Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 200 7. Guilliman and Krax

During Dukel's stay on Terra, it was Doom who upheld the reputation of the Second Legion in his stead.

As the results of the empire's transformation continued to expand, Dukel's scientific research team also began to add members.

The original scientific research team of only four people has expanded to a scientific research team of 222 people.

Among them are top scientists who are well-known in the galaxy, and even more are great sages from the radical Mechanicum. They have integrated into the scientific research team and burned their talents for the empire under the leadership of Dukel.

The new bureaucracy has also begun to take shape. This administrative system of 'people who can live in it' has exceeded the expectations of the original body in the process of promotion, and has not encountered too many obstacles.

On the one hand, many of the millions of worlds in the empire already use such an administrative system. On the other side, the nobles also proved with practical actions that they are not all useless people who rely entirely on the glory of their ancestors.

Ten thousand years ago, during the first great expedition of mankind, the Emperor gave up the Empire's control of various worlds in order to build the Webway as quickly as possible and get rid of the influence of the Warp on mankind.

The second great expedition prepared by Duker would not have this problem at all.

Under his supervision, the Supreme Council promulgated new planetary management regulations and required managers of those worlds to provide regular feedback to Terra.

Such an administrative system not only allows the entire empire to be more closely united, but more importantly, it allows the Primarchs to focus their main energy on things that are more important than politics.

This prevents the original body from being involved in too many complicated affairs and wasting their precious time on unnecessary things.

The virtual communication system has established major nodes in the galaxy, and the workload of the Ministry of Military Affairs has become heavy again. They always accept rescue requests from various worlds and arrange reasonable fleets to carry out rescue or suppression missions.

Benefiting from the rise of the Mars Radical School, Kaul disclosed the original modules of planet transformation technology, and many dead worlds gradually regained their vitality. Edible crops can also be grown on some barren planets.

The Ministry of Administration conservatively estimates that in the next hundred years, the empire will have at least 100,000 more agricultural worlds.

With the abundant food output and Dukel's intentional control of the empire's trade, the empire's people who descended from countless hives finally got rid of the torture of corpse starch and could eat a real meal.

Under such positive feedback, the huge galactic empire was like lubricating oil on rusty gears, and the efficiency of various places began to increase explosively. The people of the empire see hope, and their sense of identity and loyalty to the human race are rapidly increasing.

In the past, although all the people of the Empire believed in the Emperor and chanted the slogan "For the Emperor".

But in reality, they are loyal to whoever feeds them, whether it's the cultists or the Order of Genestealers.

This is also an important reason why rebellions often occur within the empire.

But this is not a problem for the people of the empire. If you believe in the emperor and can't even eat, then it is reasonable to believe in chaos.

At the same time, new education, agriculture, and industrial reforms are also being gradually promoted.

Everything is getting better.

However, with the implementation of these decrees, the regent looked sad almost every day.

Because every reform cannot be accomplished with just a few words. The promotion of every new decree requires a large amount of funds. The huge financial burden doubles the pressure on the imperial regency.

Unfortunately, the current financial situation of the empire is not optimistic. Guilliman even wanted to embezzle his small treasury in Macragge, but unfortunately, there was no money in his small treasury.

Before returning to Terra, Guilliman and Caul transformed hundreds of thousands of Primaris Space Marines in one go. No matter how rich the Five Hundred Worlds were, there would be no food left.

Regarding this situation, Duker has always maintained an indifferent attitude. It's not that he doesn't care about the development of the empire, but because he is so rich now!

As of now, Duker’s expeditionary legion mainly has three types of financial income——

The first is the tax that the many worlds with Ophelia Seven as their capital pay to the expeditionary legion every year.

Dulquer was resurrected on Ophelia VII and conquered the political and military communities there. Those worlds attached to the Primarch naturally became his domain.

But even though Ophelia No. 7 is the second holy land after Terra, it is one of the richest worlds among the millions of worlds in the empire.

However, after setting up a huge expeditionary army for Duker, almost all the finances were drained and unable to provide more income for Duker.

The second item is the supplies captured by the expeditionary legion during their expedition to the dark side of the galaxy.

Although they fed back many severely damaged worlds during the expedition and helped rebuild civilization in these worlds, overall, this was a considerable amount of income.

The third item is entirely Dukel's own income.

What Duker calls generating income is actually very simple, that is - he will rob whoever has money.

His current victims are mainly the Endless Trazyn and the powerful people on Terra who were executed by him for colluding with heretics.

Needless to say, the collection of the Endless One was just a robbery, which not only made Dukel rich, but also doubled the value of the entire expeditionary legion.

But even the tens of thousands of years of treasures in the Tomb of the Endless One's clones pale in comparison to the treasure troves of those top powerful families.

Dukel sent out millions of Heart Network members to various parts of the galaxy to carry out the task of confiscating the houses of those heretic noble families. What he never expected was that two years later, the progress of the confiscating house mission had only been completed by less than 50%!

Just the former Grand Marshal of the Ministry of Justice, his family has been rooted in the empire for tens of thousands of years, and the stolen money of this family alone is equivalent to the empire's two hundred years of tax revenue!

And Dukel killed more than a dozen of the top noble families of this level on Terra! Not to mention those nobles of the next level.

This money nominally belongs to the empire, but in fact it all belongs to Dukel.

At least so far, no one has asked the warmaster to share this wealth.

It can't be spent, it can't be spent at all.

In Dukel's eyes, these noble families are like big gift packages. If you are short of money, just go and open one, and it will be another wave of fat.

In many reforms, the generous Lord of Destruction, his finances can not only provide blood transfusions for the Regent's reform projects, but also support his unlimited expansion of his Yajin Energy Factory!

Even Dukel's offspring, Dumu, could easily spend a huge amount of money to build a huge Argentum factory when completing the rescue mission, without any regrets.

It can be said that the empire can have the current prosperous situation, all relying on the selfless dedication of the powerful families.

Dukel intends to erect a "pillar of shame" for them to commemorate their contributions to the empire.

On the other hand.

Dukel's behavior of building factories on a large scale also aroused the curiosity of the regent.

These factories, which cover a vast area and are like steel cities, seem to consume millions of Chaos Demons every day.

Although the most lacking thing in the territory of the empire today is demons, these heretical lives are sensitive topics after all.

Therefore, he pulled himself out of the complicated government affairs and personally visited the Argentum Energy Factory in Terra.

With the identity of the regent, he traveled unimpeded along the way, and no one showed the intention to stop him from entering.

A mechanical priest named Xier received him.

This priest is a student of Gris and a backbone of the radical school of the Mechanicus.

His philosophy is that humans should study machines that can arm the race. It is for this philosophy that he has gained the appreciation of Dukel, who sent him to the Argent Energy Factory as a technical consultant.

Syl was generous and even a little proud, and led Guilliman to visit the entire factory.

Batches of aliens and heretics were put into the assembly line from the container, and after cruel torture, they were crushed into broken dregs.

The operator on the assembly line turned out to be a Primaris Space Marine of the Second Legion.

When Guilliman saw this scene, he couldn't help but frown.

He didn't care about the life and death of the aliens and heretics, but the regent, who was recently troubled by the financial shortage, became extremely sensitive to money.

He smelled the smell of burning money from this huge factory and those huge machines that were constantly running.

His first reaction was-how much money it would cost.

"Why do you do this? Bolt guns can do the same thing." He asked in confusion.

Duker transferred a huge amount of funds from his own treasury to the empire's finances. Although Duker explained that these were voluntary gifts to the empire and did not need to be returned.

But Guilliman was still stubborn and took a procedure similar to "low-interest loans".

It was this move that established Duker's image of not caring about finances in the mind of the imperial regent.

Although the regent also knew that Duker had recently confiscated many powerful families.

But in his opinion, no matter how rich those powerful families were, how rich could they be? Could they be richer than the five hundred worlds and the empire's finances?

In his estimation, Duker must be spending more than he earns at this time, with a shortage of finances, but he still built so many factories that cost a lot of money.

Guilliman's eyes were a little dangerous.

At this moment, he even suspected that corruption had reappeared within the Mechanicus and tricked Duker into building these factories.

"All this is for the fate of our race, Regent Lord." Mechanical priest Xier said in a respectful tone.

"For the fate of our race?" Guilliman's expression did not ease. He retorted sharply, "Besides being able to vent my hatred for aliens and heretics, I don't see any substantial benefits here."

"Sir, I can take you to visit the achievements of this factory. This is allowed, but..." Xi'er's tone revealed embarrassment.

He continued, "But there is a distinguished guest there at this time. I can't tell whether our presence will disturb him."

Another distinguished guest?

The Regent looked puzzled, "Where are Leon and Sanguinius?"

Xi'er shook his head.

"Then I have to wonder about the identity of this guest." Guilliman smiled as if he had thought of something.

"Take me there."


Xi'er led Guilliman, and the two of them passed through the maze-like route in the factory and came to a huge warehouse made of special alloys.

In this warehouse covering several kilometers, there are all kinds of weapons, whether cold weapons or hot weapons.

And Guilliman was keenly aware that there was extremely terrifying power inside every weapon.

This is a power that can make even the original body feel the crisis.

Cyr showed the regent one after another what kind of extraordinary power these weapons contained, and explained,

"These are weapons prepared for the enemies of the empire. The structure of each piece of equipment was personally developed by the scientific research team of the Second Legion, embodying the efforts of hundreds of mechanical sages. It can be foreseen that when these equipment are used in On the battlefield, you will surely drink the blood of your enemies and make all enemies of the empire howl, which will be the best hymn to the Lord of Destruction.”

When Syl said this, his tone was inevitably full of fanaticism.

In the eyes of radical scholars, Dukur almost became the incarnation of the Ohm Messiah, whom they could not help but want to worship.

These ultimate skills that bring destruction to the stars can only be created by the power of the Lord of Destruction.

Guilliman was almost stunned as he watched the Mechanicus Priest's demonstration.

If Sear hadn't explained the parameters of these weapons to him in detail, he would have almost thought that they were relics of some ancient civilization.

"Are you saying that such a powerful weapon only requires such a factory and the souls of heretics and aliens to continuously produce it? Moreover, these thermal weapons do not consume any money when used. They only need to kill demons. Automatically recharge the magazine?"

Guilliman exclaimed.

"Sir, strictly speaking, we still need to provide a little torture to the souls that are used as material." Syl corrected.

"This is crazy!" Guilliman took a deep breath.

"Brother, you think this is crazy too?"

When the regent sighed, another clear voice sounded.

This voice seemed to be right next to them, but before that, neither the Mechanic Priest nor the Regent was aware of this person's existence.

In the shadows beside them, a majestic man as tall as Guilliman and with the same noble aura emerged.

The skin is as pale as snow, and the hair is as lacquered as ink.

Crow Lord Krax.

"Guilliman, long time no see. This is the new weapon I chose. What do you think?"

The Lord of Dark Crows waved the sharp claw in his hand, and the crimson force field lingering around the hook blade drew a trajectory in the void, with a meaning of destruction.

"Krax, I'm so happy to see you here!" Guilliman showed an expression of surprise when he saw the figure. He did not look at the pair of claw-shaped artifacts, but stepped forward and hugged him. together,

"Long time no see, brother."

Ten thousand years ago, Guilliman and Krax established a deep brotherhood.

The time they spent playing legion battle games was a rare and warm memory for both of them.

After the hug.

Krax once again placed the claw blade in his hand in front of Guilliman. "Brother, do you also think that such a weapon is a bit too radical? I have the same feeling, but I have to admit that in this crazy world, Times, perhaps only madness can contend with.”

The Lord of the Crows has been isolated in the warp for tens of thousands of years. He actually doesn't really want to meet Guilliman.

It's not that the relationship between them is bad, but Clarks doesn't know how to face his brother.

But when he heard Guilliman's sigh, he mistakenly thought that the other party was still as conservative as he was thousands of years ago.

Clarks, who believed that he had the same radical ideas as Dukel, had to appear from the shadows to persuade his conservative brother.

After all, the empire, which had just shown signs of its rise, could no longer bear the differences between radicals and conservatives within the original body.

"No, my brother, I think it is too conservative." Guilliman shook his head seriously, "With such technology, we should use the full potential of the empire to build such a tower on every planet. The factory sends every demon into the assembly line until every warrior has such a weapon in his hands."

Clarks: "."

It turns out that conservatives think radicals are too conservative.

He smiled and said, "Brother, I never thought you would have these crazy ideas."

"Dukele is the current Imperial Warmaster." Guilliman seemed to be answering something wrong, and seemed to have answered everything.

"That's no wonder."

The Raven Lord nodded in understanding, and the two Primarchs looked at each other and smiled.

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