Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 150 150, The Tau tribe is destroyed, Ran Dan is rekindled, and the Lion King arrives

Since the Primarch invaded the Tau system, the war has been burning for more than a Terran month. Duker personally led the Destroyer to implement the decapitation tactic, and senior Tau officers were easily assassinated one by one. The huge Tau fleet fell into chaos, and their proud mechas and warships were destroyed.

The balance of victory is constantly tilting towards the Empire, and the Primarch has proved his war potential with practical actions.

The fighting spirit of the Imperial soldiers is getting higher and higher, and inside the Tau world, every Tau person's heart is now shrouded in sorrow.

"Whether we are willing to admit our failure or not, all signs still show that the end of our race is coming. Although the Greater Good is the most advanced civilization concept in the universe, we have no power to protect it. Perhaps among these dark stars, civilization is a ridiculous illusion, and only barbarism and conquest are the main themes that echo in the galaxy forever. - Danwa, an ordinary Tau person, essays before the end of the world."

After Danwa wrote the last word in the notebook, he sighed and closed the book.

He looked up at the golden sky of Titanium, his eyes filled with deep and unchangeable sadness.

The sky of Titanium was not originally golden. Like many habitable planets, it had blue sky, white clouds, stars, day and night.

But not long ago, the barbaric invaders broke into this world, and this Titanium no longer had any color. There was no distinction between day and night, and only the monotonous pure gold that the Titanium people hated was left.

The dazzling golden light reflected in Danwa's eyes, twisted and sticky, as if the entire sky was evenly coated with a thick layer of gold paint. His eyes were filled with fatigue. On this planet without distinction between day and night, only by relying on the indication of the clock could he know that the war had lasted for more than thirty Titanium days.

And this also meant that he had not rested for more than thirty days.

In this light, he could not fall asleep at all. The mental fatigue and the bad news on the battlefield made his anxiety and despair grow day by day. In recent days, the image of the golden double-headed eagle has frequently appeared in his mind.

He knew that it was not an illusion, but a tyrannical will that forced him to surrender.

In fact, a large number of alien armies and Tau traitors have already surrendered to the will of the Golden Eagle. The battle in space has not yet ended, but the rebellion on the surface of Tau Star has become more and more numerous and larger in scale.

In the double torture of the golden light and the will of the Golden Eagle for thirty days, many people have gone crazy.

A large number of aliens and a small number of Tau people are mentally disturbed, and regard the owner of the Golden Eagle as the savior of the Tau people. They gathered together, initially just marching, and then riots broke out everywhere. Until now, they have raised armed forces and launched a surprise attack on the army of the Tau Federation.

In just thirty days, the situation has become worse and worse.

Although Danwa knew that these people would become accomplices in the destruction of the Tau people, he did not hate them. He expressed his understanding that although he has not yet surrendered to the will of the Golden Eagle, he does not know how long he can hold on.

The media of the Tau Federation is still beautifying the results of this war on social networks, and the generals of the Fire Clan are still boasting about their strength.

But when the wreckage of the warships, which were as dense as meteor showers, streaked through the planet's atmosphere and finally fell on the surface of the Titanium Star, they ruthlessly exposed their lies.

Danwa is a fourth-level administrator of the Water Clan. In the social system of the Titanium Federation, he is also considered to be in a high position. Because of this, he can more clearly see the ugly chaos of those ether elders outside the public's sight. Those fire clan generals, panic and anxiety after a series of defeats.

Danwa left his post for decades today. A strong intuition made him take his notebook and return home. He called back his wife and children, and personally cooked for the children's favorite food.

He hugged his wife. Only when he did this could he temporarily get rid of the panic in his heart-although he didn't know where this feeling came from.

"What are you crazy about?!" Feeling her husband's increasingly tight hug, the wife complained a little uncomfortably.

"Nothing, I just suddenly realized that you are still as charming as when I first met you 20 years ago."

"You are very abnormal today, and the children are still here." His wife gave him a reproachful look.

"Busy work will prevent me from expressing my love to you, but the children will not."

Danwa said teasingly, he greedily enjoyed the happiness at the moment, but when he looked at the golden sky, his mood suddenly fell again.

"Danwa, the war situation in space is so serious now, why don't you say Commander Yingyang lead the fleet back?" His wife also looked at the golden sky that made them desperate.

"Maybe the commander has more important things to do."

"But why did I hear that this group of barbaric invaders was provoked by Yingyang."

Faced with his wife's question, Danwa was silent.

"Danwa, do you think we will win?" His wife changed the question.

"We will win"

Danwa hugged his wife's arms tightly, even harder.

The two stopped talking, just looked at the thick golden sky together.

The golden eagle image appeared in their minds more and more frequently, almost every time they breathed, it would appear in their consciousness.

They didn't know what this meant, and they didn't dare to think about it.

At this moment, they just wanted to feel the touch of each other's bodies and enjoy this rare peace.

But fate never favored them, and this rare peace was soon broken.

A spark appeared in the dome of the sky, and then with a bang, the entire sky was ignited, and the red flame seemed to wrap around the entire planet.

Pillars of crimson fire also rose from the earth, and the planet's atmosphere stirred by high temperatures whipped up strong winds. In the storm of flames, traces of civilization were erased bit by bit.

The fine dust after burning was flying all over the sky, and the earth cracked into terrifying abyss, in which magma flowed slowly like a river.

The climate of the Tau is inherently dry, and the skin of the Tau is therefore rough. Under the current high temperature steaming and baking, Danwa felt that his moisture was rapidly losing, and his rough skin was chapped as a result. The few oceans on the planet are also rapidly evaporating at this moment.

Until this moment actually arrived, the panic, anxiety, and even sadness in Danwa's heart had completely calmed down.

——The end is coming.

Contrary to his own expectations, Danwa just watched this scene happen calmly. He felt his wife in his arms. Her body was stiff and tight. They didn't speak, they just hugged each other tightly.

At this moment, countless rebels who regarded the master of the golden eagle as their savior knelt down devoutly in the flames.

The materialistic Tau people originally did not believe in gods, but how could they explain their current great power if they were not gods?

But no matter how devout their worship was, the god never showed up.

At this time, these fanatical believers sadly realized that their gods did not need them. The destruction of the world was just a casual act of the gods and had nothing to do with them.

Danwa, whose body was almost dry, let go of the arm holding his wife, and his wife's mummy fell to the side crookedly.

He struggled to lift his withered arm and opened his notebook tremblingly. He used up his last energy to recall everything that had happened before.

Then he wrote on the paper with crooked handwriting - the lesson he learned at the cost of the destruction of a civilization.

"The Tau are a young race, an arrogant race. They have never seen true power, and they unscrupulously provoke all creatures they don't understand. They arrogantly believe that they can do whatever they want in this terrifying galaxy. If not for fate, Favored, they may be exterminated earlier.”

"With my own experience of the demise of my race, and as a person who has experienced it, I would like to issue a warning to all races who see this note - in these dark stars, weakness and ignorance are not the root cause of destruction, arrogance is."

After writing the last word, he gasped for breath, and the hot air passed through his respiratory tract. He stood up shakily and put the notebook into a special safe.

After doing all this, his will and life were all burned out. He looked in the direction of his wife, and the light of life disappeared from his eyes.

The Imperial Primarch didn't even enter this world. He just released a psychic spell and completely cut off the fate of the Tau. The capital of the Tau fell into a hellish apocalypse.

The entire world is drying up and life is dying out at an extremely fast rate.

Within the Supreme Council, the administrative body of the Tau, the ether elders gathered here, and they were also enduring great pain.

"The fate of the Tau cannot end here." Elder Yi Tai's voice rang out in the silent hall.

"We have one last hope."

"Use our blood to awaken our common ancestors."

"——Supreme Ether·Lord of Eternal Spirits"

While speaking, he took the lead in slicing his wrist with a short knife.

After seeing this, the ether elders also raised their daggers.

The blood that overflowed from their wounds was completely different from that of other Tau. The dark blood was like thick ink.

Under their feet was a huge altar. Their dark blood flowed into the inscriptions on the altar and gathered towards the center.

In the fusion of blood, strange energy was born. The huge altar shook violently, and strands of shadow gathered in one place like worms.

"After thousands of years, the plan has finally reached this final step. After the young relatives are burned out, in their ashes, the ancient Forgotten Ones will rise again."

As if whispering across time, as the blood-drained corpses of the etheric elders fell, a race that had disappeared in the galaxy for a long time returned in this blood sacrifice.


In the outer orbit of Tau, Duker stood on the bow of the cruiser, his eyes reflecting the ignited planet.

The whole world burned in flames, and the lives in it died one after another, until the lava on the surface replaced the ocean, and the planet was like a melted candy——

"Let's go." Duker ordered the fleet.

"Your Highness, is there anything in this world that interests you?" Efilar asked curiously after seeing the original body's actions.

"It's nothing. It's just that my intuition told me that this world is a little weird, and I wanted to try if I could set it on fire." Duker looked at the dead world and said,

"Now it seems that he must have been burned to death."

"If he can't get out of the flames, then he's not worthy of your attention." Efilar said with relief.


Duker nodded, but suddenly, he saw a pillar of darkness as black as ink rising in the light of red flames.

In this darkness, the original body keenly sensed a familiar force.

"The power of the mind? No, it's not that pure."

Duker frowned and thought, but then, his sealed memory became a little loose, and an ancient and completely erased name appeared in his mind.

"Ran Dan——"

Duker pronounced the name, his eyes fixed on the darkness of the planet.

That is the secret he has been pursuing since he regained consciousness.

All kinds of clues indicate that this name is closely connected with him thousands of years ago.

"The great Lord of the Heart, after a long time, I finally meet you again. It is a great honor that you can still remember us."

"Lord of the Mind? Ha, you really know a lot."

Dukel's bright eyes became more and more curious. Very few people would call him this. Only members of the Heart Network would occasionally mention the name of 'Mind Master'. The Primarch wondered where these aliens had come from.

But then, he thought of another question,

"You brought me here on purpose. Yingyang was also sent by you? Who is advising you?"

"Great Lord of the Mind, in order to achieve our ambitions, it is necessary to unite the power of allies." The voice in the shadow replied.

"I see."

Dukel nodded. He didn't even bother to ask who that ally was - in this universe, everything related to conspiracy was more or less related to the cub of Tzeentch.

"Captain, move the ship over." Duker said in the communication voice.

"But Your Highness, this dark thing is not trustworthy."

"It doesn't matter." Duker didn't explain too much.

But in fact, he has already made a decision in his heart - as soon as he gets close, he will kill the opponent immediately.

No matter what kind of secrets the other party holds, once it is related to Tzeentch, it is a piece of shit in the eyes of the original body.

Shit brushed with chocolate is still shit and should be shoveled away rather than tasted.

The other party may indeed hold the secret he wants to know.

Then die with the secret.

He has no interest in listening now.

Amid the roar of engines, the Primarch fleet quickly approached the black shadow.

But at this moment, another ray of light pierced the space, but it was faster than the Dukel fleet.

The green leaves slowly fell, and a lush forest shrouded all the shadows.

After seeing clearly what happened in the woods, Dukel's roar was carried by spiritual energy and resounded throughout the world.

"Leon, Dante?! What are you doing?!"

The dark existence in the shadows is still waiting for the arrival of the original body.

But suddenly, the scene he was in changed rapidly, and thick ancient trees and lush forests quickly replaced everything in front of him.

"Wait, this wasn't part of the plan!"

The dark existence let out a scream, and he turned around, trying to fight against the sudden arrival of the uninvited guest.



The lion's steel glove broke his body directly from behind. As if he was afraid that he would not die, he punched him to the ground.

Dante on the side quickly pointed his gun at the ground after seeing the alien being knocked down.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!——"

The muzzle flashes continued one after another.

"Leon, Dante?! What are you doing?!"

At this time, a loud shout came from the sky above them. The two of them looked at the sky at the same time, and saw a red meteor tearing through the sky arrogantly, hitting the lush woods.

"Gu——" Dante swallowed hard and asked the lion in an interfering voice,

"Lion King, His Highness Duker must now want to explore the secrets of the past from the alien. If we do this, he probably won't kill us."

The Lion King raised his head when he heard the words. He mentioned the Ran Dan alien shape like a dead dog. His marble-like face exuded perseverance.

"I'm not sure either, let's go!"

After that, he ran deep into the woods without looking back.

"Ah? Wait for me!"

After Dante was stunned for a moment, he looked at the crimson comet getting closer and closer on the horizon, and also penetrated into the dense forest.

When Duker arrived at the location of the black shadow, the place was empty, with only two leaves that quickly dried up lying on the altar.

Dukel picked up the leaves on the ground, with a little confusion on his face.

"No, why are you running?"

"Is my voice too loud?"

Dukel's spiritual energy penetrated into the leaves,

He sent several psychic messages to Lion King.

Lion King: "Can't read back."

"Forget it, let's ask Leon face to face after we find him."

Dukel used leaves as a medium to quickly locate the Lion King.

For him, it was much easier to find the Lion than to find the Tau.

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