, you will be driven away, demon!"

Yoel, the Lord of the Blood Knights, roared with rage and took the lead in charging towards the Great Daemon of Khorne.

Kabanha used a giant blade to chop the head of a hive tyrant into pieces. After hearing the roar, he set his sights on Yoel with a sinister smile on his face.

The big demon unfolded its scarlet bat wings wantonly, and its huge body exuded boundless power, arrogantly declaring its power to the entire world.

"Joel, are you going to challenge me? The humble Lord of the Blood Knights, you are not a demigod like your father. Even Sanguinius was severely wounded by me. What can you, humble, do? ?”

Accompanied by the words of the Great Demon of Khorne, a roar of endless rage like a beast suddenly exploded in Yoel's mind. The sweet and intoxicating smell of blood was tempting the Lord of Blood Knights to fall. , killing in fury until eternity.

"In the name of Sanguinius, the Blood Knight will never surrender!"

Joel roared, even though the blood gradually covered his eyes, his will was still fighting unyieldingly.

"No one cares what you think, little knight." Kabanha's huge body looked down at him,

"In my eyes, you are as lowly as these insects. The great Ka'banha never cares about your will. My rage has no end, and my power is unstoppable. Only a demigod like your father can Fight me. As for you, Joel, you can only surrender before me!"

The great demon of Khorne's contempt was so strong that every word it spoke stirred up Yor's anger.

Ka'banha's eyes were full of pride, the Blood Angel was its prey, and it believed that no prey could escape its pursuit.

After thousands of years of entanglement, it knows these blood angels too well. It knows that there is endless darkness and anger hidden in the hearts of these angels. It only needs the right time to become the most loyal believer of the Blood God.

Just when he was about to continue to provoke Joel's anger,


A bright light as bright as thunder suddenly struck from the sky.

A bright beam of light connected the sky and the earth. Countless insects and flying beasts were instantly killed. The corpses fell like raindrops. A violent explosion occurred hundreds of meters around the location where the ground landed. As a result, a huge gap was opened in the insect swarm. .

Kabanha paused and looked at the sky in astonishment.

The outer orbit of this planet should have been completely occupied by bugs. How could there be bombing by orbital guns?

Along with its doubts, as if in response, countless rays of light once again penetrated the swarm of insects in the sky. The denser railguns rained down like crazy.

Then in the sky, countless airborne pods trailed long trails, falling from the sky like meteorites.

They smashed down one after another, the ground trembled endlessly, and smoke and dust rose up and rolled into the air.


It was also at this moment that the ferocious insect swarm suddenly let out a sharp scream. They quickly retreated as if they had encountered natural enemies, revealing the true face of the earth.

At the same time, Kabanha felt an aura that it hated extremely.

"Kabanha, I heard a arrogant voice, are you a loser?"

In the billowing smoke, a loud word rang out, and the spearhead of the words was directed at the great demon of Khorne!

"Dukele!—Damn you!"

Kabanha almost gritted his teeth and roared. When the original body had just awakened, it worked with Kahn to strangle the newly awakened original body.

Unexpectedly, this action would result in humiliation from the other party.

Seeing Dukel again at this moment, Kabanha could no longer suppress the anger in his heart. His bat wings spread out and he jumped towards the billowing smoke and dust.


Almost no one could see clearly how the big demon acted.

Then in the thick smoke and dust, a loud collision was heard. The sound was deafening, like thunder suddenly exploding in the dark clouds.

The storm created by the confrontation between the two instantly tore apart the thick smoke.

The big devil's majestic body like a hill was instantly thrown away in the smoke and dust, and flew backwards at a faster speed than when it came. It did not stop the trend until it collapsed a mountain peak.

The ruins of the mountain buried the body of the great demon.

After the smoke and dust cleared, the Blood Angels also saw the majestic figure that had been hidden by the smoke and dust.

Under the gaze of all the Blood Angels, with the sound of the horn of war, a giant who seemed to have walked out of a myth appeared in their field of vision.

The moment the giant appeared, the endless fighting spirit in his bright eyes ignited the blood in the chest of every imperial soldier.

In his left hand, he held a huge Sky Eagle battle flag over 20 meters long, and in his right hand, he held a power sword as dark and deep as the abyss.

The opponent was not wearing a helmet, and his long black hair danced wildly in the airflow of the battlefield, and the scarlet cloak behind him was like a sea of ​​blood.

The dazzling golden light flowed out from the Sky Eagle flag, making this figure seem to be bathed in the light of the stars at all times.

It was also at this time that the Blood Angels understood where the Sky Eagle illusion that helped them stabilize their will came from.

This was not the power of the Archangel.

But they were not disappointed because after all, the one who came to this world to save them was also a demigod, a brother who was connected to their holy father by blood.

For every Blood Angel, bathing in this light that reaches the heart is equivalent to bathing in supreme glory.

"Warmaster! Are you back?" The former Blood Angel hero, the veteran soldier who was placed in the Dreadnought, suddenly rushed out of his position, crawled at the feet of the Primarch, and cried almost in tears.

After seeing this scene, the Blood Angels were all nervous.

The veterans in the Dreadnought are the unique treasures of the Legion and the foundation of the Legion. They are not only veteran soldiers, but also witnesses of the times, witnessing the development of the Empire and the Chapter, watching every Chapter Master grow from a recruit to a legend.

If Baal had not suffered a near-death disaster, Dante would rather let these veteran soldiers sleep under the castle than use them in the war.

Such an important existence, but it was extremely rude to collide with the great Primarch. At this moment, all the Blood Angels were worried whether the Emperor's son would be angry with the veteran soldiers.

But no matter how worried they were, the veteran soldier in the dreadnought mecha was still lying at Duke's feet and crying, "Warlord, after you left, the successors did not inherit your will. Horus launched a rebellion, and we failed to protect the empire. Everything was destroyed, our holy father lost his wings on Terra, and the Emperor became a true god. The demigods gradually left and we failed to protect them. We could do nothing." "We are sorry for you." The veteran soldier was very emotional, and his language logic was a little confusing. The blood angels present looked at each other, and they couldn't even understand what he was saying. Duke stood there, motionless like a mountain, and no one could tell his joy or anger. But at this moment, his heart was confused. ——Why did he call me Warlord? Duke was full of doubts. What else can be called successors failing to inherit the will? In his memory, the last scene ten thousand years ago was to draw a knife and chop the emperor. Does this kind of will also need to be inherited? He released the power of the mind, trying to probe into the heart of the Blood Angel.

But what he sensed was incomparable chaos.

Through the power of the mind, he could clearly sense that the old soldier might be in chaos in spirit, emotion, and even memory.

——It should be because he had been fighting for too long and became mentally disturbed.

Duke guessed in his heart.

He did not lower his anger to the old soldier as the Blood Angels worried; on the contrary, he leaned down, patted the other's armor, and comforted him,

"Child, you did a good job, don't be sad or worried."

"Hope has never been cut off at any time."

Happy Lantern Festival.

It's a bit late to have dinner with my family.

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