Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 219 26, A sword that cannot be avoided

After the temporary meeting, Azrael left with the Dark Angels impatiently, just as the other legion commanders guessed - the Dark Angels took the initiative to undertake the task of exterminating heretics, just to cover up their true whereabouts, and what they really have to do involves those "secrets" that are not convenient to make public.

In order to completely eradicate these secrets, the Dark Angels must stay on the Vigilance Star for a longer time, and what makes him most impatient is that the clues of this operation point to the traitors of the First Legion, the Fallen Angels.

According to a report from a pardon angel team, the whereabouts of the Fallen Angels appeared on the battlefield, and after gradually deepening their excavation, they found that the Black Legion seemed to be planning to use some kind of terrifying weapon.

Of course, this conclusion is only based on the deduction of the current incomplete clues.

The real situation still needs to be found out by the Dark Angels as soon as possible.

Grand Master Azrael tightened the bolt, looked at the sky of the Vigilance Star brewing a poisonous weather, and exhaled deeply.

The Dark Angels have the obligation and must completely bury the secrets about the Fallen Angels, eliminate the conspiracy of the Black Legion, and completely resolve this disaster.

This was destined to be a difficult battle without any glory, but it was also the duty of the First Legion.

"For Leon." He said silently to himself in his heart.

Compared with the hardships of the Dark Angels, the Ultramarines commander Calgar was forced to leave the battlefield and was sent to the emergency room after the temporary meeting because of his serious injuries.

Doom, Dante, and other chapter leaders resolutely took on the responsibility of evacuating civilians.

Doom held his sword high, chanted the doctrine of destruction and hatred loudly, reloaded his weapons, and then walked down the tower of the heavy factory and joined the fierce battle on the ground of the Vigilant Star again.

The coalition of heretics was about to collapse. They consumed a lot of troops when they repeatedly attacked the Empire's defensive positions.

The horn of the Doom Slayer's counterattack caused them to suffer further damage. Facing the Doom Slayer who was ready to set off, they were either driven into the rift where deadly poisonous gas was floating, or they were killed all over the ground under the crossfire.

Because time was running out, the Doom Slayer didn't even have the interest to capture them and send them to the Argent factory.

They acted most efficiently, and the battle ended quickly. Since they only opened a path through the wilderness of the Vigilant Star, their casualties were almost negligible.

They left the industrial city of Dotoria, and the bursting flames and burning metal storms were constantly destroying the lives of the demons.

Doom and Dante ordered the Imperial Legion to reorganize the formation and move at full speed towards the nearest evacuation point.

They fought their way out of the wilderness of Dotoria, passed through the crazy land full of chemical poisons, and then rushed into the thick fog that was destined to be extremely difficult.

They moved forward quickly, and everyone's will was extremely firm.

Doom Slayer Commander Doom secretly swore an oath to the Father of Genes.

He vowed to lead the innocent people of this planet to evacuate this world alive.

Doom didn't know where Dukel was fighting at this time, but he firmly believed in Dukel and that no one could be the enemy of the Lord of Destruction.

The Primarch will be with them, and he just needs to do what he should do.

Dukel and Mortarion were still fighting in the poisonous rift deep in the Vigilant Star. They were surrounded by sticky poisonous fog and bizarre flashes. The red flames were burning, and every second would burn a large amount of uncleanness.

This place was almost 10,000 meters underground, close to the lava under the Vigilant Star. The underground temple was burning with demonic fire. In this twisted land, the boundary between the real universe and the Supreme Heaven had almost completely disappeared.

The original power of the warp surged between the two demigods. Every time Dukel's weapon hit the target, it would rise up the flames of destruction.

Mortarion was deeply burned. He stirred up the fog around him, confusing the sight of the Imperial Warmaster.

Suddenly, Dukel nodded slightly, and his heart accepted the oath that Doom had made to him.

At the same time, the news of Sanguinius and Lion came from the internal virtual communication.

In this war, Dukel and Guilliman were responsible for the command and fighting of the front battlefield of Vigilant, while the Lion King and the Archangel took a small fleet to search for Horus's traces.

Every Primarch was very interested in Horus's movements, and Dukel was no exception.

There was a hint of joy in his eyes. The Lion King found clues to Horus's traces, which was undoubtedly an excellent signal.

I believe that with the Lion's exploration ability, Horus will soon have nowhere to hide.

More importantly, the Lion has gained something, and the evacuation of civilians from Vigilant has begun, and his battle with Mortarion should also come to an end.

In the previous fierce battle with Mortarion, although Dukel maintained an absolute advantage, the overall situation was always stalemate.

There are two main reasons for this. The first reason is that Dukel must devote part of his mind to prevent what Horus might do.

The second reason is that he must delay Mortarion here to buy time for the retreat of the people of the Empire.

Once he exerts all his strength and quickly defeats Mortarion, the Lord of Death will likely use some destructive weapon in order to survive.

Humans are the Emperor's currency, and Dukor will protect them as much as possible within his ability. This is his duty.

The two Primarchs rushed onto a vast circular platform, whose surface flowed with screaming faces and desperate grasping arms.

"Brother, it's time to end this fight right here." Duker looked around, and he launched a fierce attack on Mortarion.

Mortarion struggled to block the continuous slashes, and used the death scythe to deflect the sword that almost beheaded him.

When he heard Dukel's words, he clearly felt that the other party had undergone an astonishing change in an instant.

The Lord of Death could smell Dukel's powerful breath of life, and he could hear the other party's heartbeat, as well as the sound of his cloak and armor.

Dukel's energy level exploded completely at this moment, like a supernova in its prime, radiating frightening light and heat in Mortarion's subspace vision.

Mortarion felt an illusory sting in his eyes, and the dreamlike mist around him screamed uneasily.

The Lord of Death unconsciously grasped the sickle tightly and pursed his lips slightly. He knew that his former brother was already giving his best at this moment.

Moreover, the energy radiated by the opponent's essence gave him an almost despairing sense of oppression.

He didn't have the energy to speak, so he just blocked Dukel's attack in silence.

Mortarion came here with his own purpose, and every second he held Dukel down was beneficial to him.

The death scythe struggled to block each of Dukel's slashes, and the daemon primarch was shaken back.

The flaming sword was still accumulating power, and each attack was heavier than the last.

Mortarion used the structure of '7' to barely resist this increasingly powerful force. At the same time, he used numerology to try to understand Dukel's attack.

Numerology is a great art. Mortarion firmly believes that it contains the truth of the entire galaxy and even the entire universe. With the help of this art, he can try to understand almost everything.

Tens of thousands of years ago, he could use this to deduce the webway that the Emperor was building.

Now that thousands of years have passed, his understanding of this art has become deeper and deeper.

He silently counted Duker's attacks, and when the opponent's sword stabbed him for the twenty-second time, he anticipated an unprecedented horror scene.

He saw ghostly red flames floating around Dukel.

He saw Duker raise the sword in his hand, and then the sword disappeared without a trace.

Mortarion's eyes widened. For the first time in his life, he had doubts about the great art of numerology, because based on the inference of the current numbers - this sword had already pierced him.

How can this be?

"How could this sword have pierced me before I even swung it?!" Mortarion had huge doubts in his heart, but relying on his ten thousand years of trust in numerology, he still chose to believe this omen.

Even if this omen is so absurd.

His figure quickly retreated, adjusting his position while constantly deducing numerology in his mind.

When he was about to move to the left, the omen showed that he was completely dead. When he tried to take a step back to the right, the omen showed that he had been stabbed through the heart.

Moving forward is also death, flying towards the sky, his legs have been cut off

He kept speculating on the outcome of every position.

To his horror, no matter how he acted, the answers he got were in the past tense.

The cause and effect has been reversed, and he cannot change the fate of being hurt. The cause of this sword was thrust out by Dukel, but the result he suffered preceded the cause.

In such a desperate situation, Mortarion could only choose to minimize the damage he suffered.

In a very short period of time, Mortarion carried out a lot of complex thinking, and in the next moment, he quickly swung his scythe, cut a large hole in the cylindrical platform, and jumped down.

When he does this,


His left wing was suddenly pierced. Dukel held out his sword and inserted it into the wound just right.

Red fire burned in the wound.

"Mortarion, you really surprised me." After receiving such a result, the surprise on Duker's face was actually more intense than that of the other party.

"You too." Mortarion gritted his teeth and responded as he endured the unimaginable pain in his body.

On the other side, Doom, Dante and the heroes of the battle group quickly approached the evacuation point.

They passed through terrifying places shrouded in poisonous mist, like nightmares and hells. Scattered renegade warbands and demonic armies, together with the sudden changes in the landscape, posed considerable obstacles to the retreating Space Marines. .

In order for the transport plane to take off more people of the empire safely, the brave and fearless pilots risked their lives twice.

When the first danger occurred, thick poisonous mist erupted from the cracks in the earth. This poisonous mist was squeezed by the internal pressure of the planet, like a sudden eruption of a volcano, trying to engulf all life nearby.

The second time was when they were about to escape the planet's gravity, the flying demon machinery roared in, forcing the Imperial gunships to fight them at high altitude.

The war machines from both sides fought and rushed into the dirty sky, and soon disappeared completely in the clouds.

On the ground, the Space Marines who were marching hard through this land of upheaval burning with strange energy came to a poisonous lake with dark green bubbles.

There, they saw the red flames and the mark of a huge imperial beacon from afar.

On this chaotic planet, there was only one, only twenty-two safe places, where loyalist aircraft took off and landed, transporting the imperial people who came in a steady stream.

Doom communicated with the defenders of the evacuation point and learned that it was being attacked by scattered Chaos warbands and death cult priests.

Facing these safe evacuation points, the crazy heretics seemed to have greedy minds. They wanted to occupy these places and leave this chaotic world.

Before Doom finished the call.

The ground under his feet suddenly shook violently, and the surrounding buildings collapsed with a loud rumble, and highly toxic chemical liquids suddenly poured out from the damaged lakeshore.

After a brief investigation, the Doom Slayer realized that this was a trap set specifically for them.

Large pieces of metal creations rose around them. These metal blocks looked like some kind of war armor that had never been seen before, and there were artillery with iron armor on the top.

The artillery was operated by a group of crazy laughing corpses, their flesh and blood covered with disgusting abscesses. These tumorous flesh and blood grew together with the rusty equipment, and they were indistinguishable from each other.

Just as the artillery creaked and spewed poisonous smoke, dense footsteps came from the surrounding caves, and a large group of plague demons who believed in Nurgle slowly walked out of the poisonous fog with staggering steps.

Facing the enemies that were surging like a tide, the Doom Slayer and the Blood Angels fought continuously for several hours.

Many people's power armor had been corroded by the toxic fog, and the vehicles and military equipment had also been damaged.

Because of the existence of Argentum Energy, the Doom Slayer did not need to worry about the problem of ammunition, but the Ultramarines and Blood Angels had already run out of ammunition.

The task of evacuating civilians was not easy. Protecting civilians took more of their energy, and the huge action array became a target for the heretics to make fun of.

The Space Marines were limited in their combat power, and they were ambushed more frequently and were besieged by the cultists several times.

But in the face of such difficulties, the soldiers still acted quickly and with determination.

The various legions shrank into dense mobile defense lines to protect civilians and war equipment.

The legion think tanks made an exception and continued to release psychic attacks on the demons. A large number of heretic armies were engulfed by the flames and lightning of the Supreme Heaven.

Doom, who unified the command of the strike forces and heavy firepower units, ordered the tanks, knight mechas, and hell bombers of each legion to fight back against the demon artillery.

Dante assembled the Blood Angels and the Ultramarines, and the assault forces of the two legions effectively repelled the first wave of attacks composed of soulless and plague drones.

The demon engine mixed with steel and flesh and blood, turning the piston-driven tracks, roared to the front line, and several of them rushed towards the Ultramarines.

But before these demon machines approached the target, they were blocked by Commander Dante and a group of blood guards, and the fierce firepower overwhelmed these unclean things.

Dante's sword pierced the core of a demon engine. The imprisoned demon roared and then collapsed to the ground, with foul-smelling pus flowing out of the core.

But no one was happy about this. Bad news came from the communication channel. Since some heretics were still besieging the evacuation point, the Doom Soldier and the Blood Angels could not get any reinforcements.

Titus, who took over Calgar's command of the Ultramarines, showed extraordinary bravery at this moment. He led the blue Space Marines to attack.

Titus actually wanted to use their own strength to break through the enemy group in his position in one fell swoop and open up a gap for the strike force to pass through.

In front of him was a huge and swollen Great Unclean One. The rotten flesh and blood of this huge monster continued to ooze out dirty mucus.

On the fat body, there were exhaust pipes and pipelines spraying methane everywhere.

The Great Unclean One took clumsy steps, and the chemical slime around him stirred up waves of foul odor. A new wave of demons stood up from the filthy poisonous water, carrying wet slime and launched a new round of ambushes on the loyalists.

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