Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 194 1. Four Gods: This universe is protected by us!

Duker looked around, staring at the bizarre and bizarre high sky. Having taken over the important responsibility of Warmaster, he knew very well that the dark existence there was the greatest enemy of mankind, and it was also the main target to be conquered by the Second Great Expedition.

The power of Chaos is so unfathomable that even the lord of mankind will feel despair in his heart when facing them.

But humans and chaos are not two opposing forces, but five forces full of malice toward each other.

The conflict between the dark gods gave mankind an opportunity to make a comeback.

Now the demonic armies of the gods and the cursed legions of the emperor are engaged in a war of unprecedented scale in the kingdom of Khorne.

The aftermath of this war was so great that not even God’s Kingdom could repair the wounds on its own.

The Emperor's strategic intentions were obvious. The news that he had regained his rationality gave him an opportunity to harm the gods, but this opportunity was only available once. After this information was exposed, there was no possibility of him winning a second time.

Therefore, he must use this opportunity as much as possible to inflict the greatest trauma on the Blood God, but not allow the Blood God to be dismembered by the other three gods.

The Emperor's intention is clear. He wants to contain most of the power of the gods in the Blood God's heaven and weaken their interference in the real universe.

This is a naked conspiracy, but it is extremely useful.

To get rid of the Emperor's plan, the gods can only give up their greed for Khorne's power, or the Blood God voluntarily gives up the game and gives up his power.

But this is impossible.

The gods are never-ending in their greed for power and will never miss an opportunity.

Khorne is even less likely to give up and allow himself to be eaten by the other three.

Dukel also discerned the Emperor's strategic intentions.

Therefore, after the Warmaster's celebration ended, he sent tens of billions of Void Realm priests into the Blood God's Heaven.

Although on this battlefield of the gods, the addition of tens of billions of virtual realm priests is insignificant.

But it's a long-term battle that's going to be in Duke's favor.

The ultimate weapon of the Void Realm is still raging in the supreme sky, and the number of Void Realm priests is also increasing sharply every day.

In this eternal war, both Duker and the Emperor are confident of winning the final victory.

But will the Dark Gods really sit still and wait for death?

In fact, the gods will never sit still and wait for death.

Even if they fight life and death in the subspace, facing the rise of the empire, they will stand in the same camp.

In the hidden realm of the Eye of Terror, this is a world of long night that no one can easily find.

Here is the collection belonging to Fabius Bayer——

Here lies the craziest, most radical lunatic in the galaxy, and his wild bioengineering science laboratory.

Fabius has conducted many blasphemous researches over thousands of years. He cloned aliens, created new races, and personally created many products of depravity and madness, among which he was most proud of-- It was his experiment to clone the Primarch and the Emperor.

Yes, this radical madman even set out to try to decipher the genes of the Lord of Mankind and the Demigod, and what's even crazier is that he succeeded.

He successfully cloned the original body, and even used Fulgrim's clone to make a trade with the Infinite Trazin.

He even came close to cloning the Emperor.

And when he successfully cloned the former Imperial Warmaster, Lord of the Luna Wolves Horus, he was about to announce the good news to the outside world.

The former son of Horus, now the Chaos Warmaster Abaddon, suddenly broke into his world and used his sharp claws to mercilessly obliterate the clones of the Gene Father, and even Horus. His remains were destroyed together with him.

Abaddon believed that he had destroyed all clones of Horus.

But in fact it was not the case. How could a crazy genius like Fabius keep all the experimental materials in the same world.

His laboratories are spread across the dark stars within the Eye of Terror, ensuring that all of his morbid ideas can be transformed into reality.

In the laboratory of this world of long night, a clone of Horus was soaked intact in a container of nutrient solution.

This is a laboratory that has been dusty for a long time, but today, this silent place once again welcomed an extraordinary guest.

A small team of Word Bearers arrived here together with a Tzeentchian Metamorphosis Lord. They were ordered by the gods and the Great Word Bearer to resurrect a demigod.

"I never thought that your power would be needed to fight against the Empire."

A Word Bearer Captain looked sad as he stared at the Horus clone in the container, complex emotions overflowing from his eyes.

Horus was once the pride of the empire and an out-and-out war genius. With his noble character and extraordinary charm, he was crowned Warmaster and won the support of most of his brothers.

But such a noble hero fell into a shameful conspiracy. When the dagger carrying the corruption of chaos pierced his body, he completely became a puppet of the gods, and was disgraced by the power of darkness. fooled and eventually became an abandoned pawn.

As a chess piece abandoned by the gods, he would never be used again.

But Dukel took over as Warmaster and took a series of actions that forced the dark gods to change their minds.

To this day, the gods still don't understand what Duker did. The elusive force field is like a thick and persistent fog, making everything impossible to see.

Only the Lord of Destiny can work hard to tear apart a corner of the fog, but what this ancient god foresaw was a terrible disaster coming to the material realm and the sea of ​​souls.

The stars extinguish, all things die, and all souls return to nothingness. At the final moment, all matter and will are completely destroyed and disappear without a trace.

If this is destiny, Tzeentch must change it.

Perhaps even the dark gods themselves never thought that one day they would become the saviors of the universe and join forces to resist the arrival of final destruction.

Once upon a time, they thought that Duker's resurrection would bring more fun to their great game.

But now, the good news is that there really is more to the fun.

And the bad news is - someone is going to overturn the table.

This forced the gods to choose a chess piece that could confront Dukel again.

Dukel has taken over the responsibility of the Empire's Warmaster, and the scattered Empire must be united under his will.

As the supreme commander of the empire, Dukel's own bravery has become the most insignificant point in the eyes of the gods.

What troubles the Dark Gods the most is the series of technologies that Durkor brought to mankind.

During the war on Terra, the Expeditionary Legion even demonstrated the technology to complete interstellar jumps without passing through subspace channels.

As well as inter-galactic communications, Dukel can grasp information tens of thousands of light-years away in real time without even needing to go through psykers.

All of this means that in the past, the gods used information differences to dig holes for the Emperor and the Primarch, but it was difficult for Dukur to have any effect.

Even in terms of intelligence warfare, the gods who claim to be omniscient may be at a disadvantage.

Under such circumstances, Chaos needed a truly powerful commander, and Horus once again entered the sight of the gods.

It was not easy to resurrect Horus. The Emperor had killed him with his own hands using a ceremonial dagger, and even the last fragment of his good soul was still under the Emperor's care.

But fortunately, the gods also shared his soul. As long as these souls, together with evil power, are poured into this clone, it will be enough to resurrect him.

In the past wars, it has been proved that if a single evil god provokes the emperor, he will only face a ruthless counterattack, and ultimately end up with a bruised face.

Therefore, they unite again to promote the resurrection of the Dark Warmaster.

They must complete this operation as soon as possible. This universe is already overwhelmed. If Duker continues to torment him, even the return of Horus will no longer be able to compete with him.

In the sky above the Long Night World, four huge phantoms spread out like galaxies.

The resurrection ceremony personally held by the Chaos Gods officially began and was carried out as quickly as possible.

The Word Bearers chanted blasphemous verses and arrayed the gods' demons on the altar, unholy sacrifices being offered, ensuring the complete distortion of Horus' reborn will.

In the mysterious world of Hades, in the spiritual realm of disorder and chaos.

Horus felt that he had gone through an extremely long sleep, and suddenly opened his eyes. What he saw was a dark ruin.

Just like the long night world, this world is completely shrouded in darkness, with no light visible.

He stood up from the ruins, and at this moment he realized that he was actually naked, and all the items that symbolized his glory and power were gone from him.

Horus looked at his hands, everything seemed so real.

"What's going on?" Doubt arose in his heart.

The memory lingers on the moment before the decisive battle with the Emperor, and the sound of the roars and war cries of the heirs.

Yes, I am fighting a great war, even if the galaxy is burned by the flames of war.

Overthrowing the rule of tyrants is the only way to lead mankind towards that bright future and completely avoid disasters.

Recalling the fragments of the future he had seen in his mind, and thinking of the dark era in the future, his mood became urgent again.

I must take action.

My brothers will understand me.


His thoughts were in chaos. He looked at the ruins around him, and a sad realization emerged. He couldn't hide his sadness and said,

"Did I fail?"

In this empty world, he was talking to himself alone.

The long night could not obscure the primarch's sight, and he stared around.

Everything around is in ruins, with collapsed civilizations covered like shawls of a homeless man.

The ruins are in ruins and dilapidated.

Confusion also appeared on Horus's face.

"Anyone is welcome, is anyone here?" he called loudly.

But no one answered him.

He took a deep breath, and the breath of ruin surged in his nasal cavity. The ashes in the ruins carried the smell of burning, which made his lungs feel burning pain.

where is this place? Why is he here again? What time is it now?

Horus had countless questions in his mind.

He stepped forward, determined to further explore his surroundings to see if he could find the answer.

When he started to take action, a piece of armor was put on his body. This heavy armor squirmed like a living creature, with flesh and blood growing and blood surging.

The moment he put on the armor, the noble aura naturally exuded by the original body became extremely terrifying in just an instant.

This horror is enough to make a mortal collapse, and even the Astartes find it difficult to live in such a terrifying atmosphere.

But Horus himself didn't feel anything was wrong.

He just wore heavy armor and looked for the answer he wanted.

But while he was walking, this dilapidated world suddenly underwent astonishing changes.

The whole world was shaking violently.

The mountains collapsed and sweet blood overflowed.

Among the damaged ruins, dark buildings made of steel and cement rose from the ground.

In the dark world without light, clouds of poisonous smoke sprayed into the sky.

The earth flowed, eventually forming a filthy and poisonous mire.

Like castles made of twisted flesh and towers made of crystal, numerous portals that looked like giant mouths of blood split the sky.

Horus was confused by all these changes, and reason reminded him to escape from here.

He took stumbling steps to get away from it all, instinctively resisting this malicious picture full of dark ruins and an atmosphere of despair.

But when a storm hit that was too powerful for him to resist, he was thrown heavily onto a piece of land covered with ashes and blood.

The whirling swirling dust finally gathered into a terrifying storm.

Even the majestic demigod felt panic from his heart in this storm.

"I will never give in!"

Horus roared.

He roared unyieldingly toward the filthy sky without light.

Struggling to stand up, he wanted to escape from everything here. The broken ruins of the world were chasing him. At this moment, he felt like a driven lamb, driven by those abominable scenes.

The blood was boiling and chasing after him, the poisonous gas filled the air and followed him like a shadow. His figure was reflected on the sides of the crystals, and a charming laughter came from the flesh-and-blood feet.

At this moment, Horus could no longer tell whether all this was real or illusory.

He seemed to be experiencing the most terrifying nightmare in the galaxy.

Horus didn't know how long he ran in this ruined world until he came to a vast ocean as thick as oil.

The sticky black waves carry a foul smell, and the sparks burst out from them, destroying everything around them.

The coast was washed over and over again, and every time the black waves jumped, a picture of destruction burst out that made him frightened.

Horus immediately wanted to escape from here, but at this moment, in the foul-smelling ocean current of destruction, a familiar figure was washed out.

This figure was extremely embarrassed, with scorch marks all over his body caused by the waves of destruction.

And like him, this man also had a bald head, with sacred golden runes carved on his exposed skin.

Horus recognized the contact between the other party and him at a glance. He walked over in disbelief and turned the dying body over. When he saw the familiar face, he exclaimed,

"Luo Jia? It's you, why are you here?"

Although the relationship between Horus and Luojia was not very good.

But in the current scene, being able to see a blood brother was enough to surprise him.

But looking at the familiar face in front of him, Horus began to wonder again whether this could also be an illusion belonging to this strange world.

Will this brother who once cheated him threaten him again?

"Horus?" Luojia woke up.

The Great Word Bearer showed an eager expression and hugged the other person. This enthusiasm made Horus feel a little warm.

"Do you know where this is? And how did you get here?"

Horus asked in a heavy voice. He made his tone as calm as possible, trying to find the answer from the other party.

"Of course I know, brother. In fact, I am here just for you. Humanity needs you. The final disaster is coming soon. Only you can prevent the bad news from happening!"

Luo Jia's voice was as good as ever.

Although his tone was extremely sincere, such behavior still made Horus feel a little uneasy, "You said you are here to help me?"

Horus asked again.

"Brother, I don't have time to explain too much to you." Luo Jia stood up from the beach and looked at the black ocean that exuded the stench of destruction.

"We are running out of time and we must act."

"What's the meaning?"

Horus was even more confused. He shook his head. At this moment, he felt that many things had been forgotten by him.

But he couldn't remember what they were.

"The sun is about to rise from the black ocean. When it appears, you will never be able to return to the real universe."

In order to allow Horus to follow him, Luojia explained anxiously.

"This is indeed not the real universe." When he learned the news, Horus calmed down and said in a deep voice,

"Tell me, where is this?"

"This is the realm of Hades, a place of nothingness between life and death. You can't find your way back here. Only I can help you now." Luo Jia looked around uneasily, almost pleading,

"My brother, let's go, get out of here first, we don't have much time."

Horus still couldn't understand what Luojia said.

The language of this magic stick has always been so blabbering that it is difficult for people to understand.

For example - why does the sun prevent him from returning?

However, with his wisdom and experience, Horus was able to tell that what Luojia said at this moment was not a lie.

"What do we need to do to return to the real universe?"

"Come with me."

At Luojia's urging, Horus followed him on his way home. They walked across this ruined land and walked through the remains of civilization.


While walking, Horus could vaguely hear some rude curses.

A man's voice screamed at him, ordering him not to return to the physical realm and to join in the rebellion.

He asked Horus to take the right path and return to him.

This voice was very familiar, mixed with a lot of scolding, as if his current actions had made the man extremely angry.

But when Horus tried to listen carefully to those words, he heard nothing.

It seems that there are multiple mysterious forces preventing the expression of this voice.

"Can you hear those sounds?" Horus frowned and said hesitantly,

"I heard a very familiar voice, but I couldn't remember who it was."

Horus asked Luojia, thinking that maybe the other party would know the source of the sound.

"Don't worry, it's just the call of the cursed person. Once you respond to him, you will stay here forever." Luo Jia did not answer directly, but asked instead,

"My brother, do you want to stay here forever? Even if it means abandoning all your ideals."

Horus shook his head slightly, and his heart became alert. He still had many lofty ambitions to realize, and he must not be trapped in this ruined land.

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