Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 141 141, Lion King: Dukel, I am the War Commander!

Duker felt the power in his body in the room of the soul fire, that brand new power.

When the goddess of life declared her allegiance to him, even though the purity of his faith was not high, he still felt the surging power of growth within his body.

And as Elsa's faith deepens, this power will become stronger.

Just when he was familiar with this power, Dante suddenly walked into his office,

"Your Highness, I have something to report to you."

"What's the matter?" Duker's face showed a bit of curiosity.

If it was a general matter, the Blood Angels were more likely to ask Sanguinius for his opinion.

It was only when young Sanguinius was unable to give a revelation that the Blood Angels came to ask his opinion.

And this often heralds the occurrence of major events.

"When we searched nearby galaxies, we found some withered plant life forms, and through the omen analysis of these samples, we found clues that can be traced." Dante Hui reported,

"Every time this signal appears, it is accompanied by people's description of the same individual. People call him the harsh knight, the tyrant doomsday, the beast slayer, and even more, they call him the incarnation of the emperor."

Dante organized the language and asked the original body's opinion rigorously, "From these descriptions, we suspect."

"Doubt the return of a primarch?" Dukel said with a smile, "Yes, I think so too. Maybe the Lion of Caliban has awakened at this moment."

"You mean?" Dante's pupils narrowed.

The only Primarch who can be called the Lion of Caliban is Lion King Llane Jonson, the eldest heir of the Emperor and the Lord of the First Legion.

After reacting, Dante's tone became obviously joyful.

With the current miserable state of the Empire, the return of every Primarch is a precious gift.

"Your Highness Dukel, can you allow me to temporarily leave the expedition fleet and continue to pursue this clue?"

Dante asked the primarch for instructions.

"Go ahead, I'm also very curious about the answer to this clue." Duker nodded and then ordered,

"But what if it is someone pretending to be the original body." His tone became colder.

"You know how to do that, right?"

"Yes, Your Highness!" Even though the murderous intention was not directed at him, Dante still stopped breathing and his body immediately straightened and said,

"In your name, and in the honor of the Holy Father, I will grant him mercy!"

"very good."


Lion King Ryan slept for a long time. He experienced a long journey in his sleep, following a strange path through the misty mist of a broken world, and the severely injured body slowly moved forward while his soul was sleepwalking. Recovering.

He hunted terrifying monsters that did not belong to this world in the shadowy illusory woodland. Outside his tomb, the stars still moved and the sands of time rolled with the hurricane.

Then he came to.

The giant stood up, put on his armor, picked up his sword, and was filled with determination.

Lion King Lion returns to this galaxy, and the lions of Caliban come for loyalty and hunting.

For the Emperor!

The lion has been fighting all his life. After sleeping for thousands of years, Ryan couldn't wait to join the war without fully waking up.

Although he felt that his condition was not perfect, even with his heavy body, he still killed many enemies of the Empire.

After he defeated a group of powerful Chaos Annihilators,

"Now, how do I get rid of this curse that has weakened me?"

As the demigod of war and the original body of mankind, the Lion King felt tired and heavy from his body. In his opinion, this fatigue that shouldn't appear must be a curse cast by the dark existence.

The proud lion whispered doubtfully.

"Weaken you? Who are you?"

The Annihilator who fell to the ground asked back.

"I am Lion Jonson, Lord of the Dark Angels, son of the Emperor."

"Hahahaha, there is no curse, Your Highness." A series of laughter came from behind the Annihilator's helmet,

"You're just too old!"

After hearing this, the lion fell silent.

Leon silently stared at the dying Annihilator, and then dragged his tired body away.

Time has smoothed the edges of the lion.

The aloof Caliban Lion suddenly realized at this moment that he was very old and had white hair. Now that the empire has fallen into darkness, there is not much pride left in the lion's heart.

His heart was also getting old, and everything he witnessed after waking up made his body and mind full of exhaustion.

The proud lion also began to be like an ordinary old man, immersed in memories from time to time, immersed in the years long ago.

In the following time, Leon summoned the descendants of the First Legion. Among these descendants, there were even several veterans who had survived on the 'Ran Dan' battlefield.

The lion drags his old body and continues to fight.

Battle, betrayal, victory, or defeat

All these made him even more exhausted physically and mentally.

The Lion has a unique ability. His powerful concentration allows him to eliminate all distractions and concentrate on one thing.

He has had this ability for as long as he can remember. Before being adopted by humans, he relied on this ability to survive in the jungles of Caliban. When he and those giant beasts were fighting each other, it was not easy to remember something in his mind. Disaster.

The hard part for him is not thinking about anything.

After experiencing a series of battles, the Lion King was sitting cross-legged in his own room on the light cruiser Terra Glory.

He was meditating, he took a deep breath and tried many times.

In Caliban, the knights highly valued the role of meditation as a way to achieve clarity and focus.

But Lion has always been clear and focused, so he has limited need for such skills.

However, in the meditative state he now pursues, focusing is not only useless, but may even be counterproductive. Perhaps clearing his mind would allow insight to enlighten him, if only he could keep his other thoughts quiet for as long as possible.

He breathed in and out, focusing on the rhythm of his breathing. He imagined the woods of Caliban, and he recalled the forest's mighty trees, their lush foliage, the click and buzz of insects, the howls of distant forest beasts, the gentle rustle of the wind in the canopy above.

He wasn't sure how much time had passed, which was obviously no small feat considering how sensitive his brain was to the passage of time.

Although he had tried his best to calm down, his senses were still telling him that the surrounding environment had changed.

He opened his eyes and found that he was no longer on the glorious floor of Terra, but sitting in the forest of Caliban - not a real forest of course, but the spiritual world he had come into contact with during his sleep.

He uses meditation to get in touch with this phenomenon, to understand how it occurs, and to try to control it.

He walked cluelessly in the forest, wondering whether his physical body was still on the Terra Glory.

Suddenly, the lion saw a hall. The door of the hall was open, and he entered it carefully.

Across the hall, he saw an injured king sitting in a high-backed chair behind a wooden table.

The king neither spoke nor moved. He just watched the lion approaching, his dark eyes unblinking under the slender gray hair and the golden ring on his forehead.

Under the king's throne, blood was constantly dripping, and the lion immediately smelled the smell of blood.

The king looked at the lion king, and his gaze even penetrated the lion king, as if his eyes were staring at the invisible thing in the distance for eternity.

The Lion was convinced that the king was aware of his existence - he was just not worthy of the king's attention.

He saw an expectant expression on the king's face.

——The other person is waiting for him to ask the right question.

It occurred to the Lion King that the Lion had little patience for this kind of game, but he had to guess.

The king's silence was not some kind of riddle, but rather the noble king was unable to communicate with him properly unless he asked the right questions.

This is the strangest thing that the lion has ever encountered in his life.

"Who are you?" asked the lion.

Hearing this question, the lion felt the king's eyes focused on him, as if he saw him completely for the first time.

It seems that in the eyes of the other party, the Lion King, this majestic super soldier, is just some kind of existence that is too small to be seen.

——If you can't attract the other person's attention in the right way, then the other person will not be able to really pay attention to you.

The Lion King guessed in his heart.

"Where did your injuries come from, and what should I do to heal you?" The lion tried again.

The king's focus was even more focused on him, and for a moment, the lion thought he had found the right answer.

But on the contrary, the king's gaze conveyed a warning to him, although the reason for the warning was not clear.

But the Lions got it.

How to heal the other person is not a question that you should consider.

The lion frowned in anger, and he tried again unwillingly.


But before the question was asked, the king's eyes became sharper.

The lion went further and further on the wrong issue, much to the anger and disappointment of the king's eyes.

"I've seen you before." The Lion King quickly changed the topic. He didn't want to see the other party's disappointed eyes.

"You once told me that I wasn't strong enough."

"You were really not good at that time." Suddenly, a voice sounded in the lion's heart.

"what about now?"

"That remains to be seen."

Hearing the answer, the lion nodded, that was enough.

The other party's answer made him happy - even he didn't know what he was expecting.

A large door opened before him, too dark inside.

The dense darkness could not be penetrated even by a lion's eyesight, until he saw a faint light.

And this beam of light only existed for a moment, mainly because someone blocked the light.

When the Lion King saw clearly the figure blocking the light, he opened his mouth in surprise.

The other person has the same blond hair as when he was young, except that the hair is curly and part of it is braided. The gorgeous armor also resembles the Lion King, but the color is the gray after death in the cold winter, not the darkness of the night.

The blue eyes on the other person's face sparkled, and he raised his upper lip in a roar, exposing his long canine teeth.

Relief, anger, joy, alarm, complex emotions instantly filled the lion's heart.


"Hello, traitor!" Wolf King Russ roared, rushing forward and grabbing the Lion King's throat.

Leon didn't waste time talking. He had fought with Russ before, and he knew the target being targeted by the wild wolf. Unless the wolf king lost the ability to move or surrendered himself, there were only two options.

He dodged the wolf king's bite and punched with his backhand.

Once upon a time, he knocked out the Wolf King with such a punch, but his brother was laughing at that time. But now, the Wolf King did not smile, his face was twisted in anger.

Only the most foolish person would think that the Space Wolves know nothing but savagery. But Leon knew very well that his brother Russ's seemingly eager rage to charge in and destroy everything was carefully calculated.

The Wolf King is by no means a blind barbarian. Every move he makes has a purpose, which is to destroy the enemy as effectively as possible.

The Lion King went toe-to-toe with him, violent concentration versus focused rage, both sides fighting for the upper hand not to be outdone.

Until the lion found an opportunity and suddenly exerted force, knocking the wolf king down next to the pillar.

"Traitor?" Leon said angrily, this accusation from the wolf stung him,

"Brother, you know that's not true!"

"Then why do you still care so much?" Ruth smiled twistedly, but the voice that came out was not Ruth's.

A taller, more oppressive figure stood up.

A huge figure wrapped in a huge set of Terminator armor stood where the Wolf King had just stood.

"You are dead, Horus." The Lion King stared at the other person, "I don't know the fate of the Wolf King yet, but I know yours very well, you are dead! It turns out that this is not reality, but some kind of Warp trickery.”

The Lion King's heart sank.

"An ancient human wise man once said that as long as a person's name is still sung, that person will never truly die." Horus made a movement with his sharp claws.

His actions and words are exactly the same as in the Lion King's memory, with innate elegance and charisma. These noble personality traits have become a weapon in the eyes of the other party.

"As long as humanity exists, I will live forever, because I am the mirror that all brothers will use to compare. Just like you Leon, you do this every day. Therefore, you will never be able to be your true self, Because you will only focus on avoiding being me.”

The Lion King clenched his fists upon hearing this, "Maybe you are not Horus, but it does not diminish my urge to destroy you when I see this face."

The lion pounced proactively, even though Horus was already powerful enough to inflict fatal damage to the Emperor. Although in the memory of the Lion, the beloved Horus was powerful.

The Lion King crouched down to avoid the opponent's attack, and then punched Horus in the face.

Horus was unsteady on his feet and raised his hands to protect his face. But when he took his palm off, his appearance had changed. The skin is paler, and cables connect from the skull to the armor like a swarm of snakes.

"Everything is under control." Perturabo said solemnly, "It's a pity that you didn't have such foresight, which led to today's tragedy."

"You should at least find a brother I care about." The Lion King growled, shoveling down Perturabo's legs from below, but when his brother stood up again, his armor turned white.

"You are too slow, Lion, too slow to respond in time to Horus's rebellion!" Khan, the eagle on the grassland, angrily yelled at the Lion King. He kicked the Lion King in the torso, and after being caught by the Lion King, he threw Khan aside.

"You are not smart enough. You should have anticipated the rebellion." The red Magnus stood up and grabbed the Lion King's skull with his huge palm. But the Lion King punched him in the face, knocking him back.

"I know you are a fake. Magnus can't hit such a heavy attack." The Lion King grabbed the opponent's armor and threw the opponent to the ground again.

"You're just getting old!" Mortarion roared. "Exhausted and broken!"

"The Emperor never trusted you." Dorn's words were harsh. "That's why he sent you to the darkest corner of the galaxy, but left me by his side."

"Do you think he entrusted you with his secrets?" Alpharius laughed after being knocked down by him. "I know secrets you would never think of, the first son!"

"You never dared to compete fairly!" The Lion King roared angrily at Alpha.

"Fair competition?" But when the opponent stood up, it was Angron's figure that was revealed.

"Where's your revenge?" Ferus roared, punching the Lion King in the stomach.

"You can't even learn tricks." Crow Lord Krax growled and kicked the Lion King in the head.

"You're not good enough." Fulgrim sneered and stabbed him in the throat.

"However, you have now accepted your belief in God." Luo Jia said disdainfully.

The Lion King angrily charged at his brother, but tripped over a blue steel boot and fell face first to the ground.

"How dare you preach to me," Guilliman said, standing above him.

The red power gloves lifted the Lion King's chin.

"If you could make a more correct choice, I could survive." Sanguinius said sadly. The Archangel walked out of sight, and another incredible force lifted the Lion King upwards.

"Will he die?" Curze hissed in his ear, and then the lion king was thrown from the air towards the door of the building.

boom! ——

During his flight, he bumped into a piece of armor, like hitting a copper wall, making him dizzy.

"Leon, you never really had courage."

The Lion King's vision was blurred by the successive blows, but when he heard the sound, he lay on the ground and immediately looked forward. He saw a giant standing in front of him, with a scarlet cloak, bright enough to pierce the dark eyes.

"Haha, Dukel, even you show up, what a ridiculous farce." The lion king stood up with difficulty, "I thought I would never see you again, even in an illusion." "You don't want to see me either, I guess." Dukel looked down at him with a cold expression, "You are proud of the glory of the eldest son, obsessed with the vanity of the 'Supreme War Marshal', but you don't have the courage to take responsibility. The Emperor saw through this, so he kept you living in the dark, just because you belong there. You long to be a hero, but even you know that the lion of Caliban is a coward without courage!" "Shut up! I never thought that I'm not a hero!" The lion roared as if in response to stress, "I only carry out the orders of the Lord of Mankind. He is the person who understands the most in my mind. I am a necessary part of his plan to unify and save mankind." "Yes, you timidly rely on authority, never dare to question whether his orders are correct, and never have an opinion." Dukel looked at him with bright eyes, as if seeing the weakest part of his heart. "You are a wanton thug!" The Lion King said in a low voice, "You questioned the correctness of the Emperor, but what you got in return was the imminent destruction of the human empire!"

"But I was right, wasn't I? Look at the empire today, so broken, so dark, just as I said ten thousand years ago. If you hadn't stopped me, how could there be today's tragedy?" Dukel said in a deep voice, but his words pierced the Lion King's heart like a steel knife.

"Hehe." After a period of silence, the lion king laughed, "If I question my father's decision, the most important thing I should do is to oppose you becoming the warmaster. You act recklessly and always want to open up your own path, but in the end you step into the abyss of no return." The lion climbed up from the ground carefully, "Father has not failed yet, and has not proved that what you said is right. As long as I am alive, as long as I am still protecting the empire, all the tragedies will not happen." "Rest in peace, brother. You have tried your best." The lion king said to Dukel, "I know very well that there is no possibility of your return. This is just a phantom of you. There is no point in arguing about right and wrong today." "I will inherit your courage and assume the responsibility of the supreme warmaster." "As long as I am alive, no one can destroy what we have guarded together." The lion king repeated in a low voice, as if talking to himself, and as if swearing to everyone, "No one" The light of the flame lit up in this completely dark house, and the light came from the shield hanging on the wall. The shield is gorgeously decorated, with an eagle wearing a laurel crown on its head. The lion king touched the shield, looked at Dukel in front of him, and smiled as he disappeared.

He picked up the shield and walked out of the house.

Yesterday's day is gone, buried and cannot be kept.

In the cold and dark distant future, there is only war.

"Dukel, brother, this time I am the warmaster!"

The lion raised his head high, he seemed to feel that his body was no longer so heavy and tired.

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