Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 189 34, Angron arrives

Duker stood on the bridge of the Soul Fire, stepping on the shoulders of the Queen of Glory battleship. He looked at Terra, which was not far away from him. The distance between Terra and Mars is not that far. Under normal driving conditions, he should have arrived there long ago.

But now, in his spiritual vision, the entire Terra was shrouded in the blood-like Shura Realm. The Blood God Ceremony in the Throne World was so successful that even the northwest realm of the High Heaven was drawn over.

The power of the Skull Lord was fully extended, and time and space were disrupted. After this period of sailing, the distance between the Fire of the Heart and Terra not only did not shorten, but actually lengthened almost infinitely.

This is an abnormal situation that should not occur.

Duker frowned in thought. He naturally thought about what the emperor was up to. In the current state of the Lord of Mankind, if the Empire does not want the power of Chaos to approach Terra, the ether storm on the Sea of ​​Souls can even blow the demonic armies of the gods out of the galaxy.

Even if the Emperor did not notice this matter, the Commander of the Custodes and the Lion King, who already had real power, should nip the rituals of the cultists in the bud. There was no reason to allow these shady rats to cause such chaos on the human home planet.

He wasn't too worried about Terra's safety.

Not to mention other forces, the more than 10 billion virtual realm priests alone are enough to protect the safety of the people of the empire in war.

At this time, the communication inscription of Macragge's Glory suddenly merged in, and Guilliman's voice sounded in the voice channel——

"Dukele, I received a distress signal, which was sent by the descendants of Dorne. I will go to support there. What are your next steps?"

"Efilar is already preparing the teleportation ritual. As long as the blood haze in front of me is torn apart, I will reach Terra soon." Dukel replied.

"Brother, I was responsible for the Warmaster's celebration, but now it has been messed up." Guilliman said apologetically, "I should have made plans for this long ago and let the Ultramarines clean up those abominable heretics. The current situation is... It's my fault, I'm sorry."

"What's wrong with this?" Dukel chuckled, "Brother, I don't need flowers, applause, or red tape. Blood and war are the best celebrations for me!"


While the two primarchs were talking, the battle on Terra seemed to have reached its most critical moment.

"Return to the fortress!" Waldor commanded the mortal auxiliary legions.

The mortal soldiers quickly retreated under his command, but then, a terrifying energy fluctuation made everyone dizzy.


The red sky boiled completely, and Terra's atmosphere turned into a bloody ocean.

A roar like a beast, with an endless smell of blood, brutally tore apart the barrier between subspace and reality, with endless anger in the voice, all living beings are affected by it, longing for the fragrance of blood like fine wine .

The lava flows with brass, winding like a river, and in the black mist of sulfur, the body of the god and the great demon is looming.

In this place of war, in this place of bloodshed, they stepped out, each step carrying the clanking sound of chains and burning footprints.

The footprints of profanity are imprinted on this sacred ground.

This is a highly hierarchical demon army. This is the demon lord who brings bloody slaughter to all reincarnated beings. On this human mother planet where illusion and reality are confused, they descend on this realm of reality with endless fury.

The storm of unintentional killing tears everything apart, and the power of the highest heaven becomes more and more violent.

In the glimmer of lava and the blood-like mist, Khorne's hounds took the lead in barking and running out. They wore brass collars full of spikes, and under their bloodthirsty scarlet eyes were sharp fangs and stench. of saliva.

Khorne's vanguard with armor covered with spikes, berserkers with battle axes, and vampires with spears.

A terrifying legion, with strong killing intent.

However, that's not all.

The sky became lower and lower, as if it would collapse in an instant, crushing all living things in this world into a blur of flesh and blood, and then the more blasphemous etheric current rushed out.

In the blood storm, cracks appeared in the sky, and the great demon, bound by brass chains and smelling of sulfur, descended here.

The huge bat wings are stretched out, and the body is as majestic as a mountain, making all living beings tremble.

Battle axes and long whips were waved by its hands, and furious roars resounded from every corner.

"Blood Sacrifice to the Blood God!" The God Lord and the Great Demon vented their power. The waves of blood were tumbling, and the world was trembling with its arrival.

Seeing the tall figure in the blood mist, and the roaring sound that was enough to shatter the eyepieces and eardrums, the soldiers of the Empire felt breathless.

In their limited lives, they have never seen such a terrifying demon army of Khorne.

The commander of the imperial army and the archangel stood at the Lion's Gate. Their expressions were unmoved, but there was still worry in their eyes unconsciously.

They knew that this terrifying demonic army was only the vanguard of Khorne.

Sure enough, only eight minutes later, another bloodthirsty demon flapped its wings of destruction and broke into the material realm.

"Skull Sacrifice!" It also made a deafening roar.

Lava flows across Terra's surface, and the smell of sulfur burns every mortal's respiratory system.

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god!"

Another great demon came out. This demon did not spread his wings like the previous ones, because he was Skarbrand.

Brass chains wrapped around his broken bat wings, and he walked out step by step, the air around him boiling with rage and murderous intent.

In the horrified eyes of the loyal soldiers of the empire, one big demon came out one after another.

A total of eighty-eight great demons and eighty-eight legions of Khorne descended on the land of Terra.

Khorne has a total of 18.88 million demons, and these 88 are all the best who have been competed for in blood.

The space vibrates, the bloody realm spreads, the cracks in the earth squeeze into the brass lava, and the boiling sea of ​​blood will be the destination of all living beings.

Endless blood and countless skulls together outline the signs of the end.

"Your Majesty, please save us!"

In the area protected by the priests of the state religion, the people of the empire wept and prayed to the God-Emperor for salvation.

In despair and fear, their hearts were being subtly distorted. God's agents walked among them, and priests sang the music of the state religion to soothe their hearts.

Only in this way can they be prevented from being corrupted.

And beneath Terra.

An elite Dark Angel accepts orders from the Lion King to search for the ritual nodes of Khorne's cultists.

But during the search mission, he found a place that was even more bloody and terrifying.

The altar here looks quite ancient, with blasphemous runes outlined around it. In the center stands a towering brass throne filled with skulls, with towering spikes reaching into the sky, even exceeding the surrounding buildings.

All nearby cultists and abomination machines are shrouded in the shadow of the spikes.

The Dark Angel glanced from a distance and saw the Khorne emblem on the top of the spikes overlooking all living beings, as well as the corpse on the mark that was penetrated by spikes and dripping with blood.

Rivers of blood flowed down the ditches from the eighty-eight secondary altars around them.

And around these altars, there were not only large groups of cultists, but also World Eaters wearing heavy armor!

These crazy believers praised the Blood God in their roars, and their chants gathered together to become the prayers of the bloody ritual.

Beside the tall tower where countless headless corpses were piled up, the cultists cut their own arteries and chanted hymns as a sacrifice.

The energy of the Supreme Heaven is condensed here, and anger and hatred flow out continuously from the magic circle.

The red-robed cultist priest stood on the brass altar as the final sacrifice was about to be completed.

The Dark Angel elite took a deep breath. He knew that this was the source of Terra's troubles, but he still did not attack.

Instead, he turned around and left here - the lion did not let him destroy the altar.

Just as he turned around, huge energy suddenly erupted from the altar. The angry power of the Supreme Heaven tore all the priests here into pieces in an instant. The eighty-eight buildings around the altar and the priests' tower were all torn into pieces. Even the spikes that shot straight into the sky were turned into ashes in the explosion.

The mighty power of the Supreme Heaven spurted out. In this earth-shattering explosion, blood and flames were entangled with each other, and finally converged into an extremely terrifying huge figure.

The Red Angel, the Lord of the Red Sand, the King of Gladiators, and the son of betrayal, Angron, appeared.

Angron flapped the bat wings behind his back, and the first thing he did when he came here was to swing his battle ax and harvest all the skulls of the surviving cultists.

Until the last cultist was killed, Angron crushed his head under his feet as if disgusted.

A worthless skull, he didn't need it.

Like countless leeches, the butcher's nails squirmed on his scalp, bringing more rage and more pain,

The bloodthirsty desire doubled at this moment.

——"Father? Brother? What is that? The next skull dedicated to the Brass Throne!"

The Blood God's domain almost completely covered Holy Terra. The earth was shattered and the wind was raging, as if billions of souls were roaring furiously.

The rain of blood fell to the ground and quickly merged into the river on the scarlet ground.

The demon army trampled on the fresh meat, and the eighty-eight gods and demons roared in this world. The desire to kill, the oldest desire of all living beings, was realized at this moment.

But the most frightening thing is not these.

The most disturbing thing is the return of Angron, the King of the Red Sands, and the World Eater.

After thousands of years, they once again landed on their former home star, but on this day, the earth was trembling and the sky was crying.

When the rain of blood pours down,

Angron once again tried to break into his biological father's palace, just as he had done ten thousand years ago.

The strong and majestic body was filled with the smell of blood, and his rage was so powerful that he vowed to tear the king off the throne.

Even his descendant, the World Eaters, must stand before his wrath.

Angron is coming.

Came for revenge, to overthrow the slave owners.

The fragmented soul, driven by the echo of endless rage, drove the body that fell into chaos, dragging the world he had always hated into the endless sea of ​​blood.

He hates this world and hates the master of mankind. Only when he wields his weapon against the slave master will he willingly accept the dominance of the Butcher's Nail.

Once upon a time, Angron was a gentle giant.

The ability given to him by the Emperor allows him to innately feel and absorb the negative emotions of those around him.

Before being installed with the Butcher's Nail, his favorite thing to do was to comfort and comfort his brothers and sisters in the arena.

Even though he had to be beaten and scolded by the nobles at that time, and he had to fight in the arena for the entertainment of the noble gentlemen - but in Angron's view, that was still the happiest day in his miserable life.

Even under the torture of the Butcher's Nail, Angron still tried his best to retain his humanity. He would never allow that abominable implant to take away the last of his sanity.

In the war against the slave owners, he and two thousand fellow gladiators swore an oath to never give up.

They will overthrow the tyrant's rule and seize the power they deserve.

But in this war, they were doomed to fail, with two thousand gladiators who didn't understand strategy and Angron who was equipped with the Butcher's Nail. They are like mindless beasts, just attacking the obstacles in front of them in a cage.

As his gladiator brothers continued to die in battle, so too did he.

This should have been his destined destination, and he was willing to be buried there, but at that time, the noble lord of mankind came - this tyrant was no different from those slave owners, and was equally dictatorial.

The Lord of Mankind, in the name of his father, freed Angron from the siege.

As for those gladiator masters who have deep feelings for Angron, they don't care.

With endless anger and grief, he watched with his own eyes that the only group that cared about him and loved him wholeheartedly were brutally massacred.

Angron lost control on the spot and attacked all living creatures around him wildly. He defeated many imperial soldiers with his bare hands and killed one of them with his own hands.

But the Emperor didn't care about his anger. The Lord of Mankind just grabbed him by the throat. The god king told him coldly that he was needed to lead a legion to participate in the great expedition.

"I would rather die fighting with my brothers and sisters!"

Weak emotions such as regret and sadness caused the Butcher's Nail to release more intense pain, and the memories of the past were gnawing at his heart like a poisonous snake.

Angron roared angrily, his anger burning out his reason.

His end was created by the slave owners, so he also brought the end to the slave owners.

The roar, enough to pierce the eardrums, resounded in every corner of Terra. The whole world was trembling, and countless mortals huddled their bodies as much as possible in fear.

The end is coming.

Sanguinius and Valdor stood on the tower of the Lion's Gate, looking at the army of Khorne and Angron rising from the horizon.

They formed an unstoppable torrent and rushed towards Terra's palace.

They grasped the spears and halberds in their hands and vowed to defend the palace area to the death.

But after all, they underestimated the power of the demons. Eighty-eight gods and great demons and one demon primarch led the demon army and the World Eaters to form an unmatched force.

Even with the Empire's loyalists giving their all, humanity's defenses are still retreating.

In just eight hours, almost all the defense lines outside the Lion's Gate in the Palace District collapsed.

In times of crisis, the young archangel unreservedly unleashed his full war potential.

There were artillery arrays scattered throughout the towers and fortresses, and their sound never ceased for almost an instant.

The dense firepower was like the scythe of death, and the demons were harvested in swaths.

The army of demons was blasted with guns and cannons, leaving a huge gap, but soon more demons filled it.

Mortals are overwhelmed by the continuous high-intensity war. Even with the addition of the Custodes and Blood Angels, the situation is not optimistic.

In this extremely crazy offensive, it seems that all human resistance cannot resist the arrival of the final fate.

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