Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 232 39, No Forgiveness

The Red Knight squad fell, and even their mortal auxiliary troops were not spared. The rebel troops that were still resisting were torn to pieces in the ensuing battle by the strong men of Catachan who had regained their fighting ability.

The rebel soldiers were massacred by them. Their flesh and blood bodies wearing bulletproof vests were not worth mentioning in front of the Imperial exoskeleton mecha.

Soon, the gunfire of resistance quickly weakened.

The gunfire of the rebels became weaker and weaker. In this fierce war, the most brave and fearless soldiers of the rebels had died. Only a few betrayers who fell into madness were still desperately rushing towards Ma Bo and others.

Many rebels dropped their weapons and fell to their knees, begging for mercy.

But Mabo and the Catachan assault team did not let them go.

This is not because they like to kill prisoners who lay down their weapons, but because they are also soldiers and are not qualified to forgive them.

The boundless wrath of Warmaster Dukel precedes them, and the cold orders of Saint Efilar follow. Forgiving them is what the emperor has to do, and the soldiers of Catachan are only responsible for sending their souls back to the throne.

Although most of them have never met the Imperial Warmaster, they will still obey the Warmaster's orders unconditionally.

Catachan soldiers do not hate this seemingly cruel decision. Only strong suppression methods can make those worlds in the galaxy that are ready to take action realize the price of betraying the empire.

The bleeding at this moment is to avoid more bleeding.

The traitors must be taught a lesson.

"There is no forgiveness here." The Catachan commando captain's face was cold and his eyes were as hard as steel. He did not feel any softness because of the rebels' begging for mercy.

"There is no betrayal small enough to be allowed. Even dying twice is better than betraying the empire. From the moment you served the rebellious heart of the High King, your fate was already doomed."

The robotic arms of the exoskeleton armor ejected sharp blades. Instead of wasting ammunition, they brandished their melee weapons, leaving a trail of red blood where the traitors had just knelt.

They defeated the outer defenses of the reactor energy plant, stepped over piles of enemy corpses, and broke through the thick metal gate amidst the loud noise of melta bombs.

Under the cover of smoke and dust as the metal gate shattered, the assault team filed in.

Ma Bo was still sprinting at the front, moving forward along the passage, eliminating all the last resistance.

The time bomb was placed at the designated location, and with the countdown of the reading, the energy supply was instantly paralyzed.

This matter must be handled very carefully, calculating the location of the bomb to ensure that the energy supply pipeline is disconnected while avoiding blowing up the core device of the reactor.

The imperial army still maintains the style of making the best use of everything. They suppress the rebels only to kill the traitors, and have no intention of destroying the entire planet.

After completing the bomb placement, the assault team evacuated.

"Mabo, you and the 222nd Assault Team will go to Darok's capital fortress, where you will meet up with other teams - there is only one target, High King Caliguis."

After the assault team reported the completion of the mission to the headquarters, they received a new combat mission.

Other teams also completed their respective tasks one after another. The key facilities of Darok World were continuously paralyzed, and the entire planet was in a state of near loss.

The command set its next strategic target on High King Caligues himself.

He and his family single-handedly contributed to Darok's rebellion, which forced the empire to send troops to suppress it.

No one knows how many compatriots are paying for his stupidity with their lives.

A large-scale airborne landing began in order to break through Darok's royal city fortress and annihilate the rebellious lord in one fell swoop.

After receiving the new combat order, Mabo quickly approached the Royal City Fortress.

The assault team followed his lead, preparing to join the other elite teams.

The world of Darok has a huge continent. Even if everyone moves at the highest speed, by the time they arrive at the royal city, several Terra hours have passed.

It was getting late at this time, and the sky was filled with blood.

I don’t know if it’s the afterglow of stars or the blood of soldiers.

The palace of the High King stands on the highest plateau of Darok. The magnificent building is protected by an impregnable fortress force field.

There are a large number of artillery emplacements and defensive firepower points around.

All the elites of Darok gathered here at this time, preparing to make the final resistance.

The many windows in the palace were supposed to rotate slowly in step with the stars.

What the maids in the palace like to do most in peacetime is to speculate on the passage of time from the light of stars reflected on the glass.

But now, destruction is coming.

The entire world was enveloped in thick smoke and flames of war, and huge black clouds shrouded the sky above the palace and castle, seeming to foreshadow the outcome of the High King.

The search beam twitched uneasily as it trudged forward through the clouds.

Inside the upper atmosphere of the planet, light and shadow were flying, and countless fighter jets were fighting together, firing blazing beams of light with their own weapons, drawing short-lived and nameless shining constellations.

On the outside of the fortress, there is a wide square made of special metal.

At this time, it no longer has the glory of the past, and is filled with bullets and bullets. The bullets of loyalist soldiers have gathered into a torrent, destroying everything here like an impenetrable rainstorm.

A straight beam of energy shot into the sky, then disappeared in an instant.

From time to time, a blazing gunboat would crash down, creating huge flames on the ground.

Even the Catachan Suppression Corps, with its brand-new equipment, suffered a small loss under the firepower of the Royal City Fortress.

But they will not give up because of this setback.

The ultimatum of the Imperial Fleet was ignored by the Supreme King.

Against the will of the Warmaster, he has shown his determination to resist to the end with his actions.

Now is the time for punishment. The fortress wall is hundreds of meters high. Only by breaking through this solid fortification can they break into the core of the Royal City.

Only by killing the leader of the rebel army can this human internal struggle be stopped.

A large phalanx of Astra Militarum tanks, with the help of the mechanical army of the Adeptus Mechanicus and war machines, slowly advanced towards the high wall.

The Catachan Corps wearing Destroyer I armor was divided into six parts, targeting different locations of the Darok Royal City Fortress, looking for weak locations of fortifications, while also preventing the rebels from fully defending against frontal attacks.

In the smoke farther away, the humanoid machines with hazy shadows appeared, taking slow and heavy steps, approaching the tall wall step by step under the cover of the Star Army and the tank phalanx.

Their outlines were extremely oppressive, like Titans walking in the mortal world, each of them was more than 40 meters tall.

Mortals would feel fear just by looking at their mountain-like outlines from afar.

This is the symbol of the empire's supreme military power on the ground battlefield, the legendary divine machine.

Efilar deployed 22 Titans to the ground in a row.

The Rust tank, known as the king of the land, could not even match the steel giant feet of these war machines.

The front troops stretched the battle line for hundreds of kilometers, and the distance between them was very large.

In this way, the enemy's artillery casualties could be reduced as much as possible.

The Thunder Eagle fighters roared over the soldiers' heads and passed low beside the Titans striding forward.

The aircraft dropped incendiary bombs on the enemy group, and the slowly rising smoke column suddenly stirred into a frenzied vortex.

Inside the voice channel, information flowed in an orderly manner. While a large amount of information data streams were entangled together, it was guaranteed that every soldier knew what he wanted to know.

The headquarters was on a battleship in the outer orbit. They overlooked the entire planet, simulated the dynamic situation of the ground battlefield at any time, and dispatched the troops to where they should go.

Annihilate the enemy, or rescue friendly forces.

The strange legions that had never met before merged into a coordinated and unified whole at this moment, bursting out unimaginable power.

The front army slowly and powerfully advanced, and with the assistance of harassment troops in other directions, successfully broke a huge gap in the tall city wall.

The ferocious face of the Titan emerged from the collapsed smoke and dust, ignoring the laser weapons fired by the rebels, and continued to use a huge power iron fist to expand the gap.

The decomposition field, which was enough to shatter a small starship, made an explosion at this time, making the already noisy battlefield even more piercing.

A whole section of the city wall collapsed completely under the Titan's crushing blow. When the fragments of the city wall fell to the ground, countless Catachan soldiers poured in like a tide.

And Mabo had sneaked into the fortress earlier, ready to behead the Supreme King directly.

At the inner city gate of the palace fortress, there were heavy troops guarding here. When Mabo appeared, crossfire immediately poured on him.

Bullets flew in all directions, leaving countless hot tracks in the air, which shone in the dark night of Darok.

An automatic mortar spewed a string of slow-flying micro missiles towards Mabo's head.

When he felt that he was locked, Mabo roared angrily in his heart, but his expression was still cold and calm.

Then he dodged these micro-missiles one by one with actions that ordinary people could not accomplish, and quickly made a gesture to the assault team behind him.

This gesture was not a tactical gesture within the empire, but a common way of communication used by Catachan natives when hunting.

In Catachan, facing those terrifying beasts, humans often did not have much time to communicate when hunting, so they invented a way to communicate with their companions in the simplest way.

The Catachan assault team also understood the meaning of this gesture at the first time, and the warriors carrying the plasma laser cannon on their shoulders responded to his instructions without hesitation.

The muscular man wrapped in the Destroyer I armor carried a plasma laser cannon that was thicker than his body.

When he pulled the trigger, a dazzling light flashed, and the laser cannon and the automatic mortar were connected by a one-kilometer-long incandescent light.

Then the automatic mortar turned into a ball of gushing and spreading scorching flames, and the flames released by the violent explosion enveloped the entire inner wall in an instant.

A dozen rebels were blown up into the sky, and fell on the charred battlefield like burnt dolls.

"Keep going." Mabo's voice was brief.

The Catachan soldiers continued to clear the obstacles ahead, but when they got closer to the palace of the Supreme King, the defensive firepower here became more violent.

The impenetrable barrage of bullets gnawed at their armor, and the enemy's firepower made it difficult for them to move forward for a while.

But they were not alone. After several tentative attacks failed, the commando leader decisively called for air fire support.

About two minutes later, a Thunderhawk flew low. In the storm of bullets, the Thunderhawk nimbly avoided the anti-defense barrage. In the gap of a dive, it accurately dropped a bomb on the rebel camp that was still firing.

When the Thunderhawk pulled up again, rushed into the sky, and left a white spray paint mark.

A huge explosion followed, and the explosion brought unparalleled impact. Countless gravel and debris splashed, forcing Mabo and the Catachan soldiers to hide behind the bunker.

The effect of air fire support was significant, and the enemy's firepower point in front was completely removed.

Mabo and the assault team rushed into the black smoke after the explosion, and the rebels who had already collapsed fled in all directions.

Mabo picked up his machine gun and used burst fire to blow up the enemies who were facing away from him one by one.

Every time a dull gunshot sounded, a rebel completely lost his life.

The members of the assault team also learned from him to raise their guns and shoot, and they felt the impact of the weapons in their palms when they fired.

The high-speed kinetic energy of the physical bombs is extremely explosive and penetrating. When they hit the rebel soldiers, they leave behind not traces of gunshot wounds, but will make the flesh and blood explode as a whole.

Scarlet blood mist gushed out from every torn corpse.

"Soldiers, keep breaking through! Quick, victory is calling us! In the name of Catachan, long live the Emperor, long live the Warmaster!"

Accompanied by the roar of the soldiers, the annihilation horn of the Titan Order rang out.

Marbo's figure was mixed among the Catachan soldiers, and he seemed inconspicuous. They worked together to break through the palace hall and were only a stone's throw away from the Supreme King.

But here, they ushered in a more tenacious resistance.

Many elite defenders poured firepower on their heads.

A bright, dazzling hemispherical ball of light suddenly rose from the ground in front of them and rushed into the sky.

The strong light was enough to instantly burn the eyes of mortals and make them lose their eyesight permanently.

But fortunately, the goggles of the Destroyer armor automatically adjusted the brightness for them, so that they did not suffer any damage in the strong light.

Then they encountered the mines buried by the enemy.

This kind of mine is far more powerful than the model used by the Star Army, and it is only possible to buy it at a high price on the black market.

In Darok's final resistance, they were desperate and crazy.

They buried the powerful mines in the palace, trying to perish with the imperial army.

"Quick, retreat!"

"752 Assault Squadron requests treatment, 752 Assault Squadron requests treatment."

Fortunately, with the protection of the Destroyer armor, although many soldiers were injured in this ambush, almost no one died immediately.

Inside the communication channel, each team reported their own situation to the virtual system.

When the smoke and dust from the explosion dissipated, Ma Bo saw that many comrades had lost their combat ability and were lying on the severely damaged ground.

"Brother, where is your arm?" A commando captain helped his combat brother up and asked while looking at the other's broken arm.

"Oh, it's there." The injured Catachan soldier pointed with his other hand in a direction, where a broken arm was hanging on the burning wall.

"It looks like it's already seven-tenths cooked." He said.

"It's okay, it can still be used." The commando captain quickly took the broken arm off. With the medical level of the Empire, it is not difficult to treat such injuries.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, Catachan warriors will not use mechanical prostheses.

"It's really seven-tenths cooked, brother, and it smells delicious." The commando captain returned the broken arm to him.

The wounded soldier looked at the seven-tenths cooked broken arm and was silent. After a pause of several seconds, he spoke again, "It's really delicious. Please call me Fragrance Hand Karen from now on."

"Okay, Stinky Hand Karen"

In the interstellar war, Catachan warriors have seen many more serious tragedies than now. For them, it is a blessing to be able to survive, and they have to thank the Warmaster for the armor he gave them.

Therefore, their mood is still optimistic, and their morale is not low at all. Even these tough guys are in the mood to joke about their injuries.

Ma Bo watched this time in silence, thinking that this time was different from the past, the harm they suffered was not from aliens or heretics, but from their own compatriots.

This time, a different emotion burned in his anger.

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