Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 135 135, The Emperor is the Emperor of mankind!

Guilliman came to the door, hesitating in his steps. Endless light poured out from the other side of the door, and the golden shadow was always twisting his will. In these seemingly bright lights, he could not find any feeling that humans should have, which made him afraid to move forward.

"Dukele, where is this? Should I really walk in there?"

In the bizarre spiritual realm, Guilliman shouted helplessly.

The fire that had been leading him now responded,

"This is the true north of the spiritual realm, the location of our father, the savior of mankind, and the Holy Emperor."

In the scorching sound, Guilliman saw the flame continuously stretching and rolling, finally revealing his true appearance - he saw in the light of the flame, countless overlapping wheels holding up a huge eyeball. come out. Divine, terrifying, majestic behemoth.

He saw pupils that were larger than his entire body looking at him, although the light in those eyes was peaceful and did not reveal any ferocity. But it still gave him a heavy sense of oppression, and the pain on Guilliman's body stopped.

He had a strong sense of suffocation that made him almost unable to breathe.

"No, no! You are not Dukel, who are you?!" Guilliman yelled in panic.

"Don't be afraid, this is me." The power of the soul poured down from his bright eyes, soothing Guilliman's emotions.

"This is part of who I am, part of my power, and part of who we are. It is in this spiritual realm that our true nature is revealed, Guilliman, whether you wish to admit it or not, our true nature is They are not ordinary people.”

"Please don't be afraid, brother, I only accept the essence to frighten the devil."

Under the comfort of the power of the mind, Guilliman felt much better, but he still found it a bit difficult to accept.

"This is crazy!" he said.

"Don't go crazy yet. There will be things that are even more unacceptable to you. In fact, I appear here just to give you a reminder." The voice in the flames came out again, and the huge eyeballs turned to the bright door. ,

"When you step through this door, you must be mentally prepared."

"Why?" Guilliman asked in confusion.

"Because he is already different from what you remember." Turning his huge eyeballs, Duker explained, "In the thousands of years when the empire fell into darkness and the chaos demons were raging, the mind of the Lord of Humanity was being tortured all the time. To this day, his human part is covered in bruises and extremely weak.”

"How could this happen?!" Guilliman said in shock. He could not imagine that the All-Father, who was omnipotent in his eyes, would also be tortured. A huge sadness surged from the bottom of his heart, rising up in just a moment and occupying his entire mind.

"There is no need to be sad about this, hope is not lost."

Duker continued, "You just need to remember one thing, the Emperor is the Emperor of mankind, this is eternal. As for what he said, you don't need to care about it, because it is not his original intention."

"Okay, I'll remember it." Guilliman nodded.

After seeing him nod, the flames rippled, and a gentle push pushed Guilliman into the bright door.

The moment you walk in the door,

Guilliman's eyes showed disbelief, and he watched with difficulty as a ruined empire unfolded naked in front of him.

There is light and fury there, passing through countless human corpses, the light that burns the soul and the echoing eternal sound.

Psykers wail silently, drained of everything they have to satisfy His terrifying majesty.

"Dulquer, have you been here too? Even if I saw it with my own eyes, I still find it difficult to accept it." Guilliman murmured to himself.

But this time, he didn't get a response.

The red fire light has dissipated.

His brother did not enter the door with him,

What follows is his journey alone.

Guilliman's eyes scanned everything in front of him. There were gods, demigods, and the image of a man with brown skin and a calm expression. Some were wearing leather jackets, chainmail or gold armor. Various, all colours, they have many faces, all radiating pride, all betrayed.

He saw Malcador in it, and he saw his brothers.

Countless thoughts tortured him, memories that had lasted for thousands of years. Random, circular thoughts. So many voices echoed in his head, both the same and different.

Countless messy information poured into my mind, but it was in countless messy fragments with no continuity.

The living keep dying just to maintain this terrible thing.

At the center of the room is a golden machine, shrouded in the dust of broken dreams.

Guilliman saw a mummy and a corpse with a skull face sitting on the golden machine, lifeless, perched on a seemingly majestic seat.

He saw a king with unlimited power, meditating on his throne.

He saw a man who might have been his father, a look of exhaustion on his face.

This man was in his ear, giving him some inaudible advice, telling him what to do next.

——Finally, he saw an evil energy body that could rival the dark gods.

So many scenes but no faces, no voices, just chorus, just noise.

After being reminded by Dukel, Guilliman quickly understood that these people were all emperors, but they were not emperors.

The Emperor's appearance was a blow to his soul, a denial of his own existence.

——The Emperor is the Emperor of mankind, eternal and unchanged!

At this moment, Guilliman could only keep these words in his mind to maintain his sanity from collapse and his mind from being overwhelmed by great sorrow.

He knelt down before Him.

He knelt before a magnificent eternal emperor.

"Father." Guilliman spoke with difficulty, speaking the word seriously.

"I'm back, father."

"Help me, father, tell me, what should I do?"

He raised his head and looked directly at the beam of light, the scream of the soul, the aimless skeleton, and the indifferent old man.

He looked at the Emperor of Mankind, but couldn't see it. Too much, too bright, too strong. The unreal existence in front of him completely shocked him. A hundred different impressions, all false, all true. rushed into his mind.

Then the thing, the awful thing on the throne, saw him.

"My son," it said.


"Lord of the Limits."









"Robert Guilliman!" the roaring storm spoke his name like a dying sun shining upon its planet,

"Guilliman, Guilliman, Guilliman!"

The name echoes in the winds of eternity, never ceasing to reach its destination.

——The Emperor will always be the Emperor of Mankind.

Guilliman kept repeating this sentence in his mind.

"Father!" he cried.

Directly north of Nurgle's Garden, Duker stood up holding the Eagle of Destiny in his hand. He raised his head and looked up at the indescribable high sky. At this moment, his spiritual sense was keenly observing this place. This place belonged to Nurgle. Dirt garden field.

He was waiting for his opportunity like a seasoned hunter.

"I don't know what stage Guilliman has gone through now." Dukel's face showed a strange look.

He had faced the Emperor three times.

Therefore, he knew very well what state the Emperor was in now.

After being worshiped by mankind for thousands of years, the Emperor's essence has become too huge. His energy even exceeds that of a single dark power. Not long ago, he even faced Khorne head-on.

Such a huge existence is unimaginable to humans, even one like the Primarch.

Just like a blind man touching an elephant, mortals cannot glimpse His whole picture. The best result is to try to choose one of them, just like choosing a channel signal, to communicate with the other party.

In the three previous exchanges with the Emperor, Dukel had done this.

But because he couldn't choose accurately, the emperor he faced seemed to be a completely different person every time. Ordinary, divine, transcendent

Even so, this was only possible after he developed his own essence.

But Guilliman's situation is much more complicated.

——The reason for the complexity is that Guilliman does not accept his own nature, or even his psychic powers.

His understanding of the subspace, not to mention compared with Dukel or Magnus, is sometimes even inferior to that of a mortal think tank.

Therefore, when he faced the Emperor, he was not only blind, but also deaf and lame. He could only be exposed to all the Emperor's channels, accepting indistinguishable noises, but could not hear any of them.

In this case, it is difficult for the two to communicate with each other without suffering.

Therefore, in order to save Guilliman from suffering, Dukel kindly reminded him.

And he also cleared the north of Nurgle's domain in advance to ensure that the emperor's power could be transmitted more smoothly.

While he was thinking about this.

Suddenly, the Destiny Eagle War Flag in his hand trembled slightly.

At the same time, one of his million eyes witnessed a golden light piercing Nurgle's realm like a golden sword.

"Hahaha, it's finally here!"

As the primarch laughed, the huge Eagle of Destiny battle flag was waved by him.

The majestic fighting spirit spreads wantonly, indicating the start of the next war.


At the same time, Nurgle's gardens were turned upside down by wave after wave of earthquakes, the golden sun pierced the sickly sky, and all kinds of demonic natives complained and groaned in the reversal.

"This is impossible!"

Mortarion whispered.

In his eyes, Guilliman's body began to twitch, and the armor of destiny was corroded. Under the influence of unknown external forces, the light of re-operation flickered again.

Guilliman's black and wounded face, corroded by the divine plague, twisted strangely, and then looked at him sharply.

Mortarion sensed a dangerous and mysterious force moving through the Warp, something he had not felt for a long time.

The Lord of Death waved the Silent Scythe in his hand. This was a variable in his great plan. He wanted to end Guilliman's life completely.

At this moment, Guilliman's eyes surged with bright light, pure and white. The last inch of his rotten skin was burned away, replaced by a diffuse blood vessel network covering the vellus hair, affecting the body's self-production of new blood contaminated by the plague of God. of blood.

The light of the Armor of Destiny is also shining, undergoing unrealistic self-reshaping. The original filth was shattering and dissipating, and the wires were stretching and reconnecting like living things, just like Guilliman's own skin growing on its own.

The ground of the garden was broken and cracked, and a white light shone across the surface.

Guilliman's body stood up, his palms spread out, and the Emperor's Sword instantly appeared, ready to burn the sky and destroy the world with thousands of scorching flames like the sun.

"He spoke to me," Guilliman said. "Mortarion, tell me, didn't you hear?"

The dazzling light covered his body and illuminated every corner of the place, so much so that Mortarion had to raise his head to cover his eyes.


Mortarion's voice trembled, like that of an errant child.

"I am his arm, brother." Guilliman's words echoed again, "I am his war general, I am the son of vengeance, and it is by his power that I have been preserved."

Just as Guilliman's voice fell, a new vision appeared again.

The armor of destiny, which was already shrouded in endless light, now the golden double-headed eagle on the shoulders began to burn on its own, and red flames rose instantly.

"Impossible, what is this?!"

Seeing this new mutation, Mortarion, who was already uneasy, screamed in panic.

In the screams of the Lord of Death, the power that had long been buried in the armor of destiny, and the spirit and flesh of the golden double-headed eagle, resonated weakly at this moment. They were connected to each other, like old friends who had been separated for a long time.

In the end, this weak connection, driven by the brute force, established a solid bridge. The connection between them breaks the shackles of time and space, and creates a direct passage in this mysterious heaven of Nurgle.

A majestic portal made entirely of flames, like a huge triumphal arch, wider than the sky and the earth, spread out behind Guilliman.

In this portal of fire, a huge Imperial fleet rushed in and set foot on the most secret area of ​​Nurgle Garden.

The part between the realms was flickering, and the garden ground was shaking.

On the bow of the majestic flagship, the majestic original body held high a golden Eagle flag, and the thick golden light covered the sky and the earth in just an instant.

It's just a little short of encompassing the hut of the God of Plague.

The burning fighting spirit swept through everything here, and the garden was instantly ignited by the flames of war, with red flames rising up.

"Dukele?!!! Impossible, how did you show up? Impossible, how did you get here!"

Mortarion screamed again when he saw this.

As he brought the remains of Guilliman into the heart of Nurgle's Gardens, he found that everything was beyond his control.

"Revenge, my brother. Don't miss such a good opportunity." Dukel stood on the bow of the Inner Fire and said to Guilliman first.

Then he looked at Mortarion, "I heard that the God of Plague is holding a celebration in his kingdom of heaven, and that's why I'm here. Traveling across mountains and rivers, working tirelessly, just for a joyful carnival!"

Behind him, the huge imperial army was already ready to go, and he only heard him cheering:

"My warriors, my sons, my compatriots. The great celebration is held in the garden of the gods, and everything is paid for by the god of plague! Celebrate, dance, smash, loot and burn!"

"This is the time to party!"

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