Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 159 4. Golden Throne? I'm just a jump hack! (big chapter)

Almost all the people in the empire believe that after the Emperor ascended the Golden Throne, His Majesty endured ten thousand years of torture and loneliness. This is not entirely true. The torture was real, but it was not lonely. It could even be said that it was so noisy that there was no peace.

Thanks to the ten thousand years of worship by the people of millions of worlds, the Emperor's spiritual world has become an aggregate of human will. Selflessness, dedication, greed, compromise. Every kind of inferior or noble personality will can find its entity in His spiritual world.

They even communicate and interact with each other, forming alliances, wars, betrayals, madness. Everything that humans have done from ancient times to the present is constantly repeated in this huge consciousness cluster.

His Majesty's spiritual world is very lively!

In this spiritual world, the Emperor's rationality is secluded in a corner.

He watched those crazy consciousnesses with cold eyes. Those lunatics were stirring up huge spiritual storms all the time, which made Him feel depressed and almost unable to breathe for a moment.

The Emperor did not share the joys and sorrows of the Emperor, He just felt that they were noisy.

His Sorrow sat beside him, silently watching all this happen with tears, and said with a sad expression,

"When can we end all this, when can we get rid of this almost eternal torture, these crazy foolish deeds, I am sad about this every minute and every second."

The rational emperor was silent for a long time after hearing this.

Then he slowly turned his head, stared at the emperor's sorrow, and said without a trace of emotion,

"Get out of here, you damn guy, stay away from me, I don't want to see you, just like I don't want to see them."

The emperor's sorrow, even sadder.

The rational emperor opened his mouth, he wanted to continue to scold the sad emperor, asking him to move his golden throne away.

Since the emperor ascended the golden throne, the sky of his spiritual world has never changed, as if it was shrouded in eternal haze.

But at this moment,

the vision emitting endless light appeared in the sky of the emperor's spiritual realm.

A golden double-headed eagle that almost covered one-third of the sky suddenly flapped its wings above the sky, and dropped a thick golden light that was smeared in this spiritual realm.

This sudden vision without any signs successfully attracted the attention of all emperors, and this spiritual realm finally had a moment of silence,


"He is coming."

"Who is coming?"

"My son."



"Who is he?"

"Who am I?"

"Revived hope."

"I am not a god!"

The immeasurable will of the emperors, sitting on their thrones, expressed their respective thoughts together, and each voice was so magnificent, tens of millions of magnificent voices intertwined together, incomparably chaotic and disorganized.

The rational emperor still did not speak.

He just sat on the throne, still without any emotion, taking advantage of the gap when all the emperors were attracted to extend his will and penetrate the boundary of this spiritual realm.

At the same time, in the throne hall of the Terra Palace.

The commander of the Imperial Guards, Valdor, was faithfully fulfilling his sacred mission, when suddenly a very abstract message suddenly entered his mind.

This abstract message made his brain feel like it was suddenly thrown into a drum washing machine, stirring endlessly and causing severe pain.

This tenacious commander of the Imperial Guards, a demigod-like existence in the eyes of mortals, couldn't help but bend his knees and gasp violently at this moment.

It was not until this message receded like a tide that his pain gradually subsided.

But he still couldn't fully understand the content of the message, but only vaguely understood it - it seemed that his Majesty was giving him a decree, ordering him to go and meet the existence waiting at the Gate of Eternity.

After figuring this out, Valdor's heart was filled with uncontrollable ecstasy.

As the Imperial Guards guarding the Emperor, they had not received the decree of His Majesty for several thousand years.

In the first few thousand years after ascending the Golden Throne, the Emperor would occasionally give revelations to the Imperial Guards.

But as time passed, the intervals between these revelations became longer and longer, until no one of the imperial guards had ever received a message from the Emperor.

During the long years of the Emperor's silence, some people even began to doubt whether the Emperor was completely dead.

"Your Majesty is still alive!"

Waldo said to himself excitedly in his heart. Although he had a will far beyond that of ordinary people, he almost lost his composure at this moment.

"But who is the person waiting in front of the Gate of Eternity who can attract the attention of Your Majesty."

After the ecstasy, Waldo couldn't help but think in his heart.

But he didn't think about this question for too long. He was a man of action. After a brief thought, he acted without hesitation.

He held his spear, and his heavy body briskly passed through the corridors, passing by one sacred and magnificent creation after another.

Finally, he pushed open the Gate of Eternity, which had not been opened for an unknown period of time.

The pilgrims in front of the door were stunned.

They had never thought that they would be so lucky to witness the opening of this sacred door. They knelt on the ground trembling, offered their faith devoutly, and shed tears of gratitude for their honor.

The commander of the imperial guards, Valdor, was also stunned.

Before opening this door, he was still worried that he would not be able to accurately find the person in the revelation and could not fulfill His Majesty's will.

But when he looked outside the door, he saw the giant, who was almost three times the height of the pilgrim, also looking at him.

At that moment Waldo knew that this was the man from the Emperor's revelation.

The giant took steps and walked towards the Gate of Eternity. Waldo was surprised that such a majestic being was walking among the crowd, but the pilgrims seemed to not see him and just consciously moved out of the way. There was no further action.

Waldo recognized the other person.

After the emperor ascended the throne, the imperial guards rarely stepped out of the palace, but this did not mean that they were not informed. In fact, they still know everything about Terra's major events.

The most significant event in Terra's recent past is undoubtedly the return of the Primarchs.

However, according to the process, the original bodies should come together to meet their father after gathering.

But the other party came alone

Although he was surprised at the arrival of the other party, Waldo still welcomed the arrival of the emperor's son.

After a brief moment of surprise, he greeted him in the same way.

"Your Highness Dukel, the Emperor's servant Waldo sends his regards. You are still as heroic as you were ten thousand years ago."

"Do you know me?" the great existence asked him.

"I once followed your footsteps to conquer the stars. At that time, I was just an inconspicuous recruit." Waldo said humbly.

After Duker nodded to him, he said,

"Lead the way for me, Custodes."

But in the words of the original body, Waldo did not take any action, but pointed to the goddess of life beside him and asked,

"Your Highness, who is this warrior?"

Aisha's whole body was now wrapped in thick armor.

Standing within the scope of the psychic force field, her true appearance cannot be seen through any means.

She is over four meters tall, much taller than the commander of the Forbidden Army, Waldo.

Judging from her height alone, Waldo almost thought she was also a Primarch.

But he quickly overturned this conclusion.

——The Imperium has never had a Primarch so thin.

Despite being wrapped in heavy armor, the experienced warriors could still see through the opponent's delicate figure at a glance.

"This is a secret," Duker said.

After hearing the words of the original body, Waldo fell into a brief thought, and then gave way to the way forward.

"Please come with me."

He spoke to the great being. After a brief thought, he decided to prioritize fulfilling the Emperor's revelation.

Moreover, the Second Primarch was the most courageous warrior besides the Emperor thousands of years ago. No matter the opponent's identity or force, he could not easily offend him.

Duker followed in the footsteps of the Admiral of the Custodes,

"Waldo, where are the other Custodes?"

While walking on the road, Duker didn't see any forbidden soldiers, so he couldn't help but ask.

"They are all sticking to their posts. Do you need me to bring them to you?"

"No need." Duker shook his head and said no more.

They made their way to the throne room and came to the foot of the steps of the huge golden throne.

Seeing the rotten and broken mummy on the throne,

Although Duker had already expected it, his vision was still blurry for a moment, and huge sadness flowed out of his majestic body, converging into a pool of silence like a lake.

"Just step back first. You can't get involved in what happens next."

Waldo was immersed in the sorrow of the demigod, and his whole body seemed to have fallen into a bottomless ocean. Even his breathing was stagnant, until the voice of the original body brought him back to reality again.

"Your Highness, but"

Not wanting to retreat, the Primarch turned to meet his eyes, his bright eyes reminding him of the Emperor's revelations.

"This is His Majesty's will."

Waldo was helpless and finally left here.

In the empty hall, the original body and Aisha were left alone at this moment, facing the carrion on the throne.

"My master, will you also feel sad for your father?" Aisha, standing behind the original body, suddenly asked.

"I'm not in the mood to feel sad for him." Duker raised his head and looked directly at the emperor on the throne. "This old man slumped on the throne is the biggest liar in the galaxy. He once built the galaxy with passion. The greatest ideal in the world made me and my brothers strive for the same ideal, but he concealed the most important part of it, making all loftiness empty talk."

"Your Majesty, tens of thousands of years have passed. Not only have our ideals not been realized, but they have become further and further away."

Dukel stepped on his heavy steel boots and stepped onto the steps to the throne. His cloak rubbed against the carpet, making a rustling sound.

"Now we still have no rest. In the dark galaxy, there is only war. We can only wait and stay awake day and night."

Thinking back to his part-time job life in the dark galaxy.

With a clang, Dukel pulled out the sword he carried with him. It was a sword of the soul, similar to the 'Blade of Pain'. It was also equipped with a telepathic sensor, but it did not inject any energy.

This sword is still an ordinary creation so far.

Duker lifted it up, and the sharp cold light lit up a strange flash of light in this silent hall.

"Holy Majesty, I am your sworn champion, and I am the loyal heir who comes to save you. Help me, for our common ideals, for the revival and survival of mankind."

Duker's voice was heavy and powerful.

Along with his voice, nearly infinite spiritual power and the emperor's blessing poured into the Soul Sword.

Now, behind the Emperor's golden throne,

Behind every Imperial statue in Holy Terra,

The same miracles are happening.

——The huge ring of flames ignited like a crown of thorns.

Infinite power gathered in the ordinary creation of the 'Sword of the Soul', burning with golden flames in an instant.

In the unimaginable energy and high temperature, the blade of the Soul Sword is melting. At this moment, it carries the power of God and becomes a well-deserved artifact.

At this moment, even Duker found it difficult to lift this artifact. The emperor's divine power continued to pour into it, and the flames became more intense. He stepped forward, his steps were very heavy, but seemed unstoppable.

Elsa followed closely behind the original body, her eyes looking at Duker filled with almost substantial yearning and emotion.

This is her master. Under his seemingly inhuman appearance, he hides a noble character who is willing to fight for the human empire and even all life in the galaxy.

He could have done nothing. With his own great power, even if Terra burst out the second Eye of Terror, he could still survive well. But for the sake of all living things in the galaxy, he still chose to face all hardships and move forward with a heavy load.

This fearless spirit moved Elsa very much, and thousands of words of praise surged into her heart at this moment.


At this moment, a slightly strange sound came from in front of her. Aisha looked up,

Duker was seen holding a sword and stabbing it into the emperor's chest without hesitation.

this moment,

Thousands of noises converged into endless spiritual energy that burst out from the wounds of the sword. The crazy energy turned into ripples visible to the naked eye, overwhelming everything inside this hall.

The leaked energy gathered into a storm visible to the naked eye. In this chaotic energy, even the Forbidden Army wearing heavy armor would be destroyed instantly.

Dukel was the first to be affected, his long black hair dancing in the energy storm, and his stalwart body standing like a rock in the center of the storm.

"Aisha, now is the time to fulfill your mission!"

"As you wish, my master."

Elsa was also resisting the storm, and her heavy armor withstood the first and most violent impact.

The specially crafted armor was torn apart in just an instant. The goddess was surrounded by a protective force field, and her slender body covered in gauze walked out of the armor.

She struggled forward in this crazy storm, and with great difficulty, she stretched out her jade-like fingers and touched the emperor's body.

The divine power carrying endless life was poured into the emperor's body without sparing any effort.

As if miraculously, the mummy that was nailed to the golden throne by the burning sword was miraculously regaining its vitality at this moment.

"Your Highness, what exactly happened here?"

Waldo, who had been guarding the entrance of the hall, heard the explosion in the hall at this moment. He ignored the disobedience and his loyalty to the emperor made him return to the hall at all costs.

But what he saw was-

As the Emperor's own son, the original body pierced the flaming sword into his father's chest. The unusually tall Eldar alien was stroking the body of the Holy Majesty with her dirty fingers and performing abominable attacks. witchcraft.

Endless anger overflowed from the poor Majesty's wounds. This anger destroyed everything in the hall, but it was helpless to do anything about the two perpetrators.

This scene was so shocking that the leader of the Imperial Guard, who had lived for a long time, went blank in his mind. In his absence, his spear fell from his hand and fell to the floor of the hall.


The grief and anger in Waldo's heart could not be greater. At this moment, he did not even understand the current situation, so he immediately picked up his weapon and charged towards the original body.



As soon as he entered the hall, he hit the edge of the psychic storm. He couldn't resist this huge energy for even a moment, and was thrown straight away.

"how so."

Waldo's body hit the pillar in the hall and slowly slid down. He felt that all the bones in his body were broken, and the pain spread throughout his body.

Looking at the two people who were intact in the storm, for the first time in his life, the commander of the Imperial Guard lost confidence in his own strength.

He leaned under the pillar and looked at the palm of the original body still holding the hilt of the sword. The sharp pain in his heart even exceeded the scars on his body.

"What can I do to stop them."

Infinite despair emerged in his heart.

But at this moment, he suddenly thought of the names of the other two people - Leon and Guilliman.

"Yes, only they can stop this atrocity now!"

Waldo immediately got up from the ground, ignoring the pain in his body, and ran out of the hall in a hurry.

He wanted to contact the Lion King and the Imperial Regent as quickly as possible.

"Hopefully everything comes in time."

Waldo thought in a panic.


Duker walked in a world buried in countless ashes. His boots stepped on the surface of these ashes, leaving huge footprints and making a "squeaking" sound.

At this moment, he used the "Sword of the Soul" as a bridge to successfully enter the emperor's spiritual realm without knowing anything about the outside world.

Walking in this spiritual realm, he holds the Emperor's blessing in his hand, manifesting as a great sword burning with golden flames in his hand.

This was the last bit of help the emperor had that could be given to him by his limited rationality.

In this ashes world made of broken dreams, Duker saw corpses with skull faces. Their number was immeasurable. They had as many ideologies as there were in the human group. , as many kinds of thoughts as all human beings have, there are as many mummies enshrined on the throne.

He bathed in the ashes of the palaces of corpse kings, in the presence of one magnificent eternal emperor after another.

"Father." Duker said. When he said this word, this may be the first time he came to this world and said this word seriously, because it was not for himself, but for a great agreement. .

"Father, I'm here!" he shouted in this world, his bright eyes staring unabashedly at the mummies on the throne, those god-like old people,

"Father, I am here to pursue justice, to fulfill the judgment that was unfinished ten thousand years ago! The judgment against the savior of mankind, the Holy Emperor!"

In the Emperor's realm, Duker can exert his power without fear of destroying anything.

Those mummies sitting on the throne, those human emperors, were too many, too bright, and too powerful. If he did not fully express his power, he would even be crushed into a pulp by the eyes of the Emperors.

His body burned with endless flames, and this blooming light finally attracted the attention of the emperors.

And then these things, these wretched mummies, yesterday's savior on the throne, saw him as one would at last notice a mosquito,

"My son," He said.

"Second son."

"A proud commander."


"The abuser."





"Reckless man."


Duker heard all this in an instant, and for the first time he looked at the Emperor completely, allowing him to receive extremely messy and noisy information, like a garbled code, with a few valid characters popping up in his mind. The emperor said it but seemed not to say it. In this spiritual realm, the concept of language seems to be very funny.

This concept seems to become detrimental to the balance of time and existence.

The messy information gathered into turbulence, and eventually into an extremely turbulent storm. All wills in the spiritual realm were roaring, and all emperors were transmitting information to him.

It's like there are 100 million people talking loudly in your ears. They are conveying 10 million emotions in no particular order and are noisy.

Many consciousnesses reached Duke, trying to communicate, or interfering with his feelings.

Duker lowered his head. He tried hard to distinguish the messages. Even if he received so many messages in an instant, it was not easy. He could only receive a large amount of gibberish while trying to capture the valuable parts.

But when he captured a certain kind of message, he suddenly raised his head. At this moment, he even gave up checking all the messages, and his eyes were filled with a burning fighting spirit and anger.


"Who called me a reckless man?!"

He roared angrily, raising the giant sword burning with flames in his hand, and his arrogant will set off red flames.

In his angry expression, the noisy emperors actually lost their voices for a moment.

Duker's bright eyes swept across the emperor's thrones.

His gaze was blazing, and no emperor gave him an answer. But when his gaze swept across one of them, the golden throne under his body suddenly trembled slightly.

"Is it you?!" Duker concentrated his will and stared at the golden throne.

"Did you just call me a reckless man?"

There was still no sound from any emperor, but the golden throne was trembling more and more violently.

When Duker saw this, he no longer hesitated. He raised the sword burning with golden flames high and aimed at the golden throne, making a direct leaping strike.

At this moment, almost all the emperors showed a rare unified emotion at this moment. They looked at this scene in shock.


Amidst the harsh sound, Duker swung the heavy sword twenty-two times in an instant.

The huge golden throne collapsed almost instantly, and the mummies on it and the throne turned into powder together.

An incomparably huge source of original energy overflowed from the collapsed throne. Dukel only absorbed a part of it, and his power gained an unprecedented boost.

The most powerful demon that Duker ever absorbed was Carlos the Fateweaver.

At this moment, he has obtained a full 13 calories of energy!

Feeling the surge of energy in his body, Duker's face was cold, "It is indeed the dark side of the Emperor. I have always been lenient towards others. Even the goddess of life praised my kindness more than the bright stars. It is just a dark existence. Only then will you hate me! I swear to destroy all darkness so that the glory of the Emperor can be upheld!"

Dukel's voice echoes in the eternal winds of the spiritual realm, never ending until it reaches its destination!

Holding the sword that destroyed the Emperor in his hand, the Lord of the Second Legion's chest is filled with the blood of loyalty to the Empire!


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