Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 152 152, Dukel ambush the figure king

The Necrons, an ancient race, were born billions of years earlier than humans, and their history is so long that humans cannot imagine it. They were refugees from the stars' cosmic rays. Their restless lives could end in death at any time. Their race was short-lived and gloomy. At that time, they called themselves - the Necrophobes.

However, the ancient saints who were active among the stars at the same time were in sharp contrast to them.

Powerful strength, excellent wisdom, immortal life. The Old Ones had everything the Necrontyr could dream of, making them jealous. So the Council of Three Saints decided to declare war on the Ancient Saints, and a war called the "War in Heaven" began.

Hundreds of generations of Necrontyr were engaged in the war, and it soon became apparent that the Necrontyr were no match for the Old Ones.

In order to defeat the Old Ones and gain eternal life, at the suggestion of the Star God, the Necrontyr abandoned their fragile physical bodies and replaced them with the permanent form of living metal.

But when the Silent King saw the star gods feasting on the life energy that had been stripped away, he realized the big mistake he had made - although they finally achieved unity and immortality after a long period of hard work, they also lost it forever. soul.

The Necrontyr ceased to exist, leaving only a mechanical race among the stars - the Necron.

They have neither soul nor body. This short-lived race that fears death finally completely lost their lives after countless years of hard work.

All Necron are aware of this.

But the more something is missing, the more you want to prove something.

The Necrons are so stubborn that they imitate the thinking and behavioral habits of the Necrontyr. They attach great importance to the existence of 'self', just to get back the feeling of being alive.

Although living like this is just a poor imitation of life.

The same is true for the Endless One Trazyn. His pathological collecting behavior comes from this.

He takes over the bodies of his own race as substitutes, and tirelessly transforms these substitutes into his original appearance, as if he is afraid that others will not recognize him - this is also to preserve himself.

They perform similar actions to stubbornly prove to all life races in the universe that they have thinking, they have themselves, and they have life. Not just a metal machine.

For Trazin, nothing is more important than his collection, which is the anchor of his "self-life."

As long as he is still carrying out collecting activities and as long as he is still pursuing historical value, then he will still be the Necrophobe consistent with his memory, and his life will not disappear. If he doesn't, he's nothing but a moving piece of metal.

Trazin patiently searched the stars for the traces of his Primarch's actions.

The process was not smooth.

After Duker and the expeditionary legion gathered, the huge psychic power built an airtight psychic matrix. This strange force field made it difficult for any existence in the galaxy to track.

Although Trazin did not yet know that the Primarch had returned to his Legion, he was clearly aware of the difficulty of tracking it.

Even with the power of the fragments of the Star God, tracking by the Endless One is extremely difficult.

Searching for traces from tiny clues among the infinite expanse of stars is a task that tests the patience of any race of life.

But the Endless One is not tired of this.

On the contrary, he enjoyed it, and the act of recovering the collection made his life extremely fulfilling.

"For that alone, I should thank you."

Walking among the stars, the Endless One sat on the throne at the top of the pyramid and muttered to himself, recalling the recent pursuits. During this time, he did not feel any boredom or emptiness.

For a Necron, there is no more precious experience in the universe.

"But I will find you eventually. I will figure out the path you must take and wait there to prepare a big gift for you. When we meet, how should we say hello without being rude?"

Trazin thought in his mind as he calculated the primarch's course of action.

It's just a question worth thinking about. Only by finding a precise opportunity to ambush can he be sure to defeat the original body. Only by using weapons with appropriate power as a gift for meeting can we ensure that we can defeat the original body without destroying the looted collections.

But just as he was thinking about this.

in subspace,

"Your Highness Dukel, the Soul Fire captured a series of strange spatial parameters."

The courier's voice sounded on the voice channel.

"What, have you found any trace of the Lion King?" The original body, who was sitting in the office and calculating the life magnetic field technology, paused when he heard this and asked quickly.

"There is a high probability that he is not His Highness the Lion King, but after our discussion, we still feel that it is necessary to report to you, that's it."

The correspondent explained the strangeness of this series of spatial fluctuations to the original body in the voice channel.

At first, Duker didn't pay too much attention to this, but with the voice of the correspondent, the fighting spirit in his eyes gradually ignited.

There are three main things that are strange about this fleet:

——This is a fleet that is not huge in size, but not small either.

——There is no psychic fluctuation within this fleet, indicating that the owner of this fleet is almost insulated from subspace.

——This fleet seems to be intentionally tracking the route of the imperial fleet, and seems to have a deep hatred for the empire.

Although the Imperial Fleet's detectors have not yet analyzed who the owner of this fleet is, the combination of these three rare conditions is enough to eliminate the vast majority of existences in the galaxy and lock on the only target.

So the owner of this fleet is——

"Yingyang!" Duke suddenly looked surprised.

The Tau commander who appeared out of nowhere to challenge him, insult him, and then ran away without a trace. The original body has never suffered such a great injustice since its resurrection. Compared with her, the Lion King is a second choice.

Duker was worried about finding the other party, but he didn't expect that the other party actually came to his door.

But it was right to think about it. He had already been destroyed by the Tau's home planet. It would be strange if she didn't come to him to fight for her.

"Captain, transfer to the real universe node immediately. There is no need to worry about any threats from subspace."

"By your will, my lord."

Following the captain's reply, the huge expedition fleet immediately changed course and deviated from the original subspace route.

This is undoubtedly a very dangerous move for subspace navigation.

Away from the subspace channel and away from the guidance of the Star Torch, in this vast ocean called the Sea of ​​Souls, the grotesque sea surface suddenly surged into disgusting waves.

Angry vortices stirred the ship's trajectory, jealous tsunamis hit the giant ship's force field, and greedy storms gathered together to give birth to the thunder of desire. In the infinite darkness and the infinite depth of the sea, a terrifying indescribable thing lifts its giant legs that can wrap around the world.

Even under the protection of the multi-gravity field, the expedition fleet was shuddered by this terrifying weather, and the decks were shaking. What was even more terrifying was that the fog of lust was spreading, making it impossible for the captain to see the course ahead.

The seemingly invincible imperial fleet is on the verge of falling under the mighty power of the supreme heaven.

But at such a critical moment, there is no despair or panic in the hearts of every crew member of this fleet. They even took the initiative to cast their sights on the bizarre subspace and the front of the fleet under the protection of the psychic force field.

Their eyes were full of longing and expectation, as if they were looking forward to the arrival of a miracle.

And they were not disappointed. A bit of golden light shone on the bow of the ship, and then became brighter and brighter.

The glory of the empire carries the will of loyalty and courage, rising unyieldingly on the sea of ​​souls like a blazing sun.

Duker stepped on the bow of the ship with one foot, his body was like a long bow, and he did not shy away from the cowardly storm on the sea of ​​souls, raising high the banner of the Eagle of Destiny.

In the glare of the bright light, the fog of lust was instantly dispelled, the sea surface calmed down instantly, and the hidden dark existence roared in pain. This ray of light carries an extremely powerful will, piercing through all obstacles in front of it like thousands of swords, and piercing directly into the reality node of the target place.


Amidst the shouts of the original body, the collision horn of the Fire of the Heart carried endless light, and in the roar that seemed both real and illusory, it violently smashed the barrier to the real universe.

"Yingyang, I'm fucking here! - Huh?"

The original body was about to angrily scold the Tau commander for provoking him for his despicable behavior, but the next second, he saw a metal skeleton sitting on the throne at the top of the pyramid, staring directly at him with a pair of green eyes.

The two looked at each other across tens of millions of kilometers in space.

Although it was difficult for the metal skeleton to express emotions, Duker still saw surprise, guilt, and bewilderment in his actions.


The captain of the Soul Fire also looked confused after seeing everything here.

At this moment, the deep and dark space is illuminated by the light of the Golden Eagle flag. Whether it is the huge pyramid, the Necron on the throne, or the mechanical creations all over the void, they are all bathed in the glory of the empire, as if plated with a layer of gold. paint.

"No, who are you?"

Duker came here in the excitement, thinking he could avenge his shame, but unexpectedly he bumped into a dead metal man head-on. His tone was full of disappointment.

Why not Yingyang?

The Endless Trazin had not yet finished thinking about the previous question. He had not even figured out which weapon to use to launch the first attack when ambushing the original body. He saw the endless golden light piercing the blockade of the domain. The original body cursed and knocked directly out of the subspace.

Although he didn't appear to be feeling any particular emotions from the outside, internally, his CPU was already overclocking.

No, I was still thinking about how to ambush you. Why did you jump out on your own?

And is there something wrong with the number of fleets?

In his intelligence, it was still the original frigate version.

Even if the primarch only leads a frigate, a demon primarch, a goddess of life, a mechanical sage, and a living saint in an encounter, he doesn't have much confidence that he can win.

But now.

The fleet of Jie Ni Ma has almost filled the entire galaxy. There are two of the Glory Queen-class battleships of the Human Empire, two!

How to fight this?

With such a fleet, let alone this substitute of oneself, even if the main body comes with all the collections, both sides will suffer.

Could it be that the original body had the same idea as him and came specifically to ambush him?


The Primarch doesn't seem to recognize his identity?

In his crazy thinking, the thinking logic he inherited from the Necrontyr finally gave him a strategy to deal with the current situation.

Trazin sat on the throne, the scepter in his hand glowed with fluorescence, and his green eyes were full of indifference.

"You don't know me? We are the human fleet, after all. The young race lacks some experience." Trazin said this, his voice was filled with a sense of vicissitudes, as if time could be used by him. weapons,

"I am the astrologer Orikan, a skilled star diviner. Why do you, a young human being, suddenly come to visit me? Do you also want to find out what the trajectory of the stars reveals about your destiny?"

Trazin is well aware of her reputation in the galaxy,

Therefore, he reported the name of his friend with almost no psychological burden.

At the same time, this is also a small revenge against the astrologer. In the past, he wanted to 'get back' the astrology instrument he lent to the other party - even though the astrologer had always belonged to the astrologer.

But so what, as long as the collection he likes belongs to him, the other party is just keeping it 'temporarily'.

But the astrologer refused to return it, which made him very unhappy.

Afterwards, he expressed his dissatisfaction by mailing several Genestealers and Catachan Demons to the Astrologer.

"Astrologer?" Duker's eyes showed a hint of surprise, no wonder he looked familiar.

Although the Necrons were all metal skeletons in his eyes, there was no difference.

But he had heard of the name of the astrologer.

"Then why are you searching for traces of my actions?" But even so, Duker still asked with dangerous eyes.

"This is probably a misunderstanding. I am just measuring the trajectory of the stars. I have no intention of being an enemy of you, human being, or I have no intention of being an enemy of any existence. For me, time is a weapon, just like any other Just like a weapon, if there is no interference, I can just wait for the enemy to rot."

The Endless One imitated the tone of the Astrologer and said to the Imperial Primarch.

Duker did not speak when he heard this, but took a deep look.

The Necron has no soul, and naturally has no spiritual energy. Even the Lord of the Mind cannot tell the truth of the words.

The Astrologer is one of the few neutral Necrons who is obsessed only with the study of star paths and divination. Although he sometimes does evil things, in order to prove that his predictions are accurate, he personally plans the fulfillment of the predictions. But for the original body, it is basically harmless.

The most important thing is that the original body has no way to completely kill the opponent. The Necrons are a group of dead people without souls and bodies. The Astrologer will not drop equipment like the Endless One.

A being that possesses great power, is harmless, cannot be killed, and has no benefit. No force would be so stupid as to take the initiative to provoke the other party.

Therefore, for the first time, Duker issued a retreat order to his army.

After seeing that the Primarch was planning to retreat.

The processor of the Endless One, which was running wildly, finally gradually relaxed.

"It seems that if you want to get your collection back, you have to choose a more appropriate time."

The greatest collector in the galaxy said this to himself in his heart.

"Hahahahaha, I'm laughing so hard."

But at this moment, Magnus, who was hung by the original body at his waist, burst into a series of sharp laughter.

"Dukele, you have been fooled. This is not an astrologer. It is clearly the Endless One whose clone museum you smashed!" Magnus laughed endlessly, as if he had seen a great joy.

"And you, Trazin, are you here to ask for the collection, but why don't you start a war directly? You courageous thief, do you know what you look like now? You are as cowardly as a bastard now!"

After hearing Magnus's voice, Duker's body, which was about to leave, suddenly froze in place.

Although he had no words, the red flames ignited the void and became the expression of his anger.

The Endless One couldn't stand it anymore. After being exposed, he no longer maintained the image of an astrologer. He stood up from the throne and angrily scolded the demon primarch.

"Magnus! You miserable guy is already in such a miserable state, yet you actually help your enemies expose your former allies! In the past, you killed your brothers, and today you betrayed your past covenant. Throughout the galaxy, I I have never seen anyone as shameless as you!”

"Shit collaborator, an immortal and despicable alien." Magnus seemed to be ignited with anger at this moment, cursing mercilessly,

"You are a despicable being who never fulfills the fairness of covenant transactions. You must try your best to take advantage of every cooperation. Throughout the galaxy, I have never seen anyone as shameless as you!"

It seemed like he was recalling bad memories about the Endless Ones.

Magnus's happiness drained away, and his skin flushed even more with rage.

"It turns out that you are the Endless One, Trazin, whose name I have admired for a long time." Duker calmed down.

"What an unexpected harvest. Could you please explain why we seized a large amount of stolen goods belonging to the empire in your previous tomb?

Now I am pursuing you in the name of the empire and ordering you to immediately return the remaining stolen goods you have misappropriated. Those are the sacred and inviolable properties of the empire! "

Dukel's rebuke was extremely natural, as if it should be the way it should be, and upright.


Let me explain to you # ¥%……

Are you still asking me for compensation? ! !

After hearing the words of the original body, Trazin's system reported a series of errors.

Even Magnus looked at his thick-browed brother in surprise.

Just a moment ago they were calling each other shameless.

Unexpectedly, this person was even more of a heavyweight.

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